Anyway, the first time I heard about Wets and Dries was when I first came to Canberra and a couple of co-workers were listening to "our ABC" when Malcolm Fraser was Prime Minister and Bob Hawke beat Bill Hayden as the ALP Leader. One co-worker mentioned "wets and dries" of the Liberal Party, I really didn't understand what he was on about. This person called himself a "small-l liberal" which I took as he didn't vote Liberal and I did so, we never got into a conversation about it.
I presume that Malcolm Fraser was a "wet"? Howard was a "dry"?The "wet" (moderate) and "dry" (conservative) wings of the Liberal party co-operated fairly harmoniously, but in the early 1970s as conservatives started to dominate in South Australia liberals led by Steele Hall broke off to form the Liberal Movement. In 1977, other dissident small-l liberal[8][9] forces led by Don Chipp created the Australian Democrats.
Anyway, here read this: