Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu May 19, 2016 8:20 pm

Rorschach wrote:You cant live on the carer's allowance anymore than you can live on Newstart
Don't say that in Bundy - the welfare capital of Qld - where 65% of the population are on welfare.
Admittedly there's plenty of genuine wheelies and downies/mongs, and the council is flat out turning Bundy into a retirement village for oldies, but the amount of people on DSP in Bundy for being head cases or having some invisible disability is astounding. And the amount of 'Carers' attached to this demographic is even more amazing.

Then there's my valley between Gin Gin and Mt Perry.
A few years back I got caught driving unlicensed (had no license for 17 years 'coz I refused to pay fines - saying fine or gaol OK, both was unfair) and so took to hitch hiking (for 2 years). No transport, no job, so was on the dole.

While hitch hiking I met alot of people who live further up the adjoining valley, and was amazed to find just about everyone was on DSP - many for ailments like Lebanese Back - and was advised many times "You should go on the pension mate, makes life alot easier".

A former mate in Bundy on DSP for Lebo Back used to say the same thing.
When I asked "And on what grounds?". He retorted "Because you're mad".
I replied "That may be so, but I've little chance of convincing social security that, they won't even let me past the front counter and have cops or security watching til I leave".
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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