Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

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brian ross
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by brian ross » Tue Oct 22, 2019 7:31 pm

From the Gruniad's online blog o\f today's happenings in Parliament....(it is a good read)
The home affairs minister, Peter Dutton, has spoken to Sky News and delivered his usual bashing up of Labor for supporting the medevac provisions, which he described as “a con”.

One new fact to come out of it: Dutton expects the US to take about 250 more refugees from Australia as part of the refugee swap deal. The US has so far taken just 632 refugees out of the “up to 1,250” it first promised.

“I think we will get somewhere in the order of 250 more will go to the US,” Dutton said.

On medevac, he said that just 13 of the people who had come to Australia have required hospitalisation – about one in 10. But when host David Speers pushed him for how many of the 982 people medically evacuated to Australia under pre-existing provisions had been hospitalised, Dutton couldn’t say.

Dutton said that six of the people who had come under medevac he judges to be of bad character, including one alleged to have fought for the Iranian army, and others allegedly “involved” (how – he didn’t say) in prostitution and criminal syndicates.

At first, Dutton said they were not in detention, but when asked why not, he said they “may well be in detention”. He then said it is immigration minister David Coleman’s job to decide. Finally, he offered this: “I don’t know, is the true answer to it – there’s thousands of cases and I just don’t have that in front of me.”

So, when it was rhetorically convenient to claim that these people are running amok because of Labor’s negligence, he made that claim, and at the slightest scrutiny he admitted he had no idea. Good to know we are pursuing evidence-based policy.
Il Duce is having trouble keeping his story consistent ! And I am curious about Sky News - it seems to be leaning a little to the left (though it still considers Genghis Khan as a dangerous left wing radical). Rupert will have o pull it back into order. Cannot have them questioning Il Duce and expecting facts or the truth or both.... :roll:
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:59 am

it does not matter if a foreign born criminal is a murderer, a rapist, an armed robber, a drug trafficker, or a paedophile. As long as he or she is not white, Brian Ross has got their backs.

And then Brian can't figure out why ordinary people vote for Trump, Pauline, or Farage.?

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:08 pm

brian ross wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:26 pm
Yeah, sure, whatever, Yogi. :roll:
That's a pretty piss poor reply BR ... What's up? .. No valid response or counter argument?

Pretty hard to argue with blunt truth hey?
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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brian ross
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by brian ross » Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:09 pm

Bogan wrote:
Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:59 am
it does not matter if a foreign born criminal is a murderer, a rapist, an armed robber, a drug trafficker, or a paedophile. As long as he or she is not white, Brian Ross has got their backs.

And then Brian can't figure out why ordinary people vote for Trump, Pauline, or Farage.?

Run along, Bogan, back to your little kiddies' playground where you belong. Tsk, tsk. :roll: :roll:
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by brian ross » Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:10 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:08 pm
brian ross wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2019 6:26 pm
Yeah, sure, whatever, Yogi. :roll:
That's a pretty piss poor reply BR ... What's up? .. No valid response or counter argument?

Pretty hard to argue with blunt truth hey?
Nope. You're not worth arguing with. :roll:
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Oct 28, 2019 5:22 pm

Fred wrote:
Tue Oct 22, 2019 11:13 am
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:53 pm

Q: So why are lefties trying to import criminals?
A: Because it's part of their 'Destroy Western Civilisation' agenda.
Nah, the answer is that they are prepaired to do ANYTHING to make the current government look bad. The old don't worry about the consiquences until you have to deal with it, then make up a story that everybody will believe.
Their (lefties) agenda isn't just about point scoring and one upmanship just to sling mud at the incumbents.
If you look at every policy on any or rather all topics/issues/subjects it/they are designed to damage democracy and send the Westernised world broke.
Yeah sure the average bleeding heart is an ignorant mug, but the creeps running the left wing agendas (eg Fabian Society) think/believe/imagine that to end capitalism they must destroy its seats of power - the Westernised world.

That's why the ALP ect (and infiltrators in the Libs ie Gladys Lui) are barracking for communist China to take over the world.

The idiots don't realise they can't kill off capitalism (because its natural) because if capitalism falls from favour in one country, it just packs up and moves somewhere else. Marxism on the other hand is unsustainable because it's parasitic.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Fri Nov 01, 2019 6:02 pm

Hey Yogi. Australia's immigration system is designed to create a socialist state.

The intellectual elite who pretend to be the champions of the working class and the "disadvantaged" (read low intelligence") class were upset because both of these classes were not stupid enough to go for socialism. Socialism is the dictatorship of the Artz Graduate pseudo "intellectual" activist caste and the public service. Unable to convince Australian working class people to throw off free market capitalism, they turned instead to importing ethnic groups who were stupid enough to do just that.

Of course, the consequences were horrendous, ever rising crime, endemic welfare dependency, and terrorism, but these problems gave increased opportunities for public servents to expand heir empires. The motre criminals, the more police, lawyers, prison officers, customs agents and parole officers you need. The more welfare, the more social workers you need to alleviate poverty. The more terrorists, the more Federal Police. The more illegal immigrants, the more Immigration Officers and 'Human rights" lawyers.

But best of all, the more welfare dependent, the more Labor and Greens voters( Democrats in your country).

It's kind of like in Russia, where the backbone of the Russian economy, the Kulaks, got blamed for the inadequacies of Socialism, so they exterminated them and everybody staved to death. Or Rhodesia under that prize idiot Mugabe, who got ris of the white farmers and everybody starved to death. Socialism is like the Mujahidin in Afghanistan who blew up the Babiyan Buddhas . Anything or anybody who can make a dollar they destroy and then wonder why they are broke.

I have always thought "how bloody strange, to have this attitude, of contempt for the society you choose to live in, then look for gratitude."

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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by brian ross » Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:22 pm

*SIGH* - amazing how ignore some people are of the history of their own country. Australia was a socialist state. It is not now. Socialism was accepted and it worked until about the end of the 1970s. Indeed, I can well remember Australia hosting a conference of Socialist nations in Adelaide in the mid-1970s - we were considered at the time the third or second most Socialist nation in the world. Socialism is of course not Communism, despite what the Right might try and maintain. :roll:

Nowadays, Australia since the mid-1980s has moved further to the Right unfortunately retreating from Socialism. The Tories are trying to move it even further to the Right and then we have the efforts of the extreme-Right who are basically a bunch of Fascists. Medicare is a fine example of socialism. It works and it benefits all Australians. However, from my perspective, it does not go far enough. We should have a completely socialised health system. Education is another. HECs however has ruined that to a large extent. University graduates are double-taxed by HECs for their education. Whitlam had the right idea IMO - free education for all.
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Bogan » Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:43 pm

So Bob Menzies must have been a Socialist. Brian? I love it when lefties come pout with complete doozies like that one. It is just a pity that there are not any doe eyed little lefties reading this post right now so that they could see with their own eyes just how crazy you leftist stars really are. Trump reckons he is going to personally contribute to the campaign funds of some of his Democratic rivals because the things they come out with are so insane that he says that they are going to get him re elected. The more air time they get the better.

I once thought that you were an honourablem man who could have his opinions changed by the weight of reasoned argument. But I don't think that6 any more. It is clear from your own quotes that you hate your own race while claiming you are against racism. You use the concept of race when it suits you then claim it does not exist when it suits you, and refuse to see the obvious contradiction. You continue to denounce Nazis, Deplorables, right wingers in general, while saying that people must not be judged by their group associations. And once again, you refuse to acknowledge the clear contradiction.

You reply to well reasoned and lengthy posts with sneery one liners, and studiously refuse to answer crucial questions, even though you are constantly prodded to do so.

You know just as well as I do that some races are not real smart and very prone to violent and criminal behaviour, but you will never admit it because your whole world saving ideology depends upon the concept that everybody is equal. It is quite obvious that you are only here to stifle debate instead of promoting debate. You are here because your own site flopped because of your stupid PC rules, so you have to come on this site to polish up your debate stifling tactics.

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Dutton blocks 'violent' asylum seeker

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:56 pm

Bogan wrote:
Fri Nov 01, 2019 6:02 pm
Hey Yogi. Australia's immigration system is designed to create a socialist state.
Yes, but there's more to it. it's about creating a need/mandate for a police/surveillance state.

Of course, the consequences were horrendous, ever rising crime, endemic welfare dependency, and terrorism, but these problems gave increased opportunities for public servents to expand heir empires. The motre criminals, the more police, lawyers, prison officers, customs agents and parole officers you need. The more welfare, the more social workers you need to alleviate poverty. The more terrorists, the more Federal Police. The more illegal immigrants, the more Immigration Officers and 'Human rights" lawyers.

Seems we're on the same wave length Bogan.
Anything or anybody who can make a dollar they destroy and then wonder why they are broke.
Yeah, sad hey?
I was never a Thatcher fan, but one thing she said was spot on .."The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money".

In my darker moments I say "Well if the commies/social wankers/Marxists want to destroy capitalism and the Westernised world with it? .. Fine, because they won't get their socialist Utopia, they'll get Mad Max barbarism, and then I can hunt them with pig dogs for trashing my nation".
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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