Religion of pieces of human flesh

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Jovial_Monk » Thu May 23, 2013 7:29 pm

But they won’t reach their goal, that is the thing! Budget deficits are not going down! That is why Europe and the UK are wallowing in misery and high unemployment! And still having big deficits!

As they cut cut cut spending, people go out of work and sign up for unemployment. They apply for the dole—so their spending, of necessity, drops. So some businesses go broke, so more join the unemployment queue.

In the meantime, the govt is paying a motza in unemployment but is getting a lot less in tax revenue. Boost a VAT like our GST—people save more, spend less and the GST collections don’t go up as much as thought, more businenesses go broke because more money gets saved, so add more to the unemployment queue.

Cut more, raise tax more—more unemployment payments to make, less spending, less tax coming in. And so the misery goes on.

And all because we have some very modest level of debt. The UK had a modest level of govt debt too.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Neferti » Thu May 23, 2013 7:41 pm

mantra wrote:
Jovial_Monk wrote:He is a bit touched in the head if you ask me. Anyway, I don’t have to read his fatuous rubbish anymore.

FMD, you have Abbott, Hockey, Robb all talking about getting back to a surplus almost immediately, plenty of other clues, that they will cut, boost the GST and broaden its and we end up a lot like Greece. The first lot of austerity won’t work, of course, so they will impose even more, just like the Tories did in the UK.

Then idiot said I am lying???
The hints are being dropped slowly, but steadily. How will they increase the GST? Apply it to everything, or choose to double it to 20%? They'll get their budget surplus quickly if they decide to double it - then they can decrease funding to the states - a big saving. As far as austerity goes - all government services which Gillard has managed to revive to an extent will go. Privatisation of everything that isn't nailed down will also help them reach their goal quicker.



Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Aussie » Thu May 23, 2013 7:43 pm

What's with this 'towards the west' shit?

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Black Orchid » Thu May 23, 2013 7:45 pm

How did this turn into an Abbott thread? :roll:

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu May 23, 2013 7:49 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Why? Islam is not a race.
let us know when you finally get it. :rofl
:rofl Mantra has it wrong, again. ISLAM is a RELIGION. . :rofl
According to Mantra it's not bigotry if its against teh evil joooooos because they control teh meeja...but cut some heads off in the mall and you're all good :thumb
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Aussie » Thu May 23, 2013 8:00 pm

While I have the thought in mind......I have already seen the apparently white right wing nut jobs in their stupid black masks rioting last night....and baying to bash a Muslim. I'll go straight to a point. There will be millions of peaceful laws abiding Muslim Indians living in the UK, and every one of them have close relations with millions of peaceful law abiding Hindu Indians living nearby. If there is a violent attack on Muslims generally in England, I know the liklihood that Hindu Indians will very quickly mobilise in support of their Muslim friends is very strong. I'll back them to win any suburban war...........they outnumber the violent white bigots.............and are motivated by historical ties. I can visualise my Hindu brother-in-law right now shoulder to shoulder with his many, many Indian Muslim mates.

Right wing nut bag Whitey better behave and not waken a peaceful Indian population.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu May 23, 2013 8:05 pm

Aussie wrote:While I have the thought in mind......I have already seen the apparently white right wing nut jobs in their stupid black masks rioting last night....and baying to bash a Muslim. I'll go straight to a point. There will be millions of peaceful laws abiding Muslim Indians living in the UK, and every one of them have close relations with millions of peaceful law abiding Hindu Indians living nearby. If there is a violent attack on Muslims generally in England, I know the liklihood that Hindu Indians will very quickly mobilise in support of their Muslim friends is very strong. I'll back them to win any suburban war...........they outnumber the violent white bigots.............and are motivated by historical ties. I can visualise my Hindu brother-in-law right now shoulder to shoulder with his many, many Indian Muslim mates.

Right wing nut bag Whitey better behave and not waken a peaceful Indian population.
Fuck you and your sand n1gger brotherhood. You've never had a read on what the population wants...except its the opposite of whatever you are championing.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 23, 2013 8:08 pm

Aussie wrote:
Rorschach wrote:You trying to say all Muslims are bigots?

Islam is not a race... you and your other Greenie mates can't toss the "R" word around like usual on this one.

Hey Nef... you can be converted too... even against your will... or die..... choice is yours, of course once you join you can't leave, at least not without becoming an apostate in which case you are sentenced to death... quite a fun religion/way of life.

Oh and mantra we all know you hate Howard due to your prejudices, etc... guess what that makes you? :rofl a truth reveals. It is YOU Roach, who irrelevantly introduces Hayseed into exchanges with mantra. Goodo.

I was just going to ignore you Arsie like most people are doing these days... but I would just like to correct your lie.

That is a false claim. I have posts to prove it :D :D :D
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 23, 2013 8:09 pm

mantra wrote:
Good observation Aussie. I hadn't given much thought as to why he continually harasses me about hating Howard even if the topic has nothing to do with politics and Howard hasn't been mentioned. I think he might be a bit obsessed - or maybe possessed.
from what I've heard mantra you are the only one possessed around here :rofl :rofl :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Aussie » Thu May 23, 2013 8:10 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Aussie wrote:While I have the thought in mind......I have already seen the apparently white right wing nut jobs in their stupid black masks rioting last night....and baying to bash a Muslim. I'll go straight to a point. There will be millions of peaceful laws abiding Muslim Indians living in the UK, and every one of them have close relations with millions of peaceful law abiding Hindu Indians living nearby. If there is a violent attack on Muslims generally in England, I know the liklihood that Hindu Indians will very quickly mobilise in support of their Muslim friends is very strong. I'll back them to win any suburban war...........they outnumber the violent white bigots.............and are motivated by historical ties. I can visualise my Hindu brother-in-law right now shoulder to shoulder with his many, many Indian Muslim mates.

Right wing nut bag Whitey better behave and not waken a peaceful Indian population.
Fuck you and your sand n1gger brotherhood. You've never had a read on what the population wants...except its the opposite of whatever you are championing.
That comment of mine is not one I'll debate. It's fact. Beat yourself up on it, I don't care.

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