You mean like... never trust anyone over 30? (is it 50 now?) I'm sure I heard that somewhere before.White Indigene wrote:Add some social statistics and we might be getting there.
Like> how many children are dying at the hands of the aged and aging? Why are the older generations doing so well, and the young replacement generations being shreded? Why is Abortion a top priority, whilst Euthenasia is not?
Why is the socio-political and economic power of Auslund all for the benefit of the older age group? What will this do to society in the near future? Why does BBGen insist on its own, being well kempt by Government, yet the lesser generations can just go to hell in a hand-bag for all they care? The older generations are conducting a very subtle war on the lesser and un-learned generations, the younger generations. Open you eyes.
It is a sick society indeed that prays on its young. Australia is being infused with a sense of belonging- that meaning all things good belongs to BBGen. The ME generation demands it, and so it shall be. Those who are meant to replace the older generations are not being allowed this same passage.
Whats the bet the stellar arrogance of BBGen even permits them to hurry of to the spoof banks and organ doctors in order to preserve their sorry assses. Whilst the lesser generations are being handed inter-generational loans, strife and future hoplessness.
I declare the BBGen to be recalcitrant and enourmously dangerous to the future of humankind, (or at least the near future of the lesser generations in this country).
How does the song go? "Every generation blames the one before, and all of their frustrations come beating on your door"