Take a look at the date of the footage Aussie, from when when Tony Abbott said Slipper was a Loyal member( late 2011)....to when he said he wanted Slipper out(late 2012).
Note how in the clip they show you the recent commentary first, ..not in order by date....hoping you wont pick up on the obvious date discrepancy there?
ha ha ha
When it's clear, that somewhere along the line, Pete Slipped up and became unworthy of selecting.
So, unlike Gillard who shields her miscreants within her cabinet, he was disposed of.
Whilst Gillard is the first to cry "Misogynist" she seemingly turns a blind eye when it suits her, similarly when the hypocrite posed for the camera with Kyle Sandilands recently.
Men are allowed to change their minds Aussie, (Re- Tony changing his mind about Slipper).. ... woman do it all the time after all, do you remember what Gillard said about Kevin Rudd and Mark Latham before the perceived necessity to distance herself from both of them?
Does this mean she's a liar too....or just a hypocrite?
Or both?
At least Tony expels his trash..... pity Gillard enshrines hers within her cabinet.
Whilst the sex charges were dropped, Slipper is well known for his love of travel, fine wines and other tid-bits... though enjoying such at the expense of the Australian tax payer by way of cab-charge vouchers is inexcusable.
It might be acceptable for Labor ministers to bend the rules, this and remain in their seats at their leaders peril, though it's not acceptable to all.