Neferti~ wrote:mantra wrote:Neferti~ wrote:Meanwhile, he will go about business and QUIETLY get the country back in working condition!
He won't if his new book on "how to destroy a government in 6 years" gets into circulation.
I haven't checked that link. The title sounds iffy!
I think Tony Abbot will be a big surprise as Prime Minister, for a lot of people. An extremely good one! He is taking his role as VERY serious, and so he should. It is a privilege to become one of our Prime Ministers.
I doubt he will be the power-hungry pollie that we have all been used to and he certainly doesn't need or want some power-hungry MP spouting off at a "door stop" ....
Tony is the Big Kahuna and I doubt he will micromanage, like Kevni, but he does have a right to know what the rest of his Ministers are doing and saying. It all reflects back on Tony and he is the one who will/would get lambasted by the MSM if any of his Ministers say something off the top of their heads.
He is being careful. It is his way. I imagine that you would find that Tony has no airs and graces, he knows protocol and has excellent manners and can communicate with the poor as well as the high and mighty with equal ease. He is a Scorpio, afterall.

Its actually a pro-Abbott website
Just shows Mantra doesn't even read her own propaganda- note this list doesn't include the additional Rudd fuckups after playing reverse stabby stab with Julia" onclick=";return false;
1. Grocery Watch
2. Fuel Watch
3. Climate Change “greatest moral challenge” abandonment
4. Copenhagen 114 person strong extravaganza & failure
5. $275 million 31, later 450 GP Super Clinics promised, only three delivered
6. $47 billion National Broadband white elephant, without a business plan
7. 2.1 Billion Laptop for every child – without infrastructure
8. Mandatory Internet Filter – dangerous, ineffective, mis-managed
9. Litigation of Japan whaling – empty PC rhetoric
10. Commonwealth Health takeover replaced with pretend ‘reform’
11. Murray Darling River State non-deal
12. Rudd economic conservative turned anti-capitalist, now Gillard
13. Foreign policy damage– China, Japan, Indonesia, India
14. Asylum Boat people arrivals explosion & its denial for year
15. Stimulus spending too big, too late and mainly on Labor electorates
16. Bank interest rates rises due to over stimulus
17. Industrial relations rollback to pre-Keating era
18. Wild Rivers legislation support harms aborigines
19. More not less Secretive Government – less granted FOI’s
20. Public Housing promise undelivered
21. 2020 Summit – staged celebrity talk-fest
22. Promise to retain universal Private Health rebate broken
23. Rudd promise to make Canberra his base
24. Promise to clean up election funding broken
25. $3.45 billion pink bat Home Insulation debacle
26. $275 Million Green Loans debacle
27. Raise the standard of Ministerial responsibility abandoned
28. Political advertising ombudsman promised then dismantled
29. $534 Million Solar Panel Rebate sudden withdrawal
30. Halve homeless by 2020 / by 20% by 2013 – instead rising
31. Build 222 childcare centres – abandoned
32. Pacific Workers Scheme failure
33. Meat imports restarted from mad cow disease countries without consultation
34. Mining Tax mis-design, mis-management & lies on tax rates
35. $38.5 million for a pro-mining tax ad campaign
36. 1 Billion Cash for Clunkers greenwash stupidity
37. Bullying East Timor for our detention centre
38. 150 Citizen’s council for Climate stupidity
39. Pork barrelling infra-structure grants to Labor seats – auditor
40. Gillard opposition to pension increase for non-Labor voting pensioners
41. National Security Committee run by ex-bodyguard