Radicalisation or Rubbish?

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by mantra » Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:23 pm

Rorschach wrote:The contrast to Jabar’s Islamic prayer group could not be starker. No doubt, its death cult was particularly extreme. But it would be wrong to view the problem as reducible to a few firebrands, pullulating at Islam’s lunatic fringe. There are, for sure, some of those; and yes, they ruthlessly manipulate and exploit their followers.

But if their proselytising efforts are so successful, it is because they fall on well-prepared ground.
Maybe so in this case, although he had shown no sign of radicalisation before this. Perhaps it was drilled into his subconscious, but what's the excuse for all those other boys who run away to join some group or another - whether it's Islamic or not. Many of them come from decent Christian homes. They shoot, stab and go on wild car rides etc. destroying innocent people in the process. I think this was a more spontaneous action by this boy - murderer or not. He paid for it with his life. Other thugs and killers get off more lightly.
That is the point... and it's due to importing human garbage and the huge policy failure of multiculturalism.
Yes we are importing some human garbage, but a few countries are now rejecting asylum seekers, including ours. Even if all these "refugees" were Christians there would still be ratbags amongst them. The biggest problem is just accommodating so many people so quickly.

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Neferti » Tue Oct 13, 2015 5:49 pm

As far as I am aware, the UN already has hoards of REAL Asylum seekers waiting for clearance in various "worn torn" countries in UN set up areas.

These are the extremely poor people that our Government is allowing in ... after health checks and so forth. They should be welcomed and will undoubtedly be sent to English classes and such.

The masses who are infiltrating Europe are "Country shoppers". We do NOT need those people. They ALL need to be checked for TB and so forth .... ANGRY young males with hatred for females is NOT what Europe or any other country, needs. They should stay at home and defend whatever it is they are trying to .......

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Oct 14, 2015 2:02 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:The contrast to Jabar’s Islamic prayer group could not be starker. No doubt, its death cult was particularly extreme. But it would be wrong to view the problem as reducible to a few firebrands, pullulating at Islam’s lunatic fringe. There are, for sure, some of those; and yes, they ruthlessly manipulate and exploit their followers.

But if their proselytising efforts are so successful, it is because they fall on well-prepared ground.
Maybe so in this case, in all cases mantra although he had shown no sign of radicalization radicalization is a myth an excuse before this. Perhaps it was drilled into his subconscious, but what's the excuse for all those other boys who run away to join some group or another - whether it's Islamic or not. Really, what bullshit, how many boys or people are unaware that it is wrong to kill? Many of them come from decent Christian homes. More Bullshit unsupported by any facts They shoot, stab and go on wild car rides etc. destroying innocent people in the process. they don't do it in the name of religion though do they? I think this was a more spontaneous action by this boy - murderer or not. He paid for it with his life. Other thugs and killers get off more lightly. :du :du :du
That is the point... and it's due to importing human garbage and the huge policy failure of multiculturalism.
Yes we are importing some human garbage, but a few countries are now rejecting asylum seekers, including ours. Even if all these "refugees" were Christians there would still be ratbags amongst them. yet I don't state or advocate otherwise. The biggest problem is just accommodating so many people so quickly. No the problem is importing people from incompatible cultures... cultures who want to dominate us or eradicate us.
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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:15 pm

Excerpt from "Muslim teens need space and support to find their voices"
The most disturbing thing is how the propaganda of Islamist militants makes a lot of sense to these young Muslims. It is perhaps because the ultra-conservative Islamic ideas have already been drummed into the kids by their parents to protect them from what their parents see as "evils" of the Western society.
This is THE PROBLEM...
Muslim teens throughout the Western world are looking for answers for the events around them, and a way to consolidate their identity in a world where they are physically in Australia, but mentally and emotionally connected to the pains of those living in the Middle East. It's at this stage when these teens are most vulnerable and the views of their mentors define their course of action.
The Problem is directly associated with multiculturalism
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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:00 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:The contrast to Jabar’s Islamic prayer group could not be starker. No doubt, its death cult was particularly extreme. But it would be wrong to view the problem as reducible to a few firebrands, pullulating at Islam’s lunatic fringe. There are, for sure, some of those; and yes, they ruthlessly manipulate and exploit their followers.

But if their proselytising efforts are so successful, it is because they fall on well-prepared ground.
Maybe so in this case, although he had shown no sign of radicalisation before this. Perhaps it was drilled into his subconscious, but what's the excuse for all those other boys who run away to join some group or another - whether it's Islamic or not. Many of them come from decent Christian homes. They shoot, stab and go on wild car rides etc. destroying innocent people in the process. I think this was a more spontaneous action by this boy - murderer or not. He paid for it with his life. Other thugs and killers get off more lightly.
That is the point... and it's due to importing human garbage and the huge policy failure of multiculturalism.
Yes we are importing some human garbage, but a few countries are now rejecting asylum seekers, including ours. Even if all these "refugees" were Christians there would still be ratbags amongst them. The biggest problem is just accommodating so many people so quickly.
Get real Mantra. Actually it's quite simple
This young bloke went to a Mosque and was given a .38 revolver.
He then went to Police HQ (in Parramatta) and shot an unarmed man in the back of the head
after shouting "Allah hu akbar" (God is great)
I'm sure the victim was targeted because he was connected with police, but how many
Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists or Sikhs in Australia, go to pray and then execute members
of the public because they're associated with an agency of authority?

It's sad this bloke (the victim) had to die in this manner, but it seems it's going to take several more incidents just like this,
and maybe another couple more Cronulla style riots for the pollies to say "Enough is enough" and heed the general public's
sentiment that Muslims as a whole are a menace.

In my bigoted opinion, with the exception of camels and the fecal bacteria on their left hand,
Muslims are incompatible with other life forms on this planet.

I say we should deport them all to Antarctica.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Rorschach » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:51 pm

Please... lets not pollute Antarctica
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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by AnaTom » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:13 am

Divide and conquer:

http://www.islamophobia.com.au/index.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:27 am

Report 'islamophobia' and anti muslim sentiment on a website? Apart from creating more division this kind of thing is wide open for misuse.

What's next? A law to arrest us for expressing our concerns?

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Super Nova » Wed Nov 04, 2015 3:17 pm

Now the chickens have to suffer ...................... in the UK..... is Australia next

Chickens face painful death after slaughter rules change

Millions of chickens will suffer painful deaths because ministers want to protect “religious freedoms” for Muslims and Jews.


The government is refusing to introduce a more reliable method of stunning the animals before they are killed, according to vets. Rules coming into force in England tomorrow could result in birds remaining conscious and able to feel pain after being dipped in an electrical water bath.

The British Veterinary Association complained to ministers after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs deleted a sentence from a draft of the rules which would have ensured that chickens were properly stunned.

Research by the European Food Safety Authority has suggested that the combination of electric frequency and current used by some halal abattoirs may only immobilise some birds, meaning that they continue to feel pain as their throats are cut and until they die.

Halal producers fear that European Union rules on stunning could result in some chickens dying before their throats are cut, meaning that the meat could not be defined as halal. Animals have to be capable of recovering from the stun in order for stunning to be consistent with halal principles.

The BVA said a key sentence was missing from the final version of the Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing regulations. It said a draft published by Defra had contained a sentence which stated that when animals were stunned before religious slaughter, they must be “stunned in accordance with the EU Regulation and Schedule 1”.

That schedule requires that the “strength and duration of the current used is such that the poultry are immediately rendered unconscious and remain so until dead”. The missing sentence is included in the versions of the regulations already introduced in Wales and Northern Ireland.

Sean Wensley, the BVA president, has written to George Eustice, the farming minister, asking him to clarify why the rules appear to leave chickens vulnerable to suffering a painful death. He said: “The omission of specific parameters for electrical water bath stunning leaves poultry vulnerable to ineffective stunning.”

David Bowles, assistant director of the RSPCA, said: “Defra has bowed to external pressure from the halal industry and small slaughterhouses and animal welfare has been sacrificed as a result. Millions of chickens are being slaughtered in a way which may cause needless suffering.

“Why has England continued to permit this when Wales and Northern Ireland have implemented the [EU] legislation in full?”

A Defra spokeswoman said: “The only difference between England and Wales is that, in England, where stunning is used before religious slaughter, it should be sufficient to spare the animal avoidable pain, suffering and distress. In Wales, there are electrical parameters that must be adhered to.”

She did not respond when asked why the rules in England appeared not to require the same “electrical parameters”.

The Conservative manifesto contained a commitment to “protect methods of religious slaughter, such as [Jewish] shechita and halal”.

Under EU rules, animals can be slaughtered under these religious methods without being stunned. No animals slaughtered under the shechita method are stunned.

Most animals killed by halal abattoirs are stunned but there is debate among Muslims over whether stunning should be permitted.


Wait for the revenge of the chickens

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Re: Radicalisation or Rubbish?

Post by Neferti » Wed Nov 04, 2015 6:06 pm

How did you acquire of picture of Monks "CHOOKS"?



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