Bullshit!IQS.RLOW wrote:The science says there is no risk
The science says the planet is in melt down, but the scientists themselves aren't willing to admit we've been in a 'Runaway Global warming' scenario since 2007, when the under sea floor methane clathrates began to thaw, bubbled to the surface in massive arctic methane plumes, has gathered in the atmosphere and is going to cause global warming to increase exponentially at a rate not seen since the Permian extinction.
That's a question you should ask yourself Doomseeker.IQS.RLOW wrote:Why are you ignoring what the science is saying?
I remember you coming to the defense of Jesus freaks years ago when I refered to them as "Doomseekers".IQS.RLOW wrote:You are a religious nutter.
So my question is, which nut-job fundamentalist church do you emanate from?
Mormons? .. Jehovah's Witnesses? .. The Bretherin?
C'mon IQ .. the truth with set you free.
EDIT ADDITION - BTW there were 2 electrical storms at my place last night.
Electrical storms in summer is normal, electrical storms in winter are not normal.