Israeli invasion of Gaza

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Jovial Monk

Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:36 pm

this one says that that law was never passed.


Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by mantra. » Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:37 pm

I've only brought up Hamas hating blogs too - note the Republican one mentioned below. If nothing else I have referenced and quoted from Jewish sources to lend some credibility.

Hamas legalizes crucifixion

While Iran (via Hamas) lobs missiles into Israel, their proxy government (Hamas) has decided to legalize crucifixion. ... ixion.html

There probably was no law being introduced in the first place - as if enough of them aren't dying anyway without adding crucifixion to the list.

Jovial Monk

Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:49 pm

Keep reading the blog I linked: such a law IS being drafted! Sharia law will be imposed, just not yet.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by JW Frogen » Mon Jan 12, 2009 6:15 pm

Actually Mantra, even though I read the accusation in several establiblished columnists’ articles, I have tried and I can not confirm it from an independent source.

So I concede it may not be true. (Calling cynik, see how truth works!!!!!!!)

What I can confirm is what the Monk has written, that Hamas is trying to impose Shira law on Gaza (which includes crucifixion).

As a Western woman Mantra, do not delude yourself into believing your cause is with Hamas.

You may care for the Palestinian women and children Hamas hides behind; those Hamas uses as a shield and propaganda tool, but do not delude yourself into believing they believe in you.

You, a woman who wants and expects equal rights.


Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by mantra. » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:25 pm

Thanks for your honesty Frogen and so I don't appear to be a hypocrite I still haven't found an official source, apart from that Jewish blog, for those 2 million Palestinian deaths yet - although I'm working on it. Psst - don't tell DT though.

I don't believe the extremist Jews are any better than the extremist Muslims or Christians. They are all evil when politically motivated and the zionist neo-conservative push from Washington over the last few decades to arm Israel and the deception and brutality of Jewish leaders are no better than extremist Muslims and their jihads, although the Jews and Christians are less self sacrificing admittedly. A recent article Skippy posted made a relevant point in regard to the west being behind Israel - the Jewish people look like us and speak like us - so they deseve our support. I don't support the oppression of any man, woman or child, but as pointed out previously - the Islamic women are far worse off now than prior to US interference in the ME. I don't support Hamas - but I am sympathetic towards their resistance to Israel and the brutality meted out to them.

And Monk as far as the comment in your link - "Recently, readers of the Jerusalem Post and a selection of blogs and websites have learned that Hamas-dominated Palestinian parliament has just adopted a draconian penal code based on Islamic law". The Jerusalem Post was owned by Conrad Black - now in jail, who used it originally as a mouthpiece for Cheney, Rumsfeld et al. Today it is partly owned by a Jewish person I've never heard of, together with the Chicago Group (US) owned by a major Canadian media company who also has a large investment in Channel 10. Thanks to Howard's media law changes - where do you get credible information from today? It sounds like a half dozen people control all the western media and what are their political motives?

I couldn't find anything in the Jerusalem Post relating to this proposed crucifixion legislation - which sounds like a load of propaganda poppycock anyway.

Jovial Monk

Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:43 pm

Jerusalem Post did carry it


Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by mantra. » Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:29 am

Did the Jerusalem Post carry this story JM???

Where do you think they got their information from? It's amazing that amongst all this bloodshed, starvation, deprivation, horror, torture, brutality and mass murder - Hamas still had time to sit down and quietly discuss a new legislation to crucify their own and introduce it into their Parliament at Xmas. When did this last siege begin - or should I say major siege, because there's always a seige against the Gazans? I think it was around early December - wouldn't have left them much time to discuss this new "legislation".

Since when did Muslims start crucifying people? Isn't that an early Christian or Jewish philosophy? Don't say the Muslims are starting to take lessons off us?

Jovial Monk

Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:47 am

Crucifixion was a Roman thing, just the sort the lovely Muslim fuckwits would think is good: however, I don't think Sharia law does include crucifixion.

But Adelaide is already 33C, max 41C and is this was a country under Sharia law Mantra and other females would still have to wear a burqa and if they show their ankles will be subject to being beaten with a cane. Then again, without a male family member females may not leave their house!


Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by mantra. » Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:07 pm

Well there you go Monk. You have already prejudged all Muslims as sub-human - so they have no rights, feelings or morals? Did you know that ordinary people like you and me are Muslims - the same as the Jews. We can't blame people for what their leaders do otherwise people like me would have to accept responsibility for the actions of Howard.

Besides - it's obvious you've closed your mind - Jews are good - Muslims are bad - they deserve everything they get. Do you think that us blasting them all to pieces will ensure that in the future Muslim women can wear shorts and mini-skirts in Summer?

Jovial Monk

Re: Israeli invasion of Gaza

Post by Jovial Monk » Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:18 pm

No I don't.

Muslim fuckwits are those that want to bring barbarities like Sharia Law out the middle ages into now. Like Hamas leaders, like the Taliban.

When those cartoons of Mohammed were published papers carried reports of "huge Muslim protests." Hmmmm I looked a bit closer total number of protesters was about 10,000, mostly dickheads being brainwashed in Madrassas. 10K out of 1.2Bn Muslims? Says it all, eh?

I have a Muslim customer at the shop. Think about it. Muslim-alcohol. Weird eh?

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