Abbott's "token" woman

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Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Jovial_Monk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:49 pm

From The Australian comes news this afternoon that Western Australia has lost its prized AAA credit rating:
Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s said today it had lowered its rating for WA to `AA+’ from `AAA’, citing the government’s “limited political will” to cut spending.

It is the first time since 2003 that Western Australia has not had a AAA credit rating, which limits the cost of the state’s borrowings.

The move leaves Victoria as the only Australian state to have a AAA rating on a stable outlook…

“The lowering of WA’s long-term issuer credit rating reflects our view that while the fiscal action plan announced in WA’s fiscal 2014 budget improves the state’s path, in our view there is likely to be slippage, reflecting our view of limited political will, as evidenced by the early revision of some budget revenue and expenditure measures. As a result, WA’s credit metrics are likely to remain more consistent with an `AA+’ rating over the medium term.

…WA’s debt burden is now at the high end of the domestic peer group, and in our view is likely to continue rising.” ... it-rating/

Royalties, domestic utility charges all hiked yet Barnett can’t get his deficit under control. Methinks he better cut the Royalties for Regions program! Alas the Nats in Canberra will insist on similar economic lunacy.


Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Jovial_Monk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:53 pm

Tone is dicing with potential unintended consequences here....
The Australian has reported today that the incoming Coalition Government is attempting to delay the unwinding of the mining capex boom by forcing miners to spend on new projects, or risk losing their mining rights:
RESOURCE giants will be told to step up their spending on mammoth new projects or risk losing their rights to tap the deposits, under an Abbott government plan to accelerate investment and kill off fears of an end to the boom.

The incoming government aims to use its power over the vast gas deposits to bring forward up to $180 billion in new investment, sending a blunt message to companies to develop rather than hoard the nation’s resources…

Mr Macfarlane warned that companies that shelved their projects could lose the “retention leases” they held over the reserves, given the commonwealth’s power to revoke the rights as they came up for renewal over the next few years.

“I want to put the industry on notice that if the deposits are able to be developed they’ve got to be developed,” he said yesterday as he arrived in Canberra for briefings.”We’ve got to make sure that every molecule of gas that can come out of the ground does so. Provided we’ve got the environmental approvals right, we should develop everything we can.”
So after screeching from the rafters about the RSPT supposedly driving mining investment offshore, Tone suddenly seems to have forgotten that he is supposedly the head of "the business-friendly party" and suddenly seems a bit more like Whitlam, declaring "use it or lose it". I have no problem with making sure foreign mining companies don't just hoard our resources but......
The Coalition’s policy could have some serious unintended consequences. Sure, while it may lead to increased mining investment and delay the mining investment cliff for a few more years, it also risks:

1.encouraging the development of marginal projects that would otherwise not get approval, leaving unproductive “white elephants”;
2.substantially increasing the supply of resources exports, thereby lowering prices; and
3.depleting Australia’s fixed endowment of resources more quickly than desirable from an inter-generational perspective.

If the market dynamics were such that new investment was viable, the chances are such projects would be developed.
Note the last line - if such projects were considered viable they would probably be under development right now. Tone may have just made a monumental fuck up. ... nvestment/

If anybody thought the simian would lead a Liberal govt—hang your head in shame, idiots! Nothing about the simian’s govt is Liberal—it is a DLP govt! It does not like markets! Direct action, PPL, Fraudband now this idiocy are not market–driven solutions! The Carbon Price was.

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Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:59 pm

The carbon price was using the conservative tool box for a socialist bullshit idea.

It was always a socialist bullshit idea and always will be.
Thank god it's gone. Just one of many ALP thought bubbles that will be confined to the dustbin.
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Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Neferti » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:02 pm

The subject of this thread is ........?

Jovial Monk is OFF TOPIC

Stop spamming every thread with your crap, Monk.


Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Jovial_Monk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:02 pm

It isn’t gone yet, idiot.

With AGW continuing a market based mechanism to influence behavior to reduce emissions is a sound policy.

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Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:03 pm

It's gone fuckhead.
It will be wiped from Australia just like the ALP was.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Neferti » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:04 pm

Neferti~ wrote:The subject of this thread is ........? TOKEN WOMAN.

Jovial Monk is OFF TOPIC

Stop spamming every thread with your crap, Monk.


Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Jovial_Monk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:06 pm

Not gone and likely still here in 3 years time.

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Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by mellie » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:15 pm

Time to settle the score....

Julia Gillards first ministry

Cabinet total: 19

Male: 15

Female: 4

Outer ministry total: 10

Male: 7

Female: 3

Parliamentary secretaries total: 11

Male: 9

Female: 2

Whips: Unknown/undeclared

Grand gender total for Gillards first Ministry: 40

Male: 31

Female: 9

Tony Abbott's first ministry

Cabinet total: 19

Male: 18

Female: 1

Outer ministry total: 10

Male: 6

Female: 4

Parliamentary secretaries total: 11

Male: 10

Female: 1


Male: 5


Grand gender total for Abbotts first Ministry: 48

Male: 38

Female: 10

Grand gender total for Gillards first ministry: 40


Female: 9

8-) Much of a muchness really.
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~


Re: Abbott's "token" woman

Post by Jovial_Monk » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:32 pm

The deluded world of a National MP.

First, this article about the imminent sacking of 1100 – 1200 Centrelink Call Centre workers, which will have quite an effect on regional centrea across Australia including Coffs Harbour in Luke Harsuyker’s electorate of Cowper. ... 2txm1.html" onclick=";return false;

Then Hartsuyker’s meaningless gibbering about his plans to lure another government office to Coffs to add to the exisiting, soon to be slashed, Centrelink Call Centre. As is usual with Pruneface, he is totally oblivious to what is happening around him. As usual with Nationals it is promise the world, deliver nothing. ... s/2015681/" onclick=";return false;

Coffs Harbour, along with other towns, will soon be trying to cope with a few hundred unemployed people, the resultant loss of income to the local economy and all the other flow-on problems. And those call centres, with their newly depleted staffing levels, will be struggling to cope with the increased demand on their services from all hose who will be looking for help after Abbott and Co finish their sacking and slashing.

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