Roger Mellie wrote:
Impersonating service members and riding on the back of genuine heros as Frogen has been doing for years is a reprehensable act and he deserves to be called on it.
You can say what you like RM..but you just look like a stalker right now..Whatever Frogens story is ,is not really the point with most pple who encounter most of us he is a just a good bloke..we deal with him on "that basis" .
I choose to believe Frogen because I usually take pple at face value..none of your jealous hypocritical ravings so far have changed my mind about anything at all, and they you may as well give it up.
The more you grind this thing into the ground you dont even realise you are just exposing more of your own face, not "exposing" Frogens other side. Its you who has lost cred. here, and only a couple of ignoramuses are buying it anyway. I'd hardly call that a win for you .
Everyone is looking on as if its some kind of nasty train wreck ..I dont subscribe to that group..I either walk away or I have to speak.
You need to clean up your your own life you hypocrite, take care of YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!. Put all this energy into getting a gf..because stalking Frogen this way just makes you look sad/pathetic. And yet your obsessed?
I dont care what Frogens "real" story is ( according to you). I dont care about you. Go away.