Q&A Muslims

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Black Orchid
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Re: Q&A Muslims

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:27 pm

She was very impressive and put forth an informed and lengthy argument without repeating herself on any points.

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Re: Q&A Muslims

Post by Neferti » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:41 pm

Black Orchid wrote:She was very impressive and put forth an informed and lengthy argument without repeating herself on any points.
I couldn't understand a word .... maybe I had my speakers turned up too loud?

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Re: Q&A Muslims

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:44 pm

Her mind was running a million miles an hour but I could understand her. What impressed me what that she had all that in her head to rattle off on the spur of the moment.

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Re: Q&A Muslims

Post by Neferti » Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:54 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Her mind was running a million miles an hour but I could understand her. What impressed me what that she had all that in her head to rattle off on the spur of the moment.
Oh, I gathered that by the expressions on the rest of them.

However, if you asked the same person a simple question .............. ?


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Re: Q&A Muslims

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:00 pm

Salman Rushdie says 'Jihadi-cool' is seducing young Muslims
Date October 10, 2014 - 12:03PM
Anita Singh

London: Accusations of Islamophobia are being levelled at anyone who dares to speak out against the "hate-filled rhetoric" of Islamist fanaticism, Salman Rushdie has claimed in a speech condemning the Islamic State and "this new age of religious mayhem".

The British author, who faced death threats after some Muslims objected to his 1988 novel The Satanic Verses, voiced his fears that the language of "jihadi-cool" is seducing young British Muslims, many via Twitter and YouTube, into joining the "decapitating barbarianism" of the Islamic State (also called ISIL).

In his PEN/Pinter Prize Lecture in London, the author said all religions had their extremists but "the overwhelming weight of the problem lies in the world of Islam".

The so-called "jihadi-cool" image romanticises ISIL, using rap videos and social networking to recruit followers - posing with AK-47s and bragging about their "five-star jihad" in videos showing fighters lounging around in luxury villas as they urged the destruction of the West.

Rushdie defined "jihadi-cool" as "the deformed medievalist language of fanaticism, backed up by modern weaponry".

He said: "It's hard not to conclude that this hate-filled religious rhetoric, pouring from the mouths of ruthless fanatics into the ears of angry young men, has become the most dangerous new weapon in the world today."

He added: "A word I dislike greatly, 'Islamophobia', has been coined to discredit those who point at these excesses, by labelling them as bigots. But in the first place, if I don't like your ideas, it must be acceptable for me to say so, just as it is acceptable for you to say that you don't like mine.

"And in the second place, it's important to remember that most of those who suffer under the yoke of the new Islamic fanaticism are other Muslims. It is right to feel phobia towards such matters.

"As several commentators have said, what is being killed in Iraq is not just human beings, but a whole culture. To feel aversion towards such a force is not bigotry. It is the only possible response to the horror of events."

Telegraph, London

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/salman-rush ... z3Fi8MQgIt" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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