Lucas wrote:Nuthin like good leftard polls to feed the delusion. The opium of morons.
Probably just a re-run of the Clinton "unlosable/assured victory" Trump "doomed" poll results.
J o h n S m i t h wrote: unlike the retards, who prefer to remain oblivious to whats going on around them
If it was just polls alone I'd remind you of the negative polling for Trump and Brexit, but Hanson and now Bernardi are indeed wild cards on the table.
I've noticed in recent years consistently promising polling favouring lefties and consistent victories for the right wing.
I knew the Poms would support UKID's EU exit agenda, I knew the anti-Trump polling was bullshit, have long believed the anti-Le Pen propaganda will fail and long expected Merkel to achieve pariah status.
I don't yet know how the Hanson, Katter, Bernardi, Xenaphon phenomenon will turn out, but I do know the majority of Oz voters regard the Libs as ineffectual and the ALP as corrupt incompetents.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?