HIGHERBEAM wrote:Some experts point out that natural cycles in Earth's orbit can alter the planet's exposure to sunlight, which may explain the current trend. Earth has indeed experienced warming and cooling cycles roughly every hundred thousand years due to these orbital shifts, but such changes have occurred over the span of several centuries. Today's changes have taken place over the past hundred years or less.
We can quote so called experts all day till the cows come home, but untill they can explain why we suddenly had global warming from the 10th to the 14th century and a mini ice age straight after,they the experts can quote all day.Why is the earth shrinking and causing the teutonic plates to shift causing volcanic activity is it warming or cooling.These so called experts predicted that the year 2000 the whole worlds banking sector would collapse because of the y2k bug.The power system would collapse,we are still here.The whole world is bitterly divided over these so called experts and there data.The age old adage is you never have a inquiry until you know the answer goes well here because many enquiries have been held with differing outcomes.Data can be made to read anything and it has.A small shift in the earths rotation can have a devastating effect.What causes that,the increased sunspots?,no one knows.When we had the last big ice age was it a meteorite hitting earth,yes but was it other effects as well.Are we going to keep the cows in large barns so that their emmissions dont contamminate the atmosphere.Did they the dinosaurs put themselves to bed in big barns to stop their emmissions.I think not.The economies of the world must come first before any leftards idea of global warming and undemocratic world govenments because without that we will have more mass starvation than any global waming ideas will ever cause.
We can quote so called experts all day till the cows come home
Anti climate warming experts are quoted everyday by the extreme right. There appears to be experts on boths sides.
These so called experts predicted that the year 2000 the whole worlds banking sector would collapse because of the y2k bug.The power system would collapse,we are still here
This is a clasic case that supports my position. The only reason they did not collapse was because ACTION was taken. The threat was real and banks, airlines and all industries took action, spending millions on it to prevent the disaster. It is clear that if nothing was done then these systems would have failed. Embeded computer systems in transport systems would have failed. It would have been as disaster. Now this can apply to the human contribution to climate change. If we take action, we can prevent a disaster or at least reduce our part in an adverse climate change. This is a good example if we all put togther and take action, a disaster can be prevented.
A small shift in the earths rotation can have a devastating effect.What causes that,the increased sunspots?,no one knows.
A small shift has a huge effect. However, the causes are mainly known. The earth has a wobble and this has been modelled and is predicatable now.
The economies of the world must come first before any leftards idea of global warming
This is the problem behind short term thinking. If you place economics first you are thinking short term. The concept of growth before everything else is the same as my bacteria example. Consume everything and shit in our own nests. This can not be sustained and we need a longer term view on how humanity needs to behave to protect the fragile planet we call home.