... --spt.html
I see Morrison is promising a billion dollars worth of Navy ships to be built in WA...
Of course, this is just to buy some votes in marginal seats...will they really be built there....I think not....
People may have forgotten the same efforts were made to woo SA voters with the submarines that were
going to be built in SA.
Of course we all know that the subs were always going to be built in France, never in SA.
Of course, we can only assume that this was all part of an economic hit mans con, where our Defense
Minister at the time was wrapped up by the con...but probably got some French kickbacks somewhere...
you a few weeks relaxing on the french riviera here and there......but I digress....
BTW an economic hitmans job is to saddle a country up in so much debt that the country is always broke...
but the sellers always benefit immensely....(read the book..Confessions of an Economic Hitman)
Reminds me of the 72 F35s which we have at Williamstown which have to be repainted every time they touch
down as the "stealth" needs to be replentished..oh btw...they are susceptible to corrosion from the sea air....
Great purchase by our defense many billions did they cost...and the yanks think theyre "lemons" (they keep the good shit....) our politicians are such suckers for a good sales spiel......
Oh btw...the subs arent delivered for another 20/30 years....
Another example of our politicians being conned by an economic hitman....but I digress...again..
No wonder the coalition is losing this election.....people can see the lies that Morrison is trotting out
and remember the subs and the F35s which cost us billions of dollars....
And now he's telling WA he's spending a billion dollars on naval vessels.....youre gotta be kidding me Pyle....(Full Metal Jacket)
Get the fuck off my obstacle Pyle...just get the fuck off.......
Reminds me of Pyle eating a jelly donut....theyre paying for it fkn eat it....
Thats right...WE are paying for these incompetent fools.....
And Morrison is Pyle....
The problem is The Joker is Shorten......
AND the jokes on us........
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
Its coming...the rest of the world versus islam....or is it here already...