ETS and retarded views

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Jovial Monk

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Jan 17, 2009 1:14 pm

IQSRLOW wrote:I have read some LW blogs from idiots who think that there is an urgent time frame for Australia to implement an ETS, and let's face it, the only reason Kruddy proposed his 2010 scheme was to try and trump Howard with the morons that think it will make a difference.

Is it worth destroying the Australian economy with a half arsed ETS based on appeasing the ignoramus populace that are only just now seeing the effects of high energy prices- (they will react)

Does anyone really believe a jumped up little nation like Australia with a population of out-of-touch high and mighty no hopers will have any bearing on the US, China and India as a 'leader' in emissions reductions- or are we just setting ourselves up for economic pain in the race to 'be-seen-to-be doing' as most of the eco-nazis would like?

ie. The moves don't actually accomplish anything but they further the movement
A post from one who thinks everyone else is 'stupid' what a post!

1. 'idiots. . .urgent time frame' On what evidence is this remark based? None given.

2. 'kruddy' very intelligent, only 10m australians have used that term. Yawn!

No evidence of 'not-stupid' so far! Just rightwing views held by the less intelligent, uninformed fuckwits.

3. 'Jumped up little nation' hmmm one that emits as much as Britain. Of size similalr or larger than several US states implementing ETSs etc.

Got the binoculars out but all I see is stupid. Some of this right wing ding bats would get a big surprise if they did a bit of googling and saw how much China is doing to reduce emissions; the pollution there is enormous but there are major efforts to reduce pollution and emissions.

4. 'economic pain' is the only effect of the ETS that RWDBs can see, without of course actually informing themselves of the reality. I would imagine major efforts on green enrgy would create hundreds of thousands of jobs, plus exports etc. The Rodent pissed of two solar energy enthusiasts who are now billionaires--in California and in China.

Just stupid to be seen in LOW_IQs post. Sad.

White Indigene

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by White Indigene » Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:17 pm

IQSRLOW wrote:I have read some LW blogs from idiots who think that there is an urgent time frame for Australia to implement an ETS, and let's face it, the only reason Kruddy proposed his 2010 scheme was to try and trump Howard with the morons that think it will make a difference.

Is it worth destroying the Australian economy with a half arsed ETS based on appeasing the ignoramus populace that are only just now seeing the effects of high energy prices- (they will react)

Does anyone really believe a jumped up little nation like Australia with a population of out-of-touch high and mighty no hopers will have any bearing on the US, China and India as a 'leader' in emissions reductions- or are we just setting ourselves up for economic pain in the race to 'be-seen-to-be doing' as most of the eco-nazis would like?

ie. The moves don't actually accomplish anything but they further the movement
How True.

Did I tell you the one about how we will see a Full Blown Depression in 2012.

Its all bout 2012 and the psuedo-realism(thatll do) of the GW cult of the Left Wing


Jovial Monk

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:21 am

On the other hand, WI, you could actually read the Green paper. You will probably find you mistaken about the ETS.

White Indigene

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by White Indigene » Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:41 pm

I could get the White Paper,

the preliminary one based on the SciFi writer Isaac Asimov.

Would that do? It suited the 'ubergeek' PM ( :ugeek: ), so it ought be OK for us all I spose.

Except that is, for pragmatic rationalists.

Jovial Monk

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:43 pm

The world IS heating up, WI, even Antartica. If you want to be pragmatic, accept that.

White Indigene

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by White Indigene » Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:45 pm

Jovial Monk wrote:The world IS heating up, WI, even Antartica. If you want to be pragmatic, accept that.
Accept what?

The SciFi Cult part of it, or the Pragmatic Rationalist concerns?

Jovial Monk

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:00 pm

The scientific evidence. If you want to go around with your eyes shut you will probably get away with that, not sure of your kids/grandkids.

We are heading for tipping points. . .

Jovial Monk

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by Jovial Monk » Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:20 pm

The effects of climate change are becoming visible. This morning on Newsradio heard about Byron Bay having problems with higher tides. As the Earth warms up, the ocean levels rise just from thermal expansion. There is of course the melting of the Greenland icesheets increasing ocean volume and making European winters harsher.

Jovial Monk

Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:11 pm

Heh, they are growing veges in Greenland and for the first time Iceland is warm enough for swallows to overwinter there. But climate change is a myth, hahahaha

If we get a warm summer in the arctic and record runoff England will have such a cold winter (due diminition of Gulf Stream aka Atlantic Conveyor) that even dickheads like Andrew Dolt and Pies Akerman will have to accept global warming is happening. As an El Nino seems to be developing better prepare for a really hot summer.

Last year, with La Nina we got to a max of 48C, with El Nino we can get to 50C with a bit of 'luck.'


ETS and retarded veiws

Post by Leftofcentresalterego » Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:16 pm

I am sitting here on a midwinters night in nothing but boxer shorts and I don't feel cold.

OK, so this is central QLD and yes, it looks like an El Nino' but still as a kid, I don't remember it ever being this mild at this time of year. Might even have to put ice bottles around the brew to keep it at 17c.

Something's warming up.

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