Pastafarian wrote:lisa jones wrote:
Man up! If an 18 yr old girl can work 2 jobs ( and start a business) and also study part time and find,own and build her own homes ..surely a man can do it. No??
Sorry, was trying to be a fully rounded human being and not just going for material possessions in the form of McMansions.
Pasta .. I believe in pushing the limits of my physical/mental endurance and in aiming to achieve beyond those around me and those who have gone before me. That is how I have been brought up by my migrant parents.
I believe my parents are right .. I don't think we really appreciate just how lucky we are to be living in Oz.
My parents grew up struggling to survive ethnic cleansing and land mines. Large parts of my Mum's family tree are missing because of these events. Education was such a rare privilege as was wearing shoes, eating meat and drinking milk.
Yet .. my migrant parents came to this country as teenagers/refugees in the early 1960's with no language skills, no money, no education, no support, no nothing .. and they worked hard/smart to start businesses and buy and pay off some 4 homes within 20 yrs. So what's stopping me (or my brothers and sisters for that matter) from achieving much more?
It is in achieving as much as we possibly can in life that we can demonstrate to our parents how much we respect them and how much we value their efforts. Our parents had nothing whereas we have everything. It's the very least we can do as grateful children.
The opportunities we have in Oz are amazing when compared to the rest of the world even today. Perhaps that is why some people are currently KILLING themselves in their attempt to try and get here. Food for thought.