Revolution in the air.

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Re: Revolution in the air.

Post by Neferti » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:41 pm

This seems to be a male only subject. War, has been since the beginning of time! Men fighting among men!

Have any of you lot worn your country's uniform and carried a gun as part of your experience with War? I'll accept many Wars (I am not sure of the age of some of you) and even those who joined up as weekend warriors as a volunteer. The rest of you can forget what Dad or Grand Dad or Great Granddad did. You weren't there! Stop discussing War like you can solve the World's problems. You can't.

If you want my advice .. shut up. People in Power start wars, i.e. Pollies. Mostly males with a small dick problem.

Anyway ............. sorry to be a buttinski .... continue on you lot and Save The Middle East (which includes Israel), or otherwise.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Revolution in the air.

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Mar 16, 2011 3:59 pm

Next Mideast Flashpoint: Saudis Enter Bahrain ... r-bahrain/
... About 1000 Saudi troops entered Bahrain on Monday, ostensibly to protect government installations, but protesters at the Pearl Roundabout set up barricades in preparation for the Saudis attacking them. The leading Shia opposition party, Wefaq, called it a “declaration of war and an occupation.”

And it’s not just the Saudis. Hussein Ibish of the American Task Force on Palestine tweeted that forces from the United Arab Emirates are also entering Bahrain, fulfilling a mandate from the Gulf Cooperation Council to protect the royals.

The fear from the government and the GCC is that the Bahraini uprising, heavily Shia, represents an Iranian beachhead into the Gulf countries. Gates tried to tamp that down, telling the royal family that there was “no evidence” Iran “started any of these popular revolutions or demonstrations across the region.”

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Re: Revolution in the air.

Post by boxy » Wed Mar 16, 2011 11:37 pm

God, our domestic politics are easier to fathom than middle eastern religious faction fighting... but only just :roll:
"But you will run your fluffy bunny mouth at me. And I will take it, to play poker."

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Revolution in the air.

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Mar 17, 2011 5:43 pm

Another sort of revolution ...

An Anonymous Attack on the “Global Banking Cartel” ... ng-cartel/
“We aim to break up the global banking cartel centered at the Federal Reserve, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements [sic] and World Bank,” Anonymous says.
This morning, Anonymous released some emails given to them by a former employee at Bank of America. The emails are separate from the BoA documents that WikiLeaks is sitting on.

The emails haven’t been independently verified…but they appear to show that, among other things, loan numbers were routinely falsified with the intent of putting mortgage holders in default. You think the “robo-signing” scandal was a big deal? Wait until this one gets legs.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Revolution in the air.

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun May 01, 2011 10:27 am

NOTE: Muslim Brotherhood is not just another tin pot idealist org, its an umbrella group of which most Jihadi groups (large and small) belong to. Nazis even sent reps to Lebanon in WW2, where they formed some sort of alliance .. common ground being Jews.

Egypt's Brotherhood forms political party ... cal-party/
Mohammed Hussein, the group's secretary general, said at a press conference that the movement's consultative council decided at a meeting to adopt a decision to form the new Freedom and Justice Party.

"We have adopted the measures taken by the guidance council regarding the Freedom and Justice Party and adopted its program," he said.

He said the party, which will be headed by the Brotherhood's politburo member Mohammed al-Mursi, will be "independent from the Brotherhood but will coordinate with it".
The Brotherhood ran its candidates as independents in previous elections to circumvent the ban, in place since 1954.

It won a fifth of seats in a 2005 election, but fared much worse in a November 2010 election that was widely seen as rigged to favour the former ruling National Democratic Party.

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Revolution in the air.

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon May 02, 2011 3:40 pm

Seems insecurity's the mood of the day ... $OZ are a poofteenth over parity with $US ..

.. and while Gold's going for a gnat's dick under $OZ 1,420 ( up a bit) its fetching a worm's tooth over $US 1,550 (up a bigger bit).


Wonder who'z about to (politically or militarily) go off next?
Spoze there's plenty in the running, who wants to run the book?

EDIT ADDITION - Since posting the metals prices (a minute ago), gold jumped a mite's crack over $OZ 1,420.

EXTRA ADDITION - Silver's jumped from $US 16 a couple or few months ago to its now over $US 40 mark.
Rumour has it a huge silver buy up by govts for currency protection has cause a massive shortage.
Market doomsayers reckon crude oil will hit $US 150-200 a barrel, gold $US5,000 p/oz, and silver $US 150 p/oz this year.

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