Boston marathon bombing

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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by mantra » Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:46 pm

mellie wrote:How can one confess, when they can hardly speak?

8-) Americans must think we came down with the last shower.

Point of interest.... The surviving alleged bomber is being treated in Boston’s Beth Israel Deaconess Jewish Hospital.
I think it's all a bit suspect too. The younger brother was shot in the throat before he even had a chance to a fair trial.

That's the US though - shoot first then ask questions. When the target can't speak - they'll fill in the gaps for you.
Father and mother of the brothers testify that their sons have been framed, and the whole story had been fabricated. The brothers' parents accuse the agency of concealing this spying on Tamerlan from the public.

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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:58 pm

The boys father is a Lawyer, and plans to travel to the US to take the matter to the high court, as he has a number of questions for both the US government and FBI.

Questions they don't feel at liberty of answering at present, and probably had no intentions of answering either though I think the boys father will get to the bottom of it.

By all accounts, it seems the boys were roped into some sort of covert 'special forces' operation, something they may have thought was 'legal', until of course in the aftermath when they realised they had been used to participate in an actual act of terror, sanctioned and executed by the US government and its secret service personnel.

I'm thinking the reason the cop was killed, was because he too was a pawn, and had not been aware that the Boston Bomb squad 'simulation' was in fact to be the real deal , thus was a liability they couldn't afford.

I am having visions of the distressed cop saying "But you said noone was going to get hurt, it was supposed to be a drill".... before one of his own colleagues shot him dead at the scene where they claim one of the two boys shot the cop.

Honestly, this scenario is more believable than the crap spewing from the pages of our MSM at present.


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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:48 pm

You are certifiably batshit insane...

Please regale us with your tales of 911 scientific Google event evaluation and how you managed to piece together the conspiracy by looking at websites created by people more batshit insane than yourself
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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:56 pm

Please don't! :shock:

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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by Neferti » Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:05 pm

:rofl The conspirinut (sp?) and the nutcase discussing Who Done It ........ hilarious.

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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:56 pm

And what percentage of Americans believe the events of 9/11 were as their government said again?


You can deride those who are capable of thinking independently as much as you like, but at the end of the day, more people than not think you are a US but sniffing toe-rag, fanatically spruiking the official line from the sidelines, despotically holding onto the falsehood that a western government just wouldn't do something as sinister as this to it's own people, and the moon landing actually happened and that a carbon tax can in fact stop the sky from falling.

Noone really believes those fairy tales anymore, not even you.

8-) .... America lacks credibility, time for a change in global superpower.

Whats to respect?

They are pathetic.

Nerf, if you spent more time reading and less time trying to snag married men with your crusty wrinkly old flap-jacks you'd be able to make some sort of contribution to this forum.

IQ's on the other hand needs to get back to being the forum jester that he is.

Last edited by mellie on Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:59 pm

And what percentage of Americans believe the events of 9/11 were as their government said again?
100% of the non-batshit crazy ones.
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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by boxy » Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:01 pm

Please tell us all about what the Jewish hospital is doing to the innocent little poppet, Bart. We're all ears :lol:
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Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:02 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
And what percentage of Americans believe the events of 9/11 were as their government said again?
100% of the non-batshit crazy ones.

I think what you are saying is roughly 70% (at last count) are bat-shit mad then IQ's?



Re: Boston marathon bombing

Post by Aussie » Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:04 pm

boxy wrote:Please tell us all about what the Jewish hospital is doing to the innocent little poppet, Bart. We're all ears :lol:
I want Porky back. I don't know what I am going to say next.


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