Dear freeloader

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Re: Dear freeloader

Post by mellie » Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:40 am

freediver wrote:No, employers are not going to wait for anything magical. Economics on the other hand is real, as will be the adjustments to the wage and forex markets that indirectly compensate business for the transfer of the tax burden from income to GHG emissions.

The only one showing magical thinking here is you. You have reached the end of your ability to make a rational argument and have switched to equating mainstream economics with magic.

Now, are we going to get stuck on this point like a broken record, or do you have some argument other than magic?

But where is this money going to come from, the magic carbon fairy's?

In case you missed it---we don't have two carbons to rub together.

And why is government un-wiling to lay their tax-plan on the table?

Can you tell me why GALP believes the UN are entitled to 10% of Australia's carbon tax revenue?

This go-it-alone pseudo-enviro martyr tax wont be viable, and even if Abbott doesn't repeal it, it will fizzle out the way it has in other nations who have introduced it, only to repeal it also, and why?

Because they would have done better to call it an enviro-tax and not based it on a crap AGW hypothesis thats now become an international joke.

It was a democrap tax....Clinton had a dabble.....Keating pondered it, Beazley tried to introduce it, Rudd, Gillard also....not to be outdone by Bob Brown.

My god, you'd think the thick heads would learn.......ha ha even Hitler had a dabble...recall a world future fund? ... cology.htm

It's ideology is expired, it's as simple as that....and did so back in the 1930's now if Gillard would just get with the program.

Because even if the tax could be some how justified, the rational for having introduced it to begin with never will be.

Al Gore for gods sake....cringe~

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Re: Dear freeloader

Post by freediver » Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:28 pm

But where is this money going to come from, the magic carbon fairy's?
What money are you referring to? One tax cut will offset another tax rise.
It was a democrap tax....Clinton had a dabble.....Keating pondered it, Beazley tried to introduce it, Rudd, Gillard also....not to be outdone by Bob Brown.
You left out Howard, Turnbull and Rudd.

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Re: Dear freeloader

Post by freediver » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:34 am

IQ, you could always try continuing the previous discussion we had here from where we left off rather than having the same discussion again from the beginning in an unrelated thread. But then you couldn't pretend that you don't understand basic economics. ... =10#p93256" onclick=";return false;
Like any other tax, it forces the price up.
Well done IQ. You got something right.
It forces you to pay a higher price
No IQ. You choose whether to pay the higher price. People make thousands of choices that affect their carbon footprint.
The great disadvantage of a carbon tax is that it won't do anything at all to reduce carbon dioxide, you fucking numpty
It is always good to see people rejecting basic economics in order to support coalition policy.

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Re: Dear freeloader

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:08 am

It's never good to introduce regressive useless taxes that undermine our competitiveness in the world

PS. You are an economic moron who thinks that their Tafe course gives you some magical insight into changing how not only the pie is distributed but made

You are a treasonous piece of fucking shit and should be shot

You fucking cancerous lefty c unt
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Re: Dear freeloader

Post by Leftwinger » Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:24 pm

IQ, if you had a brain cell it would be lonely. Thankfully you don't.

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Re: Dear freeloader

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Apr 01, 2012 7:50 pm

I'm surprised you managed to extract your lips from Monks taint long enough to make a post here without pissing your pants, Trotsky
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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