Time for a Mini Budget?

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by mantra » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:37 pm

GeorgeH wrote:Nah, he will forget about these stupid things soon enough. He has made it plain you cannot rely on what he says, spontaneous or scripted or written down and signed.
It will be interesting to see what promises he'll stick to. So far he's been full of surprises - up and down, here and there. Even his own party supporters have been whinging about him. He's way ahead of Gillard on the broken promises and he doesn't seem to be going in any definite direction as far as domestic politics go.

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Lucas » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:40 pm

mantra wrote:
GeorgeH wrote:Well, there will be a mini gunner. I've been tail gunning at The Wall up Oxford since the 80's in Sydney.

If I looked like passing a stool I would stay home. The constant trash talking of us from people driving by not looking for a gay time was hard to take however.

They are just so incredibly narcissistic!
There might be a mini-gunner - in my pants I put fresh batteries in it last night but according to Abbott wahhhh wahhhh I mentioned Abbott wahhhh wahhhhh. Oh sorry I can't carry on.
That's quiet ok take deep breath it wasn't that well hidden, the fact they call him Boy George was a bit of a giveaway.

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:45 pm

Lucas, please find a better way to handle mantra.
Don't edit her comments to make them look like they are hers... that is dishonest and fraudulent and it harms the credibility of the site.
With Monk and aussie still here we have a big enough credibility problem.
Plus when I read back thinking I'm actually reading her stuff, it does my head in. :bgrin
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by mantra » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:47 pm

Rorschach wrote: You can't blame the previous government all the time. I don't... and unlike some I don't blame 1 side of politics all the time either. If you do - then you may as well go further back and blame Howard for his earlier porkbarrelling which is no longer sustainable. No that's just rubbish and more of the howard hatred you and monk displayed for many many years... LW progs love to hate.
I have never said I hated Howard. On reflection he was certainly a better leader than Abbott. What's the difference between the Right disliking Labor and the Left disliking the Coalition? Why are only the left considered the haters?
The government is already restructuring as much as they can without Senate approval. True. Changes to welfare, tax concessions, federal funding to hospitals, schools etc. are continually and quietly being made and we won't know what they are until they affect us personally. But if you read the papers and listen to the media you will know most of it, even if it isn't first hand.

Abbott has already said he's not going to make any changes to the original budget. Well, they already have.So perhaps you are misquoting him. It will stay in the background in its current form until the next election, no it wont every year we have a budget where he's assuming he'll win and then it will be automatically passed. :roll: As he hasn't got any effective opposition, the chances are that he will be returned. well at least poll wise they seem pretty effective, at an election those polls won't count.

If the Coalition is voted in again - my main objections are the budget's medical co-payments really why? I don't see the problem with it I would have made it 5 dollars or less, with people with chronic illnesses etc excempt and the cuts to the safety net for the unemployed. yes, trying to live below the poverty line is a problem. Expect a massive increase in crime, suicide and people dying in their homes simply because they can't afford medical treatment. I don't expect there will be a lot of that mantra, most people are decent, most mentally stable and most can still get medical treatment. I know people who will be seriously affected by this budget. yet many economists call it mild and the ALP and Green descriptions as shrill exaggerations. Surprisingly to all those who live comfortably - $7 to the doctor, pathology and/or nuclear medicine will be unaffordable to a large section of the population. With such serious funding cuts by both state and federal governments to our hospitals - people will be queued up out into the street to get medical attention. There's that Green shrillness
I could have sworn you at one time objected to the cuts in welfare payments. For me personally it's not an issue, but for those who are living from day to day on next to nothing, visiting a doctor won't be an option if and when the co-payment is introduced. How is that Green shrillness and not just having some compassion for those who have little or nothing through illness or misfortune?
Last edited by mantra on Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Lucas » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:48 pm

mantra wrote:
GeorgeH wrote:Nah, he will eat a snickers. He has made it plain you cannot rely on what he says, sob sob , cry moan sook ah thats better, spontaneous or scripted, downloaded, faxed, inscribed, indian puff of smoke, email and that abo noise making thing or written down and signed.
It will be interesting to see if I can stick to my diet. So far I have lost 1/2 a kilo after one week on the paleo diet. It's been full of surprises - up and down, here and there, side to side. I even threw a Kentucky fried chicken party on day 5 and my supporters went wild and haven't been whinging about me. I'm way ahead of Gillard on the scales weight wise, about 3 times heavier and my broken promises just seem to out do hers as well. God I'm so dumb I'm going to now suck on a Durian fruit.
Fair Call

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by mantra » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:49 pm

Rorschach wrote:Lucas, please find a better way to handle mantra.
Don't edit her comments to make them look like they are hers... that is dishonest and fraudulent and it harms the credibility of the site.
With Monk and aussie still here we have a big enough credibility problem.
Plus when I read back thinking I'm actually reading her stuff, it does my head in. :bgrin
Thank you.

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Lucas » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:52 pm

Rorschach wrote:Lucas, please find a better way to handle mantra.
Don't edit her comments to make them look like they are hers... that is dishonest and fraudulent and it harms the credibility of the site.
With Monk and aussie still here we have a big enough credibility problem.
Plus when I read back thinking I'm actually reading her stuff, it does my head in. :bgrin
Sorry I don't entertain trolls like her or her two buddies that have the hide to abuse posters here on PA for a Year on a Clone site of this then have the hide to turn up here expecting respect. Not gonna happen. If you want to suck up to em that's fine dude. I have no problems with that but I won't.

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Lucas » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:54 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Lucas, please find a better way to handle mantra.
Don't edit her comments to make them look like they are hers... that is dishonest and fraudulent and it harms the credibility of the site.
With Monk and aussie still here we have a big enough credibility problem.
Plus when I read back thinking I'm actually reading her stuff, it does my head in. :bgrin
Shut the Fark up Roach, I don't need you man handling my battles.
Just lovely

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Lucas » Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:59 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote: You can't blame the previous government all the time. I don't... and unlike some I don't blame 1 side of politics all the time either. If you do - then you may as well go further back and blame Howard for his earlier porkbarrelling which is no longer sustainable. No that's just rubbish and more of the howard hatred you and monk displayed for many many years... LW progs love to hate.
I hate Howard like dead dogs balls. As a leader he sucked serious ass he was certainly a better leader than than any of the Labor party though. What's the difference between the Right disliking Labor and the Left disliking the Coalition? Labor are simpletons and a bit slow. Yes I know that thats why the left are haters all the time.
The government is already restructuring as much as they can without Senate approval. True. Changes to welfare, tax concessions, federal funding to hospitals, schools etc. are continually and quietly being made and we won't know what they are until they affect us personally. But if you read the papers and listen to the media you will know most of it, even if it isn't first hand.

Abbott has already said he's not going to make any changes to the original budget. Well, they already have.So perhaps you are misquoting him. It will stay in the background in its current form until the next election, no it wont every year we have a budget where he's assuming he'll win and then it will be automatically passed. :roll: As he hasn't got any effective opposition, the chances are that he will be returned. well at least poll wise they seem pretty effective, at an election those polls won't count.

If the Coalition is voted in again - my main objections are the budget's medical co-payments really why? I don't see the problem with it I would have made it 5 dollars or less, with people with chronic illnesses etc excempt and the cuts to the safety net for the unemployed. yes, trying to live below the poverty line is a problem. Expect a massive increase in crime, suicide and people dying in their homes simply because they can't afford medical treatment. I don't expect there will be a lot of that mantra, most people are decent, most mentally stable and most can still get medical treatment. I know people who will be seriously affected by this budget. yet many economists call it mild and the ALP and Green descriptions as shrill exaggerations. Surprisingly to all those who live comfortably - $7 to the doctor, pathology and/or nuclear medicine will be unaffordable to a large section of the population. With such serious funding cuts by both state and federal governments to our hospitals - people will be queued up out into the street to get medical attention. There's that Green shrillness
I could have sworn that I objected to the saving of boats on the high seas. For me personally it's not an issue, but for those who are living next door to the little feckers its a big problem. Food clothing health and welfare all sucking taxpayers money thanks to Labor squandering their brain cells?
Hmm I agree

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Re: Time for a Mini Budget?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Oct 02, 2014 3:00 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote: You can't blame the previous government all the time. I don't... and unlike some I don't blame 1 side of politics all the time either. If you do - then you may as well go further back and blame Howard for his earlier porkbarrelling which is no longer sustainable. No that's just rubbish and more of the howard hatred you and monk displayed for many many years... LW progs love to hate.
I have never said I hated Howard. You wouldn't ever have to mantra your behaviour and writing showed clearly you did. On reflection he was certainly a better leader than Abbott. Really? a bit early to make that call I'd think. Abbott could see the stupidity in Workchoices Howard could not. What's the difference between the Right disliking Labor and the Left disliking the Coalition? Why are only the left considered the haters? You may get a few extremists on either side mantra and these days the new generation may be a bit more fragile on the Right, but the progressive left have always been haters, just ask mark latham. The progressive left an the labor movement/unionists etc have always hated what they see as the enemy. most Conservatives from either side of politics couldn't be bothered with that sort of stupidity.
The government is already restructuring as much as they can without Senate approval. True. Changes to welfare, tax concessions, federal funding to hospitals, schools etc. are continually and quietly being made and we won't know what they are until they affect us personally. But if you read the papers and listen to the media you will know most of it, even if it isn't first hand.

Abbott has already said he's not going to make any changes to the original budget. Well, they already have.So perhaps you are misquoting him. It will stay in the background in its current form until the next election, no it wont every year we have a budget where he's assuming he'll win and then it will be automatically passed. :roll: As he hasn't got any effective opposition, the chances are that he will be returned. well at least poll wise they seem pretty effective, at an election those polls won't count.

If the Coalition is voted in again - my main objections are the budget's medical co-payments really why? I don't see the problem with it I would have made it 5 dollars or less, with people with chronic illnesses etc excempt and the cuts to the safety net for the unemployed. yes, trying to live below the poverty line is a problem. Expect a massive increase in crime, suicide and people dying in their homes simply because they can't afford medical treatment. I don't expect there will be a lot of that mantra, most people are decent, most mentally stable and most can still get medical treatment. I know people who will be seriously affected by this budget. yet many economists call it mild and the ALP and Green descriptions as shrill exaggerations. Surprisingly to all those who live comfortably - $7 to the doctor, pathology and/or nuclear medicine will be unaffordable to a large section of the population. With such serious funding cuts by both state and federal governments to our hospitals - people will be queued up out into the street to get medical attention. There's that Green shrillness
I could have sworn you at one time objected to the cuts in welfare payments. I still do. I advocate and increase in newstart. I haven't said anything different. For me personally it's not an issue, but for those who are living from day to day on next to nothing, visiting a doctor won't be an option if and when the co-payment is introduced. Well i already fixed that problem or did you ignore my comment? How is that Green shrillness and not just having some compassion for those who have little or nothing through illness or misfortune? I have compassion and there is no shrillness coming from me. I'm not hubristic nor do i exaggerate or claim to know the future.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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