Turnbull - good decisions

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:29 pm

mantra wrote:... as new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull promotes his supporters and women to senior roles.
What's the purpose of promoting women to senior roles solely because they're women, other than buying dingbat brownie points?

I understand the reasons for promoting allies for loyalty's sake, but what happened to promotion on merit?

Julie Bishop and Michaelia Cash are examples of female MPs who have proven they can mix it with the roughest in the dirty game that politics is, and are deserving of promotion, but most female pollies on this planet are just show ponies who wouldn't come upto scratch without their faceless male advisers.

Super Nova wrote:Getting rid of knighthoods is a bloody good start. WTF were they reintroduced anyway.
Rorschach wrote:They've been a tradition harking back to our British roots.
Ooh ooh pick me, I want to be a knight. Prancing around on my pony watching maidens swoon.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:39 pm

Turnbull is no doubt quick off the mark. He was only PM 2 weeks before getting his long held water privatisation agenda going again.

Interesting how the media reports that much of the lobbying for the so called need of investment in our water infrastructure is "international". So too is/are the predictions of dire water shortages justifying having foreign banks own our water.
Some mugs never learn.
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by mantra » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:13 am

Turnbull is turning out to be a bit of a disappointment, although we don't give our leaders enough time to settle in. Gillard and Abbott should have been given longer before being pushed out by their parties.

I would have assumed Turnbull had been working hard behind the scenes trying to turn the economy around, but he hasn't and he's coming up with the same old regurgitated and unpleasant Liberal policies - increased GST, death duties and fire sales. He hasn't even got a grip on the details of major deals with foreign entities, which he should have if he had earlier aspirations of becoming PM. For a supposedly intelligent man, he's had plenty of time to get on top of his job and should have known beforehand what he was going to do. Abbott wasn't that articulate, but he was improving. Turnbull had the advantage of being a barrister in his earlier life - yet now he's like a deer stunned by headlights when he's asked a hard question.

There is a similarity between Rudd and Turnbull - neither of them have any substance. Their wives might be the driving force behind both men on a personal level, but this doesn't seem to work in the role of prime minister.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 22, 2015 11:02 am

Oh dear why do you regurgitate ALP propaganda like it's the truth?
There is no GST increase policy.
As for Turnbull there's plenty said of him in the topic about him... he may be loosely shackled but leopards don't change their spots. :roll:
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Neferti » Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:45 pm

Turnbull is hopeless. However the leftard MSM just love him and can't do enough to praise him, even when he makes a major gaff or just waffles on and on and on, waving his arms around. Malcolm is only interested in Malcolm. What a PITA. :roll

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by mantra » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:46 pm

Neferti~ wrote:Turnbull is hopeless. However the leftard MSM just love him and can't do enough to praise him, even when he makes a major gaff or just waffles on and on and on, waving his arms around. Malcolm is only interested in Malcolm. What a PITA. :roll
His honeymoon period won't last. Rudd was popular too, but hopeless.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by mellie » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:04 am

Malcolm Turnbull is a closet Clinton democrat, and has compromised our nation's security and safety by corresponding via email with journalists, colleagues and world officials via a secret email server breaching national security protocol.
How he has been allowed to get away with this and was not raked over the coals the way Hillary Clinton was floors me.

Especially given the troubling times we face re- global terrorism.

Lucky for Malcolm, he controls the ABC and can cover his treacherous and dangerous tracks.
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by skippy » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:12 pm

Turnbull has no competition so will be popular until some arrives.
Labor look unlikely to supply competition any time soon. Shorten is a loser, why the Labor caucus voted for him to become leader still astounds me.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by mantra » Sun Nov 29, 2015 7:15 am

skippy wrote:Turnbull has no competition so will be popular until some arrives.
Labor look unlikely to supply competition any time soon. Shorten is a loser, why the Labor caucus voted for him to become leader still astounds me.
Shorten knows too many secrets about the corruption of the unions, although he seems to have kept his own hands clean to a certain extent. He has had a great deal of influence in the Labor party for years. He would have to be holding the party to ransom. Pity for them that the public don't like him.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by mellie » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:27 pm

Shortens hands are far from clean.
Personally, i'd rather he stayed on as Labors shameless pro-adultery bastardy-case leader.

Seriously, what does the Labor party sand to lose?


*smirk* :lol: :read
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