Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:23 pm

Far cough boxy, Abbott is so wet that he has pissed of the conservative base by introducing socialist policies and caving to the left on others.

The country is crying out for a conservative conviction politician, not some limp wristed ALP lite or Lib lite. That was Krudd and look how he turned out.

Abbotts problem that he thought governing for all Australians meant pandering to the bitching and moaning left. I think he now realises that the bitching and moaning left are ungovernable.

If the LIbs want to change leaders, put Cory Bernardi in and use the left wing ploy of smash the place up so the next lot will have to fix the damage.
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by boxy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:46 pm

*pats IQS on the head*

There, there, it will be alright. Don't fret.
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:00 pm

Yes, Turnbull should resign from politics.

He's a traitor, neither Labor or Liberal want him.
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:18 pm

boxy wrote:*pats IQS on the head*

There, there, it will be alright. Don't fret.
No need for pats, just don't post bullshit like;
They crave an economically conservative government who arn't hard core arseholes in the social sphere.
You and I both know you have no idea what the majority 'craves'. We know your ilk craves communism and think that something just a little more to the right would be perfect for eventually getting there.

The majority would gladly go back to a "John Howard" even though your lot sobbed up hill and down dale every day he was in power, so forgive me if I laugh heartily HA Ha Haaaa at you think you know what Australia craves.
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by boxy » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:39 pm

Keep pretending that you're not at least as extreme as any hard core green. I'm sure the majority is listening to your constant hate speech, and taking account :thumb
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by mellie » Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:50 pm

Just how cute is our forum adversary.

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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by Rorschach » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:35 pm

boxy wrote:
Neferti~ wrote:Our ABC is stirring the pot, again. Arseholes. I really wish they would stop citing Turnbull as Abbott's replacement. I for one, will NOT vote for the Libs if Turnbull replaces Abbott as PM. If you read around you will find that us "rusted on" Liberals feel the same. I would vote Informal.

Abbott should sack Turnbull and give his Portfolio to somebody who will do what needs to be done with Our ABC (and SBS). The only people who want Turnbull are the ALP voters and they won't vote for him either. ... ge/6267830
Rusted on ALP don't want Turnbull, because they know he would pretty much ensure another term in opposition (at the very least) if the Liberals actually stood behind him (this time). It's the middle political ground who wants him as the Liberal leader. They crave an economically conservative government who arn't hard core arseholes in the social sphere.
The Middle? really? It's LW progs and the PC luvvies that want him not Conservatives or RW Moderates.
let him lead labor.
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 27, 2015 11:53 pm

boxy wrote:Keep pretending that you're not at least as extreme as any hard core green. I'm sure the majority is listening to your constant hate speech, and taking account :thumb
I am a figment of your imagination. I am the logical reaction within your own head to people like yourself. I am but a creation of the evil left as an anti-dote to their illogical hate.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The left like to fuck with what works to introduce unplanned and unthought out ideas and run away when they fuck things up for generations.

Conservatives don't fuck things up like the left.
The left fuck up everything that they touch.
That's all you need to remember.
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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by TheCult » Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:24 am

Malcolm Turnbull is a lunatic of course he should resign.

If he ever became PM you may as well give it to the greens.

He is far left he thinks he is right.

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Re: Should Malcolm Turnbull resign from tonys cabinet

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:30 pm

If MPs from the same crew can't agree to disagree they've got problems.
As it is Abbott's got internal parliamentary dramas over Credlin.
Fact is Abbott won the Liberal party leadership over Turnbull by 1 vote.
Sacking Turnbull would quite likely lead to a leadership challenge and Turnbull would probably win.

Like it or not, Turnbull (a QC) is the smartest person in OZ's parliament if not OZ poiltics altogether. Most probably don't remember Turnbull when in Britain was the "Spy catcher" who embarrassed the phuk out of MI5. That's why he's no longer welcome in Britain.

Now just because he's the cleverest of them all doesn't mean I want him as PM.
Actually he's probably the last person I"d want as PM. Reason being Turnbull has a long held personal agenda - Water privatisation.

First he hijacked the Australian Republic campaign for an opportunity to redraft/alter the Australian Constitution. For the express purpose of removing section 100 (in chapter 4 - finance and trade) because section 100 states the rivers belong to the states and forbids federal govt interfering with them in any way.

Section 100 is also what prevented the fed govt implementing the Murray-Darling Basin Plan without relevant states approval/agreement.

The Republic agenda failed at referendum, so Turnbull got into politics proper by getting the Libs to dump an incumbent MP so he could have a safe seat, with the express purpose of becoming PM.

Under Howard, Turnbull had Howards approval to replace Howard when Howard bowed out, and even got Howard (while still in opposition) to create a psuedo-shadow ministry titled 'The office of National Water Stategy'. Later rebranded "Office of National Water Policy".

When Turnbull lost the leadership bout to Abbott, he seemed to lose interest in politics for a while, amid complaints from his constituents that he was neglecting his job. And the media speculated on whether Turnbull would remain in politics once his leadership aims were dashed.

My guess is Turnbull is just biding his time, waiting for his opportunity to lead again.
So there is a good chance Turnbull will one day be our PM. And then he'll again look for ways to dump section 100 from the Australian Constitution.

Should Turnbull succeed in his Water Privatisation plans, the foreign water companies after our catchments will need 24/7 security for their infrastructure and probably won't be able to obtain insurance. Because individuals like me will be out with portable oxy-acetalene or plasma cutters chopping up their equipment.
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