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Re: Credlin

Post by skippy » Fri Dec 12, 2014 10:54 am

Abbott is a hypocrite of the highest order. After whining about Gillard he is now whining his senior ministers are only against Credlin as she Is a PETA and NOT a PETER.
This maggot may well not see out the year, it looks like his infatuation with Credlin has totally blinded his reality. ... ynjr2-1227

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Re: Credlin

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:40 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Abbott just resorted to the misogyny defence.... shades of Gillard. :roll:
He doesn't know whether he's Arthur or Martha at the moment. He's getting confused with trying to be a nice bloke and politics. There's only room at the top for one female authority figure and will that go to Bishop or Credlin? Credlin wields a lot of power and influence so of course she's going to be resented.
I wouldn't mind her job, but I don't resent her...
I just think she is not right for the position.
It wouldn't matter if she was Peter or Peta...
I think she gives bad advice.
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Re: Credlin

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:41 pm

skippy wrote:
Abbott is a hypocrite of the highest order. After whining about Gillard he is now whining his senior ministers are only against Credlin as she Is a PETA and NOT a PETER.
This maggot may well not see out the year, it looks like his infatuation with Credlin has totally blinded his reality. ... ynjr2-1227
Whom are you quoting skippy?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Credlin

Post by skippy » Fri Dec 12, 2014 3:58 pm

Rorschach wrote:
skippy wrote:
Abbott is a hypocrite of the highest order. After whining about Gillard he is now whining his senior ministers are only against Credlin as she Is a PETA and NOT a PETER.
This maggot may well not see out the year, it looks like his infatuation with Credlin has totally blinded his reality. ... ynjr2-1227
Whom are you quoting skippy?
Me, I wrote that at OZ pol. But look at the link it's from the Liberal party daily, otherwise known as news lmd.
Not that it matters, Abbott was quoted himself as whining about it this morning it's in every news outlet now. You know a PM is in trouble when he starts bagging his own ministers in the press instead of shirt fronting them. :slap
This is quotes from the article
Amid reports of growing tensions between his powerful chief of staff Peta Credlin and his senior ministers, Mr Abbott has made it clear he thinks there is at least some sexism at play.“Do you really think that my chief of staff would be under this kind of criticism if her name was P-E-T-E-R as opposed to P-E-T-A?” Mr Abbott told ABC television.
When asked whether this comment was directed at his colleagues, Mr Abbott said: “I think people need to take a long hard look at themselves with some of these criticisms.”
Some MPs have accused Ms Credlin of micro-managing, with a former key adviser to Defence Minister David Johnson this month accusing the Prime Minister’s office of running Australia’s defence policy by stealth.
There were also reports, which have never been comprehensively denied, that Foreign Minister Julie Bishop “went bananas” after she was told that the Prime Minister’s Office wanted Trade Minister Andrew Robb to “chaperone” her to this week’s climate change negotiations in the Peruvian capital of Lima.
Mr Abbott told ABC that if people had a problem with his office then they should bring the complaints to him.
The coloured quote indicates he is talking about his own, his ministers, I doubt he means me as I like you have no access to approach him personally like he suggests.
All in all this is a bitch to the press about his own ministers which means he has lost their confidence.
Even die hard coalition supporters ( like Matty) at OZ pol are openly admitting he has made a horrible mess as PM.

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Re: Credlin

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 12, 2014 4:31 pm

skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:
skippy wrote:
Abbott is a hypocrite of the highest order. After whining about Gillard he is now whining his senior ministers are only against Credlin as she Is a PETA and NOT a PETER.
This maggot may well not see out the year, it looks like his infatuation with Credlin has totally blinded his reality. ... ynjr2-1227
Whom are you quoting skippy?
Me, I wrote that at OZ pol. But look at the link it's from the Liberal party daily, otherwise known as news lmd.
Not that it matters, Abbott was quoted himself as whining about it this morning it's in every news outlet now. You know a PM is in trouble when he starts bagging his own ministers in the press instead of shirt fronting them. :slap
Sorry, can't look at the link.... news limited.
BTW I think you will find Abbott is letting personal loyalty to a female staff member and friend, cloud his judgement.
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Re: Credlin

Post by skippy » Fri Dec 12, 2014 4:40 pm

I just copied most of the article for you, its now in my last post. See if you can read the coloured quote properly, I might change that to another colour it doesn't come out great as yellow.

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Re: Credlin

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:40 pm

skippy wrote:I just copied most of the article for you, its now in my last post. See if you can read the coloured quote properly, I might change that to another colour it doesn't come out great as yellow.
Looks fine to me...
Yes I heard him say that last night... and had a great big laugh.
What a stupid statement and shows how out of touch he actually is with the reality of the situation.
If you wish to contact the PM... unless you manage to do it face to face... it all goes through his office. Who is in charge of his office? :roll: :roll: :roll: Credlin.
If he thinks anything she doesn't ok will get to him, he's deluded.
As far as Liberal advisers go, you would be hard-pressed to find one with Credlin's clout and pedigree. The Melbourne University law graduate has been around the federal political scene for 15 years - first as a staffer to a bevy of senior Liberals including Robert Hill and Helen Coonan, before moving to the offices of the last three Liberal leaders (she earned nickname of "cockroach" for her ability to survive leadership changes) . Since 2002, she has also been married to Liberal Party federal director Brian Loughnane.
Gee I wonder how she survives... she has been 2IC to 3 Lib leaders...
Nelson... gone
Turnbull... gone
and now Abbott... not gone yet... but...
IMO he made his first major political mistake today, apart from the other ones he's obviously made, under her advisement. He may be a loyal friend, but... he cannot expect everyone else to accept, that in the face of all evidence to the contrary she's a bad advisor. Particularly in government. Hopefully Thawley will help fix the problems.
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Re: Credlin

Post by Rorschach » Fri Dec 12, 2014 5:50 pm

There are three schools of thought in government circles about Credlin.

The first is that a large chunk of the Coalition's woes can be attributed to Credlin's control freakery, that Abbott is too close to be objective about his long-time adviser, and that he needs a new chief of staff – or at least a significantly revamped one.

Fairfax Media spoke to backbench and frontbench Liberals this week who expressed dismay that they keep hearing about major policy announcements for the first time via leaks from the Prime Minister's office (the " PMO") to the media. Some ministers are even finding out about major developments in their own portfolios this way. There is also a strong suspicion that the PMO has been briefing the media against other ministers.

Then, there is both cringing and concern that Credlin is so visible. The unwritten rule in Canberra is that political advisers should be heard by politicians but not by the public, and certainly never "seen". Eyebrows were well and truly raised this week when in response to reports that she was seeking a parliamentary gig, Credlin provocatively replied "not at this time".

The second school of thought is that Credlin is a proxy for disenchantment about the government's performance. Credlin herself would say she is not responsible for the stuff-ups of other ministers - after all, she didn't instruct Joe Hockey to say that poor people don't drive.

Coalition frontbencher Jamie Briggs – who worked with Credlin when they were advisers in the Howard years – describes the "feeding frenzy" around her as "ridiculous". "I'm not sure what the issue is," he says, arguing that as a junior minister, "she doesn't tell me what to do."

The Assistant Infrastructure Minister also points out that Credlin is "entitled to disagree with people", while noting that anything she does is on the Prime Minister's behalf anyway. Briggs is scathing that ministers are not coming to Credlin direct with their issues – choosing to background journalists instead. "If they've got any balls, they would go and talk to her herself."

Then there is a third theory that Credlin is copping undue flak because she is a woman. Abbott is not the only one arguing this. One of the most senior Liberal women in Parliament, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, agrees that Credlin is being judged more harshly than her male counterparts would. "Tough women in politics have a hard time of it," the NSW Senator says.

Other Liberal women are quietly seething about the treatment that Credlin is receiving both in and outside the government, with one describing it as "grossly unfair". Liberal staffers who have worked closely with Credlin credit her as a prodigiously hard worker – even by Parliament House standards – who is a straight talker, stands her ground and does not hold grudges. They speak admiringly of her efforts to mentor other women.

Whichever Credlin theory is correct, the danger for the government is that the most dramatic one will dominate regardless. Indeed, the photo where Credlin is seemingly "having a go" at Bishop is not about Iraq or the budget or any government business at all. It's said the chief of staff was simply complimenting the Foreign Minister on her new pearls.
Personally, I think the first one holds a great deal of water.
One cannot watch Abbott's performances without thinking Credlin, has a hand in it somewhere... remember shirtfront... Credlin is Victorian not Abbott. It is an AFL term. Remember exactly what he said....

You bet you are.... gee I wonder where he heard that?
Then there is the bad policy advice and the fact that much policy is being released directly from the PMO.

the list goes on...
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Re: Credlin

Post by skippy » Fri Dec 12, 2014 6:44 pm

I agree Abbott didn't come up with "shirt front" himself. As a New South Welshman I didn't even know what it meant.

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Re: Credlin

Post by mantra » Fri Dec 12, 2014 7:53 pm

Abbott wouldn't be able to survive without her. He can barely put two words together when he's caught off guard. She would write instructions for him each day telling him what to say and do.

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