Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by mellie » Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:53 pm

Hengeman, it was tokenism at it's best, ... no-cha-tok

This years 'political' theme.... Gay Marriage.


When wearing an ADF uniform you are representing your nation and the ADF.
Not yourself as an individual much less your sexual orientation, or even gender.

Put simply, when in uniform you have no gender or sexual orientation, you are simply meant to be serving and representing your nation and the ADF.

Just so typical of the socialist left cheapening our once respected institutions.


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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by boxy » Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:54 pm

The main criticism that the cop hierarchy have brought against the officers "on the line" has been in regards to their calls for the "screeching harpy" public to stop filming. And it's a double edged sword. Obviously this jackass was playing up to the cameras in the original... "i did nuffin", etc. But then, I have no doubt that the cops did try to keep it more professional than it may have got, simply because of the presence of so many potential viral videos.

On one hand, constant vigilance keeps the bastards honest... on the other, having a camera present also encourages jackasses to play up to them.

I think it's reasonable for the cops to ask (even multiple times... notice how they never acted to remove the camera) for people to stop filming, when it's encouraging bad behaviour.
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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by mellie » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:12 pm

boxy wrote:The main criticism that the cop hierarchy have brought against the officers "on the line" has been in regards to their calls for the "screeching harpy" public to stop filming. And it's a double edged sword. Obviously this jackass was playing up to the cameras in the original... "i did nuffin", etc. But then, I have no doubt that the cops did try to keep it more professional than it may have got, simply because of the presence of so many potential viral videos.

On one hand, constant vigilance keeps the bastards honest... on the other, having a camera present also encourages jackasses to play up to them.

I think it's reasonable for the cops to ask (even multiple times... notice how they never acted to remove the camera) for people to stop filming, when it's encouraging bad behaviour.
And it's against the law to film someone without gaining their permission and alerting them to the fact that they are have or are being recorded.

So ...had the cop not told the individual to stop filming, then he would have been raked over the coals for not having instructed them to stop filming.

Damned if he did, damned if he didn't, but at the end of the day, there's enough street CCTV surveillance footage to tell the story, though like always, if the individual they took into custody is demonstrated for having been responsible for his own afflictions, then we wont hear another thing about it, as this stands to condemn the individual, and individuals have rights.

But if the cops are cleared, the mud will stick and they will be lucky to have the video clip removed from youtube, especially now that it's gone viral.

So wrong or right, police stand to disadvantage from this incident, both personally and professionally, even those who weren't present at the scene as it's a slur on their profession ... meanwhile, the little turd who caused this mess to begin with gets paid by tacky lefty current affair programs and media clowns to tell his beat-up side of the story, a story by his own admission he cant recall all the details.
Last edited by mellie on Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by boxy » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:14 pm

It's not illegal to film people in a public place :roll:

You even mention CCTV? And don't even stop to think.
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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by mellie » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:35 pm

boxy wrote:It's not illegal to film people in a public place :roll:
Perhaps, but ... there is this to consider. ... headingh29

Some argue that the police involved in the arrest during the Sydney Mardi Gras displayed a level of naivety by telling members of the public to stop filming the incident, a senior police officer has said.

And to the alleged senior police officer I say....(who was probably there in uniform marching in the parade and didn't witness the incident first hand himself) what if your fellow officer made such a request based on his belief that the incident being recorded was exacerbating the offenders response to being arrested, and was in fact making their job more difficult?

Just because the officer told the public to stop filming, isn't to say he would arrest them if they didn't.
I'm inclined to think he made such a request because he knew the offender was playing up to the camera.
The police need to be mature enough to know that everyone on the street basically has a mobile phone with camera capability and they are going to be filmed

And police also need to be mature when upholding the integrity of the police force and the reputations of their fellow colleagues and wait for the completion of an inquiry before commenting to an especially convoluted press. ... z2MquX5xoJ

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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by boxy » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:42 pm

Fuck me... that was the point I was making, you fucking idiot :roll:

Do you even read other people's posts, before starting in on your rants?
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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by mellie » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:45 pm

boxy wrote:Fuck me... that was the point I was making, you fucking idiot :roll:

Do you even read other people's posts, before starting in on your rants?

Correction, that was the point you were "trying" to make... and no thanks, re- the fuck.


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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by boxy » Thu Mar 07, 2013 10:54 pm

mellie wrote:
boxy wrote:Fuck me... that was the point I was making, you fucking idiot :roll:

Do you even read other people's posts, before starting in on your rants?

Correction, that was the point you were "trying" to make... and no thanks, re- the fuck.

At least I made a point without just making shit up.

Fucked if it's worth it here though.
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

The Uncanny Hengeman

Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by The Uncanny Hengeman » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:01 pm

Aussie wrote:Nah......
and a none-too-subtle recruiting campaign.

Who is doing the recruiting? Are you saying the poofs accept the military or that the military accepts the poofs?

In either case, what is your problem?
Sorry "recruiting" was a rather confusing word to use in that context, wasn't it? In the same breath as discussing the military.

I meant neither of your options, Aussie. I meant gays recruiting for Team Gay in general.

As to "my problem?"....

Aspects of gay rights lobbying come across as unsubtle recruiting of confused and/or impressionable people, particularly youngsters beginning their sexual journey.

Hey, it could very well have been in response to various Christian churches blatant attempts to convert "confused" teen gays back to Team Straight, but like a lot the debate in the last decade or so, gay activists have taken it too far.

"Being gay is not a choice. It is terrible to think the church is saying it can change peoples' sexuality. Terrible. Horrible. Think of what it does to these poor teenagers' minds." I've had this rammed down my throat by media savvy gay organisations since I can remember.
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
And I can't change
Even if I tried
Even if I wanted to
That's a big hit with the kiddies at the moment, Aussie. Sing it! Yet now I observe the same gay organisations doing the same thing in reverse. What's with all the recruiting? What's their excuse? Being straight is not a choice.

That's my problem, Aussie. I find the hypocrisy rather odious.

Firstly, let me quote from my previous comment that I find the undertones of Team Gay recruiting "none-too-subtle". Not nearly as blatant as "babby Jesus will cure you of teh gay." But I'm sorry, that doesn't absolve Team Gay of grand hypocrisy. Just to nip that one in the bud.

As to whether you think I've got an over active imagination and I'm describing thought crimes that aren't really that prevalent.... I'm open for discussion there. I'd especially like to hear the thoughts of any Polanimal who thinks I'm COMPLETELY imagining it.
Last edited by The Uncanny Hengeman on Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Clover Moore's $110,000 gay & Lesbian rainbow crossing

Post by mellie » Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:03 pm

boxy wrote:
mellie wrote:
boxy wrote:Fuck me... that was the point I was making, you fucking idiot :roll:

Do you even read other people's posts, before starting in on your rants?

Correction, that was the point you were "trying" to make... and no thanks, re- the fuck.

At least I made a point without just making shit up.

Fucked if it's worth it here though.
Boxy, you seem to be on the fence re- this incident involving the police, and I think this is the only sensible place to be at least until inquiries are well under way.

I still think that had this incident not involved someone who was openly gay, and had occurred some place other than the Mardi Gras ...our fretful weepy left, and their biased media wouldn't have given a damn.

People are forced to the ground and arrested on a daily basis, yet we never hear about it.

But when it happens to the precious at their iconic Mardi Gras.... the media and hard left are all over it like a rash.

It's hardly worth discussing.


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