Religion of pieces of human flesh

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by mantra » Thu May 23, 2013 4:33 pm

Annie wrote:The ones in my college town neighborhood are quiet and respectful, many drive taxis, and many own businesses and always supply the brands of foods we like, even if those foods aren't included in their own diet, and serve coffee at the front door. They are very welcoming, and polite to all us customers.
That's very positive Annie. The so called "terrorists" are a minority. In the US most of the mass shootings are caused by some disgruntled weirdo who has finally gone insane and is of no particular religious persuasion.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by annielaurie » Thu May 23, 2013 4:41 pm

mantra wrote:
Annie wrote:The ones in my college town neighborhood are quiet and respectful, many drive taxis, and many own businesses and always supply the brands of foods we like, even if those foods aren't included in their own diet, and serve coffee at the front door. They are very welcoming, and polite to all us customers.
That's very positive Annie. The so called "terrorists" are a minority. In the US most of the mass shootings are caused by some disgruntled weirdo who has finally gone insane and is of no particular religious persuasion.
Yes, we certainly do have our share of those here in the USA.


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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Super Nova » Thu May 23, 2013 5:30 pm

Islam is not a religion of hatred and it has been built on many of the good things that have come from the Hebrew and Christian teachings.

Have any of you life in Islamic countries? Probably not.

This is all about history. However the thing I don't like about Islam is there has been no reformation and therefore there is still no separation of State (Law) and the right to Worship (as occurred in Christianity). For context, remember our history in the Dark Ages and the control Christianity had over the state and peoples lives.

And it appears that the intertwining of Law and Worship are so connected it looks like they cannot be separated for Islam.

Since Islam has no central governance, like the Catholic Church, there is no central point to manage and control any reforming and modernisation. It is a set of independent cells (like a good terrorist network... ha ha) that each can have their own interpretation of the Quran and Sharia Law.

The radicalisation of some members of Islam (from a different perspective) is the perceived powerless they have over what they see happening to them by world powers. If I can highlight this and I am no anti Israel. The treatment of Palestine is one recent root cause. These people lost their country at a stroke after WW2. They live in a terrible state. The west recreated a homeland lost to the Jews in Roman times. How far do we go back and redraw borders. This is the root I believe. I watched Israel commit some terrible crimes while living in Kuwait and when I spoke to the locals you could see their point of view. Hatred builds, they have no voice, they have no influence. They feel that they cannot be heard.

While we allow the integration of State and Religion around the world... we will not solve this problem. Islam demands they are linked and bound. The root of this problem in my belief. Islam as a religion is fine. Islam as a set of Laws is bad. Any state that does not have separation of State and Religion will not move out the 21st Century "Dark Ages".
Legal rulings

The Sharia regulates all human actions and puts them into five categories: obligatory, recommended, permitted, disliked or forbidden.

Obligatory actions must be performed and when performed with good intentions are rewarded. The opposite is forbidden action. Recommended action is that which should be done and the opposite is disliked action. Permitted action is that which is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Most human actions fall in this last category.

The ultimate worth of actions is based on intention and sincerity, as mentioned by the Prophet, who said, "Actions are by intentions, and one shall only get that which one intended."

Life under the Sharia
Woman in a face-concealing head veil with only her eyes visible. The Sharia sets out rules of conduct for women and men ©
The Sharia covers all aspects of human life. Classical Sharia manuals are often divided into four parts: laws relating to personal acts of worship, laws relating to commercial dealings, laws relating to marriage and divorce, and penal laws

Islam is was very tolerant of all other religions in the early days and they were respected and allowed to worship and have key roles in their society.

It was the west in the crusades that a religious war with Islam. Committed the most horrific crimes. Slaying whole townships all in the same of a Christian god. BTW, the same fucking God. Islam recognises all the Hebrew prophets and Christ as a prophet.

Has similar values.
All aspects of a Muslim's life are governed by Sharia. Sharia law comes from a combination of sources including the Qur'an (the Muslim holy book), the Hadith (sayings and conduct of the prophet Muhammad) and fatwas (the rulings of Islamic scholars).

Many people, including Muslims, misunderstand Sharia. It's often associated with the amputation of limbs, death by stoning, lashes and other medieval punishments. Because of this, it is sometimes thought of as draconian. Some people in the West view Sharia as archaic and unfair social ideas that are imposed upon people who live in Sharia-controlled countires.

Many Muslims, however, hold a different view. In the Islamic tradition Sharia is seen as something that nurtures humanity. They see the Sharia not in the light of something primitive but as something divinely revealed. In a society where social problems are endemic, Sharia frees humanity to realise its individual potential.


Throughout history, God has sent messengers to people all over the world, to guide them to the straight path that would lead them to happiness in this world and the one to follow. All messengers taught the same message about belief (the Qur'an teaches that all messengers called people to the worship of the One God), but the specific prescriptions of the divine laws regulating people's lives varied according to the needs of his people and time.

The Prophet Muhammad (God bless him and give him peace) was the final messenger and his Sharia represents the ultimate manifestation of the divine mercy. ... ia_1.shtml
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Super Nova » Thu May 23, 2013 5:40 pm

Any disagreement with Israel is seen as anti-Semitic. Time to tell it how it is and the west, particularly the US needs to be seen to be balanced and not just one sided.

Good on the UK to start telling it how it is.

Time for the US to stop just supporting Israel no matter what they do.
British guilty of disguised anti-Semitism, says Israeli minister
Exclusive: A senior Israeli government minister has attacked British attitudes towards his country as "disguised anti-Semitism" and said that Britain was more hostile towards the Jewish state than other Western countries. ... ister.html
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by mantra » Thu May 23, 2013 5:50 pm

Super Nova wrote:Any disagreement with Israel is seen as anti-Semitic. Time to tell it how it is and the west, particularly the US needs to be seen to be balanced and not just one sided.

Good on the UK to start telling it how it is.

Time for the US to stop just supporting Israel no matter what they do.
British guilty of disguised anti-Semitism, says Israeli minister
Exclusive: A senior Israeli government minister has attacked British attitudes towards his country as "disguised anti-Semitism" and said that Britain was more hostile towards the Jewish state than other Western countries. ... ister.html
I agree, but unfortunately it will never happen because Israel is the home of the mothers of many of the wealthy US capitalists and/or politicians. We lick their boots here also because we have to agree with the US on so many political issues.

Since 9/11 hatred towards Muslims has been open and relentless, yet the Jews are guilty of so many atrocities also. No-one in the western world can say anything negative about the Jews - otherwise we're accused of anti-semitism.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Super Nova » Thu May 23, 2013 5:56 pm

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 23, 2013 5:59 pm

mantra wrote:This is a thread started on hatred and racism - yet you say I'm full of bile and hate. Look at your fellow haters posting the same pathetic and low thoughts as each other.

Why not just change the title of the thread to Muslim bashing? You think you're going to impress anyone with this thread? Highly unlikely.

IQ - you really are a dirty, foul mouthed little pervert.
ignorance abounds doesn't it... ISLAM is not a race. ... peech.html
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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by mantra » Thu May 23, 2013 6:06 pm

Rorschach wrote: ignorance abounds doesn't it... ISLAM is not a race. ... peech.html
Substitute the word racism for bigotry.

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Rorschach » Thu May 23, 2013 6:11 pm

Why? Islam is not a race.
let us know when you finally get it. :rofl
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Religion of pieces of human flesh

Post by Neferti » Thu May 23, 2013 6:20 pm

Australia accepted Muslims into its society way back just after WW2, as we did the Jews. Nobody blinked. There were Synagogues and Mosques everywhere. Nobody wondered or worried about it. They were New Australians. We wanted to know what they were like and what they did and eat, etc. They fitted in at school, work and elsewhere.

What happened? Forced Multicult?

The current lot of Muslims are an ANGRY lot. Is it religion or their hatred for us Caucasians? They probably have a reason. Like I said way back, I did NOT agree to the War after 911. I doubt I will be around when it all goes toes up. :clap

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