How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

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Black Orchid
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:37 pm

Aussie wrote:I am not so silly as to make an allegation which I cannot substantiate
Aussie wrote:She is an honest person and she had no involvement in any misconduct


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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:40 pm

That can't be right Black Orchid, Arsie said...
Aussie wrote:
You are alleging she is completely innocent....
Nah, I am not. I am not so silly as to make an allegation which I cannot substantiate.
he couldn't possibly say...
She is an honest person and she had no involvement in any misconduct
That would mean he's a big fat liar...

Well I guess he is that silly.... :jump

Last edited by Rorschach on Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Nov 23, 2012 11:44 pm

Well in one post Aussie says he isn't silly enough to make allegations he cannot substantiate but goes on to allege that Gillard is honest and had no involvement in any misconduct (which he obviously cannot substantiate)

A contradiction at best
Last edited by Black Orchid on Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:01 am ... 29ytv.html" onclick=";return false;
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:14 am

Nothing better than opening Google news Australia and seeing the top stories are Gillard getting reamed by everyone from News ltd all the way to The Age.

It's fucking delicious
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Super Nova » Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:25 am

Reading the news she is in deep shit. I guess the answer to the title of this thread will be just after xmas when parilment resumes because she will stonewall all of next week.
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by mantra » Sat Nov 24, 2012 7:46 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:Nothing better than opening Google news Australia and seeing the top stories are Gillard getting reamed by everyone from News ltd all the way to The Age.

It's fucking delicious
Yes - and the opposition is leading the way and obstructing Gillard from doing her job. All the Coalition is capable of these days is a witch hunt. Abbott has no policies - he and the shadow ministers spend all their time badmouthing Gillard while the country faces many serious problems. He prefers to whinge about Gillard. Is Abbott the sort of petty, gossiping idiot we want running the country?

Has he even commented on the allegations made against his beloved Catholic Church or talked about his vision for Australia? Gillard might be on the nose, but she's trying to get on with the job. Abbott is an obstructionist who isn't the slightest bit interested in our future. If he was - he'd get his act together and pretend he's capable of running the country and trying to talk some sense.

Whichever party we go with - Australia is doomed.

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:11 am

Gillard is a failure at her job in the best of circumstances but this issue originated in labor and was badly handled by Gillard. She chose to intimidate the media and got two journolists sacked- one of which has used his time to successfully prosecute Gillard by starting his own news website dedicated to the issue.

Gilard poked the bear and now she is reaping the rewards so your shrill shrieks and hysterics that "the AbbottAbbottAbbott monster isa coming to get us and we'll all be rooooooned" are meaningless drivel.

Your negativity is a beacon of light and hope for most Australians
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Jovial Monk

Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Nov 24, 2012 8:24 am

Australia is doomed only if it elects the Abbott Liberals, a bunch of tired, policy–free hacks and grubs.

Despite every vile thing being thrown at her Gillard gets on with the job.

Did you hear about the Murray Darling Basin plan? After 112 years ONE HUDRED AND TWELVE years there is now an agreement on setting aside water to ensure the health of the river. In the 112 years since Federation it never got done. Gillard got it done. Historic nation building reform.

A huge amount of our continental shelf has been set aside as marine reserves—trawling and netting not allowed. This will give the various marine populations the chance to increase, to perpetuate. At lot of fish stocks around the world have been wiped out or are on the verge of wipeout.

The NBN will bring our communications into the 21st century.

The economy is doing well, with three AAA ratings, so well the $A will be nominated an official reserve currency

Now if the idiotic Libs get in they will pursue a policy of austerity which will inevitably see our economy going down the same plug hole those of Spain, Greece, Ireland etc.

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Nov 24, 2012 9:20 am

Yes - and the opposition is leading the way and obstructing Gillard from doing her job.

Well that's bullshit mantra. Most of their legislation has been passed. The Greens control the Senate.
All the Coalition is capable of these days is a witch hunt.
More rubbish. As most journalists have stated, the Coalition have stayed out of this issue until only very recently. Gillard has been given every opportubnity to clear it up, but has failed to do so.
Abbott has no policies -
More bullshit... how many times do people have to refer you to their website.
he and the shadow ministers spend all their time badmouthing Gillard while the country faces many serious problems. He prefers to whinge about Gillard.

Again crap... how soon we forget the misogyny speech. Now that was a gross insult to anyone's intelligence and a gross waste of time.
Is Abbott the sort of petty, gossiping idiot we want running the country?
It's not Abbott who is running continuous ad hom attacks on himself or indulging in gossip.
Has he even commented on the allegations made against his beloved Catholic Church or talked about his vision for Australia?

Well yes he has mantra, what rock have you been living under.
Gillard might be on the nose, but she's trying to get on with the job. Abbott is an obstructionist who isn't the slightest bit interested in our future.
More bullshit... most labor legislation has been passed. The majority of it without Coalition obstruction.
If he was - he'd get his act together and pretend he's capable of running the country and trying to talk some sense.

Whichever party we go with - Australia is doomed.
Well if people listened to people like you who appear to be clueless that is probably the case.
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