Tony Abbott

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by 762NATO » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:12 am

skippy wrote:
roogal wrote:
harvey wrote:
mantra wrote:Abbott is improving in popularity. Is this because he's appealing to the basic instincts of many people? He's stopped the boats, but at what cost?
Stopping more than 1200 deaths at sea that we know of.
Guess the ALP & Greens preferred the Deaths At Sea policy.

Have to agree, the Deaths At Sea policy of the ALP & Greens has been superceded by the humane policy of turning back the boats
Whilst paying those filthy people smugglers to do so. What a disgrace Abbott is.
Of course you have indisputable proof of this. This is the joint full of people that the likes of you Smith Peccer Karnal and all the other Svengali Brian Ross Wally etc leftists consider full of corrupt monkeys who shoot poor Australian drug smugglers. Come on skip you are not gunna believe these fukken Indo crooks are you without evidence , what if they accused the ALP of such a thing
Shit , I just had a look at that list of names are in good company mate :thumb

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:41 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:
J o h n S m i t h wrote:
harvey wrote:
mantra wrote:Abbott is improving in popularity. Is this because he's appealing to the basic instincts of many people? He's stopped the boats, but at what cost?
Stopping more than 1200 deaths at sea that we know of.
Guess the ALP & Greens preferred the Deaths At Sea policy.
they didn't stop any deaths at sea, all they did was move the problem elsewhere

out of sight out of mind, right?
Nope. Stopped them.
Only an idiot would disagree.

It must be hard for you after 6 years of your useless shitful fluffy bunny of a govt allowed 50000 illegals to roll up and killed countless others, the conservatives get in and ended your death trade in 3 months.

Sucks to be a fuckwit like you.
stopped them? no, they moved the problem elsewhere

what about the thousands that drowned in the Mediterranean? or the hundreds that drowned or disappeared of the coast of Thailand/Malaysia?

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:43 am

Black Orchid wrote:The better solution would be to execute all the people smugglers and bury them at sea :lol:

ahh, a christian. ..... :f

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:47 am

762NATO wrote:Of course you have indisputable proof of this.
yes, it's in the same place you lot keep the 'indisputable proof' that Shorten acted corruptly when he was in the AWU :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by 762NATO » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:00 pm

Answer the question ,

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:00 pm

762NATO wrote:Answer the question ,
what question are you referring to?

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by skippy » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:03 pm

762NATO wrote:
skippy wrote:
roogal wrote:
harvey wrote:
mantra wrote:Abbott is improving in popularity. Is this because he's appealing to the basic instincts of many people? He's stopped the boats, but at what cost?
Stopping more than 1200 deaths at sea that we know of.
Guess the ALP & Greens preferred the Deaths At Sea policy.

Have to agree, the Deaths At Sea policy of the ALP & Greens has been superceded by the humane policy of turning back the boats
Whilst paying those filthy people smugglers to do so. What a disgrace Abbott is.
Of course you have indisputable proof of this. This is the joint full of people that the likes of you Smith Peccer Karnal and all the other Svengali Brian Ross Wally etc leftists consider full of corrupt monkeys who shoot poor Australian drug smugglers. Come on skip you are not gunna believe these fukken Indo crooks are you without evidence , what if they accused the ALP of such a thing
Shit , I just had a look at that list of names are in good company mate :thumb
When the PM uses the " I am not going to confirm nor deny" bullshit you know it means it's true. If Labor had done it they would be just as disgusting, but Abbott has built his PMship on stopping those awful people smugglers and here we with him paying them off.
Abbott would have denied it if he thought there was no paper trail to prove it, he knows it will come out.

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by 762NATO » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:15 pm

That will stand up in court won't it, come on Skippy ,you are smarter than that.You are obviously hiding some real hard evidence...send it to Shorten cause that fluffy bunny needs all the help he can get :thumb

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:47 pm

762NATO wrote:That will stand up in court won't it, come on Skippy ,you are smarter than that.You are obviously hiding some real hard evidence...send it to Shorten cause that fluffy bunny needs all the help he can get :thumb

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

now the libs are worried about evidence that would stand up in court? I thought it was Bolt and jones that determined guilt, not courts.

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by harvey » Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:07 pm

The hypocrisy and desperation from the left.
Kevin Rudd & Julia Gillard pay boat smugglers to turn back their boats and no one complains.
"Cash payments have been made to members of Indonesian people-smuggling rings by Australian intelligence officials for at least the past four years - including under the former Labor government, Fairfax Media has learnt. "

But when Tony Abbott is accused of doing exactly the same thing the left get all high and mighty.

And Tony Abbott is giving exactly the correct response when he says he will not confirm nor deny any such activity.
This means that Tony Abbott is NOT CONFIRMING of such practices and Tony Abbott is NOT DENYING of such practices.
It means Tony Abbott is NOT CONFIRMING NOR DENYING of such practices.

Australia's security is at stake and this response was perfectly acceptable when the ALP were the government and the left did not complain.

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