Should Abbott step down?

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:31 am

mellie wrote:
skippy wrote:The Liberals are running the sideshow, Mel. As for the Australian voters they haven't wanted Abbott since six weeks after he was elected as PM. In fact they never wanted him, they just wanted to give Labor a boot up the bum.
I think you'll find Abbotts not going anywhere and will most likely win the next federal election.

Something to look forward to.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by mellie » Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:38 am

Would you bet your house on it Skip?

Barnaby Joyce has, and is confident there will be no Liberal leadership spill, despite the whiney chorus of disgruntled lefties wishful thinking.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:16 am

mellie wrote:Would you bet your house on it Skip?

Barnaby Joyce has, and is confident there will be no Liberal leadership spill, despite the whiney chorus of disgruntled lefties wishful thinking.

I didn't know all those Liberal trying to unseat Abbott were lefties, Mel.
Abbott will survive Tuesday, I'll bet my house on it. But he won't survive the year, he's the most hated PM since polls began.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by mellie » Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:25 am

He's hated by only a few within the Liberal ranks....and the media are overstating the degree of public hatred towards Tony.

Of course there was going to be the Tony-haters, Tony is cutting government spending, pissing off lazy ass bureaucrats and forcing us to tighten our belts.

Call it tough love, but someone had to do it.

Ok Skip..the bets on.... you say he won't make it to the next federal election, well I say he will.

I will bet you 3 salt-reduced pretzels and a rice cracker.

Is it a deal?

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:51 am

I think Abbott will survive next weeks leadership spill but I highly doubt he will lead the Libs at the next election. Unless he can prove that he has learned from his past blunders he is unlikely to win another election.

Time will tell.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by mellie » Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:54 am

Black Orchid wrote:I think Abbott will survive next weeks leadership spill but I highly doubt he will lead the Libs at the next election. Unless he can prove that he has learned from his past blunders he is unlikely to win another election.

Time will tell.

Thats 3 more pretzels and a rice cracker coming my way. ;)
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:09 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
One funny thing is that members of the press gallery seem to think a speech at the National Press Club would make any difference to the public in general. Seems to me both sides of the political media divide have delusions of grandeur.
Never watched it ... nor any other Press Club Speech. We vote by POLICIES, remember, not speeches. ;)
Really.... then I guess I'm right and the media is wrong then eh...
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:13 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:ABC news...
Like the ALP, the Liberal Party runs the risk of killing off more than one leader next week.

And what if the replacement turns out unable to reverse the Government's fortunes? A faltering Bishop would soon be tarred with the brush of Gillard. Liberals might well ponder the embarrassment of her five months as Shadow Treasurer in 2008-09, a period that casts doubt on her leadership credentials.

Equally, a faltering Turnbull would be reminiscent of his less than stellar performance as opposition leader in 2008-09. Remember Godwin Grech? And who thinks the Liberal Party's problem with climate change will go away if Turnbull takes over?
Turnbull hadn't been in politics long when he became opposition leader. He should get another chance. He wouldn't be perfect, but he might be the only solution at the moment. Bishop would not make a good leader. I said the same about Abbott. He's not a talker, which isn't a bad thing generally, but not for a prime minister. Turnbull is articulate and has a good business background. He is the best out of a bad lot and that includes Labor too. He appeals to the left, so he offers something to both sides.
Bullshit mantra, like Abbott Turnbull cannot change his spots.
He's a Prog through and through. He appeals to Progs because he offers something to them, not both sides. :du
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:34 pm

skippy wrote:I hate to say I told you so but honestly Abbott was never the right option. The majority of Australians are centrist not left or right.
I think Abbott will survive Tuesday but he won't survive the year. The party's best chance of holding power is dump him now the longer it goes on the more dismal it becomes, ask Labor.
We don't get to pick that particular option Skippy....
even though Abbott and others are trying to claim we do right now.
The option may be exercised next week.
By the people who do get to pick.
The majority of Australians are Conservative... BTW even if Labor's education system are indoctrinating our youth. I had a 16 year old kid tell me the other day I was being racist when repeating a poem about black and white cats FFS.
I already made my point re abbott and his leadership.
No matter the outcome his leadership is terminal for him and the party.
Now I may be wrong and there may be a miracle and he changes and policy direction changes and all politicians suddenly grow a brain. But I doubt it.
If he defeats or survives a spill next week, if things haven't turned around in 6 months he will be gone. Better to go early and give the new PM a chance to turn the Titanic.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:21 pm

skippy wrote:The Liberals are running the sideshow, Mel. As for the Australian voters they haven't wanted Abbott since six weeks after he was elected as PM. In fact they never wanted him, they just wanted to give Labor a boot up the bum.
I think you'll find they wanted to give Labor more than just "a boot up the bum" Skippy.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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