Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

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billy the kid
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:05 pm

This is getting so ridiculous.
Victoria seem to be considering a traffic light system to combat the conjob19 plandemic.
"Restrictions would be applied to various sectors...
Closed (red)
Heavily restricted (orange)
Restricted (yellow)
Open with a COVID-safe plan (green)
The 10 industry groups would guide restrictions that apply under each traffic light level.
Which level would apply to which sector would be informed "by several factors", the documents show, including the estimated level of risk of coronavirus in each industry for each traffic light level, recent compliance levels, and the economic return of reopening each industry."
Is this Adolf Andrews playing GOD or is this Adolf Andrews playing GOD.
Therefore, depending on your occupation, your right to exist and live your life will rest entirely
on a traffic light system.
THIS, mind you, could also exist whilst you live in a germ bubble, a border bubble and a hotspot...
THIS, whilst the issue of masks and ankle bracelets are being considered by various other state
OH and dont forget, in Sydney (God knows why this isnt being used in Melbourne) the peasants
have to sit on seats in public transport which have green dots displayed.
AND only last week Mr Smug was telling us that a vaccine would be mandatory...
I cant even say that Andrews is going from the sublime to the ridiculous as that would
suggest going from good to bad...
He's going from ridiculous to more ridiculous...
SOMEONE tell me that this is just a bad fkn dream....
NO doubt, if an industry yields revenue for the grubberment (real estate...stamp duty)
or gambling tax or liquor tax..then that industry will immediately qualify for the GREEN
traffic light to freedom...
Red lights
Green lights
Orange lights
Yellow lights
Germ bubbles
Border bubbles
Ankle bracelets
Mandatory vaccines
Green dots on seats in public transport
Borders closed
This is not an example of competence...this is not a road map out of the conjob19 plandemic...
THIS is just incompetent political grubs and their "medical experts" playing snakes and ladders
with the lives of the peasants...
THEY are playing GOD...
AND the peasants just roll over and fkn MEOW......
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Neferti » Tue Sep 01, 2020 3:45 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Tue Sep 01, 2020 11:03 am
Not at all PC of me I know but I am seeing far too many useless women in top jobs. Identity politics needs to be buried once and for all.
I agree! Having worked for female bosses a couple of times, they are near enough to useless. I've had some terrible male bosses as well, mind you! :meet

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Juliar » Wed Sep 02, 2020 9:05 am

Apologies for using normal English without neurotic dots........

Astrogolist refuses to forecast Virus end.

Selfish Astrologist Refuses To Give Pandemic An End Date


Since being declared a pandemic on March 11 2020, the fight against COVID-19 has been the backdrop to some of the most valiant acts of community and decency.

Unfortunately, the place where this is least evident is the office of Internet Astrologist, Virgo and Herbalife Sales Rep Lilly Haagmorf (58) who despite a vast understanding of the stars refuses to tell us when this pandemic will end.

An astrologist with 20 years experience, Haagmorf started gaining viral popularity around five years ago when people got really into horoscopes again, ending the monopoly of reading them for a laugh during morning tea.

With an online following of over 600,000, Haagmorf understands that a group of people the size of her audience have died of COVID-19 but does not understand why her skills as a pseudoscientist should be put towards finding a light at the end of the tunnel.

“Scientists are working on a cure for CoronaVirus, but the cures I seek are one that relate to vague and miscellaneous problems of the everyday,” stated Haagmorf, as she consulted an astrology chart to determine if Bella from Byron should get a fake tan.

“My job is to tell you when Venus enters Cancer”

When pressed about the future of research scientists working on a COVID-19 vaccine, Haagmorf foresaw no clear cut arrival time but suggested research scientists ‘finally ask their colleague that question they’ve been burning to ask’ and ‘catch the wave of activity that’s spinning their way.’ ... -end-date/

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Neferti » Wed Sep 02, 2020 10:01 am

Astrogolist refuses to forecast Virus end.
Oh dear, what ever am I going to do tomorrow if I don't take notice of what My Astrologist predicts? :(

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:59 pm

"She said that while every lender is different, there are some that will simply refuse to lend to those who have tapped their super.
“That’s because technically you’re meant to be in financial hardship to access that super, so if you’ve accessed your super then under that definition for the banks you’re in financial hardship and therefore they won’t lend to you.”
Quote from Yahoo News....
Well....I told everyone that three months ago... :rofl
This entire withdraw from your super fund idea was very poorly thought out policy by the Mr Smug
Its all in the Consumer Credit Code.... :rofl
If you withdraw from your do so creates an extreme risk of not getting credit
at a later date..... :rofl
Oh By the way folks, we are now in the Covid recession....
Actually, we were in a recession over 12 months ago.... :rofl
BUT our grubberment laughingly calls it a Covid recession...
Well no, its not a covid recession....
ITS a Scott Morrison recession....
WE had it before the conjob19 plandemic came along.....
:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Sep 02, 2020 8:48 pm

I think anyone who drew down on their super for a quick spend was extremely foolish.

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Thu Sep 03, 2020 10:32 am ... d=msedgdhp
What an absolute shemozzle...
No wonder there is now a need for Paul Murray on Sky to become a shock jock....
I have noticed in the past that Murray was always tending towards the belligerent...
These days he appears to have absolutely gone for the throat...
He is dropping expletives left right and centre, blaming all and sundry (rightly so)
for the debacle this country is in....
TO the extent now that he is taking calls from viewers who wish to complain about
the fiasco....
This is an example of how this country has degenerated into the mess that its in...
We now have a need for callers to telephone a TV shock jock to complain about
their lot in life....
Hasnt Ostraya done better than 99% of the countries in the world when it comes to
handling the conjob19 plandemic...
OR is it simply this....thats what we are being TOLD by our incompetent leaders in an
attempt to divert the attention away from their erroneous policies....
WE havent done well...
Our country IS in a mess...
The political grubs sugar coat everything...
All they feed us is lies.....
Its time for the people to do something about it...
That "something" is different for everyone....
As they say in the classics....
"Figure it out for yourself Kelly...." :rofl :rofl :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:23 pm

Morrison is telling us that he wants a "hotspot model" in place by Christmas.
They cant even decide between them what a hotspot is.....
We are surrounded by fools...
Why is there so much emphasis on Christmas...
Christmas is a date on the calendar...
Why does Morrison continually refer to Christmas...
The answer is that it is an illusionary tactic based on the publics emotions.
Instead of stating that we have a plan, and it will be implemented by the 30th
of September, or the 31st October...because thats how long it takes for such
implementation to occur......he trots out the illusion of "Christmas"
The public automatically focuses on Christmas and what it means to spend
Christmas together with family, children, friends etc.....
It diverts the attention of the public away from the incompetence of politicians.
Instead of saying "we are going to take four months to get this done...."
They refer to "Christmas"...
This government is a leaderless mob and all the public is getting is
a load of absolute jibberish....
AND the media whores....apart from SKY just lap it up....
No questions asked...
Just pass the bullshit on to the public....
AND watch them meow......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Sep 04, 2020 3:27 pm

The one thing that really pisses me off is the fact that people are still allowed to enter the country en masse but we aren't allowed to leave. It makes no sense.

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Re: Prediction for conjob19 plandemic in Australia

Post by billy the kid » Sat Sep 05, 2020 11:33 am

Protest marches in Melbourne today...
Andrews condemns them.
BUT BLM protests are ok.
Identity politics are alive and well.
At last some people have found their testicles.
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...

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