Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

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Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by cynik » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:53 am

Obviously when you were growing up, derisive laughter from someone in authority constituted a winning argument.


Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by skippy » Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:06 am

cynik wrote:Why should one not call Rudd Red?

Because he didn't pursue policies that helped working people, but instead dominated their interests with insincere dogma and gave them away to a foreign based elite?

It seems to me he is following a long line of communist scumbags, and carrying their flag nicely.

Let me be clear: I call Rudd "Red" because he is a professional mewling mouthpiece for whosoever has the most to contribute to his personal ambitions as a politician. That is what commies do. They serve those who appoint them, and they spruik nonsense whilst manipulating the market to favour their hidden support base.

Rudd is not a democrat, he is not for market principles, and he sure as shit doesn't care about human rights.

How red can you get?
cynik, are you the same one who posts on debate & relate?


Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by cynik » Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:47 pm

No. If someone is posting at that shithole with my name, it aint me.

Debate and felate is, for certain, the biggest gathering of sycophantic morons I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

There was a guy there... big jack doogan or something like that. He had a place called "Botany bay", where he would send people who did not make the grade of conduct, according to his little crew of overlords.

And, get this, the guy claimed, the whole forum claimed, to be ultra australian and patriotic.

So go figure. The guy puts himself out as the uber aussie, and then he unconsciously mimics the English. After all, it was they who were the self appointed overlords who sent people to botany bay.

THAT is about all I needed to see from that place. What a bunch of hysterical asswipes. All of them. Totally pathetic. Nobody there can write or think for shit. It is just a big gathering of losers with no lives and the desire to make themselves feel better by either belonging to the club or by punishing those sad enough to want to belong.

One thing that has always defined PA, and I mean every spectrum of PA, is the freedom to write whatever the fuck you want. I figure if a forum doesn't have that, it is full of cowards and bullies who are using their cyber authority to pretend that they are important.

And they call that "decency". Phht. I call it fear of the world. Sticks and stones my break my bones but words make me shit my pants and go screaming home to mommy.

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Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Hebe » Sat Jan 03, 2009 2:48 pm

And, get this, the guy claimed, the whole forum claimed, to be ultra australian and patriotic.
By which they mean they mainly vote Liberal, National or One Nation (or Republican). And are afraid of "the left". I only belong there because I can't find anything to take the place of PA and its political incorrectness and lunacy.
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:01 pm

I think temporarilly propping up unsustainable economic regimes by paying breeders to indulge in rat race consumerism so they can buy things to throw away is a terrific idea. I'm under the impression that for every currency unit [dollar] OZ actually owns/possesses, there are 18 in circulation. Meaning a dollar is really worth little more 5 cents.
Buying the peasants support is not a bad long term political move for a regime intent on remaining in power while backflipping and reneging on all their election campaign promises.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by JW Frogen » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:09 pm

cynik wrote: Debate and felate is, for certain, the biggest gathering of sycophantic morons I have ever had the misfortune to come across.

In other words cynik was banned.

Still, his general premise is correct (hell, some one always seems to win the lottery) the place is an incubator of conformity.

Many Internet forums are, (a misty fog known as Boomkasha drifts by), indeed maybe most?

Revealing something interesting, if not sanguine, about the nature of humans and their emotive assumptions of just what freedom is.

I have to wonder; if you need such comforting conformity on the Internet then what terror does the chaotic plurality of real life inflict on you?

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Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by JW Frogen » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:15 pm

Heretic wrote:I think temporarilly propping up unsustainable economic regimes by paying breeders to indulge in rat race consumerism so they can buy things to throw away is a terrific idea. .

Most people who have life force are going to have children if they can.

Might as well tell life to ignore Darwin, it an’t going to happen. You can't stop what is comming, you can only adapt.

So the real question comes how to get more from less, economic growth which historically does this, by creating more from less. (See the growth in agricultural yields as an example.)

Pretending humans are going to stay is some sort of population stasis for the good of the planet might inspire Al Gore or the Greens to give you a blow job, but it has little to do with reality or how human beings have and will behave in the future.


Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by mantra. » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:22 pm

In other words cynik was banned.

Still, his general premise is correct (hell, some one always seems to win the lottery) the place is an incubator of conformity.

I was banned too Frogen - first and only time ever and I only wrote about 6 posts. Auzgurl & Skippy were also banned. The place is a disgrace and Cynik's description is accurate.

Jovial Monk

Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:27 pm

Deepshit runs that forum too?



Re: Is the Xmas bonus good for the economy?

Post by mantra. » Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:34 pm

No Monk. DT was banned also - so was IQ. In fact there's probably only half a dozen people who haven't been banned from there.

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