errr Global Warming?

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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:35 am

Good grief, there is no AGW catastrophy consensus except in the Church of the AGW True believers which you apparently have joined and been brainwashed by. How many times must the facts be posted for you? :du :du :du
Rorschach wrote:One more time for SN who's been in denial of the facts every time someone posts them...
Rorschach wrote:Good grief... that old wives tale.
Talk about swallowing the bait hook line and sinker... :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
That was discredited the moment it first came out.
If you’ve ever expressed the least bit of skepticism about environmentalist calls for making the vast majority of fossil fuel use illegal, you’ve probably heard the smug response: “97% of climate scientists agree with climate change” — which always carries the implication: Who are you to challenge them?

The answer is: you are a thinking, independent individual–and you don’t go by polls, let alone second-hand accounts of polls; you go by facts, logic and explanation.
The questions to ask is what exactly do they agree on and how did that figure come about? Well the thinking of us know for a fact there is no concensus and that 97% is a lie.
The 97 percent claim is a deliberate misrepresentation designed to intimidate the public—and numerous scientists whose papers were classified by Cook protested:

“Cook survey included 10 of my 122 eligible papers. 5/10 were rated incorrectly. 4/5 were rated as endorse rather than neutral.”

—Dr. Richard Tol

“That is not an accurate representation of my paper . . .”

—Dr. Craig Idso

“Nope . . . it is not an accurate representation.”

—Dr. Nir Shaviv

“Cook et al. (2013) is based on a strawman argument . . .”

—Dr. Nicola Scafetta

Think about how many times you hear that 97 percent or some similar figure thrown around. It’s based on crude manipulation propagated by people whose ideological agenda it serves. It is a license to intimidate. ... 100-wrong/
Are the public aware when they are lectured that ‘97% of scientists’ agree based on the Doran paper, by their media, lobbyists, activist scientists and their politicians justifying climate action, that the UK, Germany, Spain, France, Australia, New Zealand respondents made up less than 3% of the survey in total. China had 3 scientists respond (three not 3%), Russian and India zero.
On occasion when challenged about the 97% figure depending on 75 scientists from a survey of 10,000, it is usually met with a response that these were the experts in the field of climate science and this is what maters not the number that took part. ... tists-say/
The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

What is the origin of the false belief—constantly repeated—that almost all scientists agree about global warming?
"Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities."
Yet the assertion that 97% of scientists believe that climate change is a man-made, urgent problem is a fiction.
The "97 percent" figure in the Zimmerman/Doran survey represents the views of only 79 respondents who listed climate science as an area of expertise and said they published more than half of their recent peer-reviewed papers on climate change. Seventy-nine scientists—of the 3,146 who responded to the survey—does not a consensus make. ... 2813553136

And the list and facts go on and on and on SN.

You can call me out any time you like SN... as for OBAMA :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
YOU WANT TO CALL SOMEONE OUT SN at least have the good manners and honesty to admit when you've been hoisted on you own petard.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Super Nova » Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:46 pm

What will the deniers say over the coming years. Another point I will be proven correct on.

Temperatures to rise after oceans pause
The oceans really did “swallow the homework” of climate scientists by slowing the rate of global warming.

The apparent pause in global warming, which lasted for almost 20 years until 2014, coincided with a big increase in heat entering the oceans, scientists said. The oceans have absorbed as much heat since 1997 as in the preceding 130 years, according to research by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California.

The theory that the oceans accounted for the slowdown in the rate of global warming was mocked last year by the Conservative MP Peter Lilley. He told a BBC Radio 4 programme that scientists were putting forward “a sort of new version of ‘the deep oceans swallowed my homework’ thesis”.

The BBC deleted the programme from its iPlayer service after the BBC Trust ruled that it had breached guidelines on accuracy and impartiality.

John Shepherd, a professor at the National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton, said that the ocean took up an enormous amount of heat, but that the rate of warming was now likely to return to its previous level.

He said that the extra heat in the ocean could either remain and contribute to unusual weather patterns such as El Nino or it could be released to contribute to more rapid or prolonged warming in the future. ... 668576.ece
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Super Nova » Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:27 pm

As argued before and now the evidence rolls in.

The researchers concluded that half of overall ocean warming has occurred since 1997—a date that they noted in their paper was “nearly coincident with the beginning of the observed surface warming hiatus.”

Deep Ocean Waters Are Trapping Vast Stores of Heat

A new study shows that much of the heat from global warming is reaching deep into the ocean

A new generation of scientific instruments has begun scouring ocean depths for temperature data, and the evidence being pinged back via satellite warns that the consequences of fossil fuel burning and deforestation are accumulating far below the planet’s surface.

More than 90 percent of the heat trapped by greenhouse gas pollution since the 1970s has wound up in the oceans, and research published Monday revealed that a little more than a third of that seafaring heat has worked its way down to depths greater than 2,300 feet (700 meters).

Plunged to ocean depths by winds and currents, that trapped heat has eluded surface temperature measurements, fueling claims of a “hiatus” or “pause” in global warming from 1998 to 2013. But by expanding cool water, the deep-sea heat’s impacts have been indirectly visible in coastal regions by pushing up sea levels, contributing to worsening high-tide flooding.


“The heat’s going in at the surface, so it’s getting down pretty deep,” said Glen Gawarkiewicz, a Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution scientist who was not involved with the study. “With 35 percent of the heat uptake going below 700 meters, it really points out the importance of continued deep ocean sampling. It was a surprise to me that it was that large of a fraction.”

The research, published in Nature Climate Change, was led by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. It compared modeling results with data from a mishmash of sources, most notably from a nascent fleet of monitoring devices called deep Argo floats.

The researchers concluded that half of overall ocean warming has occurred since 1997—a date that they noted in their paper was “nearly coincident with the beginning of the observed surface warming hiatus.”

A combination of climate pollution, a recent change in a long-running cycle of the Pacific Ocean and the current El Niño has led to a spike in warming rates recorded at the surface of the planet. That followed a surface warming slowdown; 2014 and 2015 were the warmest years on record globally.

Research groups from around the world have deployed thousands of Argo floats to measure since around the year 2000 to take temperature, salinity and other measurements. Technological advances have allowed a small fleet of deeper-diving floats to be deployed more recently. Some of those have been built to dive as deep as 20,000 feet.

“Knowing how much the ocean is warming and how fast and where are all important for knowing how much the atmosphere is going to warm and how much seas are going to rise,” said Gregory C. Johnson, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist who works on that agency’s Argo float program.

Monday’s paper used the new deep-sea Argo data to expand on a paper published in 2014 by Lawrence Livermore and other researchers, which revealed high levels of warming in the ocean’s surface layer.

“The oceans as an energy store are really doing a lot of the work,” said Lawrence Livermore researcher Paul Durack, who helped produce the studies that were published Monday and in 2014. “The actual temperature change is relatively small, but due to the huge heat capacity of the oceans this equates to a very, very large heat content change.” ... s-of-heat/
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:04 pm

So now the story is that the atmosphere isn't warming but the oceans are and we must all pay a huge tax or else one day the oceans will release all this extra heat- even though the oceans have been regulating temperature on earth for billions of years :roll:

Keep on pissing your pants, panic merchant.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Super Nova » Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:55 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:So now the story is that the atmosphere isn't warming but the oceans are and we must all pay a huge tax or else one day the oceans will release all this extra heat- even though the oceans have been regulating temperature on earth for billions of years :roll:

Keep on pissing your pants, panic merchant.
You truly miss that point.

When the heat sink has absorbed to it's natural limit, the heat will have nowhere to go but the surface. Denial maybe your friend but it is the enemy of the planet.

Did you see what Hawking said..... you and the likes of you need to accept responsibility when the hot shit hits the fan.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Jan 21, 2016 12:29 am

That heatsink is more than capable of regulating whatever has been thrown at it for millions of years.

Keep pissing yourself, nappyman.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Rorschach » Thu Jan 21, 2016 1:40 am

Ocean heat content is measured in joules, usually expressed as gazillions of joules (J). It takes 4.186 J to raise the temperature of 1 g of water 1 °C. Since the oceans are composed of a rather large volume of water, it takes a lot of joules to warm it just a little bit. Without a rather large heat content, the oceans would be frozen solid.
Ocean Heat Content for the upper 700 meters of the oceans increased by about 16 gazillion (10^22) Joules over the last 40 years or so! 16 gazillion is a huge number! Unfortunately for Warmists, 16 gazillion is a very tiny number relative to the volume of the top 700 meters of the oceans and the heat content that normally resides in the oceans
16 gazillion Joules is enough heat to increase the average temperature of the upper 700 meters of ocean by a whopping 0.168 degrees Centigrade.
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:15 am

What scientific report did you extract that nonsense from? A Dilbert cartoon?
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:01 pm

I guess the deniers will continue to ignore the science and evidence building up.

2015 Was the Hottest Year on Record

Last year, global average temperature was the warmest ever by the widest margin yet

WASHINGTON, Jan 20 (Reuters) - Last year's global average temperature was the hottest ever by the widest margin on record, two U.S. government agencies said on Wednesday, adding to pressure for deep greenhouse gas emissions cuts scientists say are needed to arrest warming that is disrupting the global climate.

Data from U.S. space agency NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration showed that in 2015, the average temperature across global land and ocean surfaces was 1.62 degrees Fahrenheit (0.90 Celsius) above the 20th century average, surpassing 2014's previous record by 0.29 F (0.16 C).

This was the fourth time a global temperature record has been set this century, the agencies said in a summary of their annual report.

2015 was remarkable even in the context of the larger, long-term warming trend," said Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.


The sharp increase in 2015 was driven in part by El Niño, a natural weather cycle in the Pacific that warms the ocean surface every two to seven years. But scientists say human activities - notably burning fossil fuels - were the main driver behind the rise.

"We would not have seen the record warming without the long-term trend," Schmidt said.


The latest El Niño started in late 2015 and will last until spring 2016. It is among the strongest ever recorded but Schmidt and others say the weather phenomenon played just a supporting role in the earth's temperature rise.

The 2015 data underscores the urgency of cutting greenhouse gas emissions if the world is to hold temperature increases to well below 2 degrees C, the target agreed to by more than 190 countries at climate talks in Paris last December.

Schmidt said the fact that the world is now halfway to the U.N. goal has led many scientists to argue that even that target is too high and more stringent goals are needed. ... on-record/
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Re: errr Global Warming?

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 21, 2016 5:20 pm

At some point, you would think most climate change deniers would throw in the towel.
Fifteen of the 16 hottest years on record have happened this century and the other year wasn't much earlier, in 1998. And 2015 was a breakaway year.

Those reluctant to accept man-made climate change tend to resort to outlandish claims, such as the satellite data are doctored or that terrestrial weather stations operated by the Bureau of Meteorology have been manipulated to remove cooler readings to exaggerate the warming.

The former claim defies logic – what would NASA and other space agencies have to gain?
The almost 200 nations that signed up to the Paris climate agreement last month suggest the latter claim isn't very convincing for policymakers either.

In Australia, it's not hard to find statistics that point to a warming trend, with impacts that are often most notable during the bushfire season.

For instance, during the 1985-2000 period there was just one day that somewhere in Victoria hit a 45 degree maximum. During the most recent 15 years, the number of such days soared to 24, according to the bureau.

As researchers noted last year, record hot days in Australia are 12 times more likely than record cold ones since 2000.

Another favourite denial argument is that the planet hasn't warmed for the last 18 years, or some similar period.

The ruse relies on using a previous hot year – 1998 – in which the biggest El Nino on record provided a handy peak to compare later years against.

How come we didn't beat 1998 every year, since carbon emissions continued to climb, went the common refrain, happily ignoring the natural variations driven by influences such as the El Nino (hot) and La Nina (cool) cycles.

Climatologists look beyond any single year and instead focus on a warming trend in which average temperatures have risen 0.07 degrees per decade since 1880. The pace since 1970 has been 0.17 degrees. (See the chart below, showing the decadal trend).


Now 2015 has given us a year that was far warmer than the previous record hot year – which was 2014 – and one 0.27 degrees above the 1998 spike.

The so-called sceptics are unlikely to go away, despite the mounting evidence that the Earth is trapping more heat, greenhouse gases are the main factor and that a range of changes are under way, from increasing acidity of the oceans to declining levels of multi-year sea ice in the Arctic.
According to research by UK-based scientists Constantine Boussalis​ and Travis Coan, major conservative think tanks in the US are counter-intuitively stepping up their attacks on the science rather than the policies to deal with it.
Image ... man2a.html

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