Greens in Turmoil

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The Grappler
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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by The Grappler » Wed Mar 21, 2018 9:17 pm

Black Orchid wrote:I agree with Nef too. There is something creepy/sleazy looking about him and to show I am not biased I think the same about Christopher Pyne.
Christopher Pyne - brrrrrrr.... Parliament is like a Carry On movie at times....

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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Rorschach » Thu Mar 22, 2018 8:33 am

Pyne would be ideal in a Carry On movie.
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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Gordon » Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:28 am

The Grappler wrote:
Black Orchid wrote:I agree with Nef too. There is something creepy/sleazy looking about him and to show I am not biased I think the same about Christopher Pyne.
Christopher Pyne - brrrrrrr.... Parliament is like a Carry On movie at times....
Politics. Hollywood for ugly people :)

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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:16 pm

The political battlelines are as old as the hills but the insults are laced with fresh venom.

Peter Dutton and his Greens enemies have traded blows over a bruising by-election result and controversial plans to fast-track white South African farmers through Australia's refugee program.

The home affairs minister came out all guns blazing on Thursday after Greens MPs lined up to label him racist for planning to give the farmers special attention.

Mr Dutton said Richard Di Natale was marching the minor party towards political oblivion, citing poor Greens results in the Batman by-election and South Australian and Tasmanian polls.

"Let's hope it continues - the best thing for the Greens would be to keep Richard Di Natale there because he's a dud," he told 2GB radio.

The minister claimed Senator Di Natale fabricated outrage to distract from his own woes.

"He's got a hotbed of crazies running around like Lee Rhiannon under him, he can't control them, and people see through the Greens," Mr Dutton said.

He said the Greens were far more interested in refugees and legalising drugs than they were about the environment.

"They're radicals and they try and pretend that they're interested in the environment, which is why they get young people to vote for them," Mr Dutton said.

"But in the end, you saw it when they were in government with Gillard, they're a complete disaster." ... reens-foes

Hot bed of crazies is right!!

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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:22 pm

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has lashed out at his critics in the media, declaring the ABC and The Guardian are "dead to me" over their reporting of his views on South African refugees.

"They don't realise how completely dead they are to me": Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton on his media critics.

Mr Dutton stoked controversy by arguing for "special attention" in Australia's refugee program for white South African farmers, reportedly being persecuted and murdered at the rate of one a week.

He said they needed help from a "civilised country" like Australia, prompting outrage from the South African government, which demanded he retract and summoned Australia's high commissioner for urgent talks.

There was apparent division within the Turnbull government too, as Foreign Minister Julie Bishop talked down the idea of a special program for white South African farmers.

But Mr Dutton on Thursday said there was no conflict between himself and Ms Bishop, arguing it was actually confected outrage by "crazy lefties" at media outlets who were peddling "fake news".

"The ABC and others report these things how they want to report them and how they want to interpret them," he told 2GB radio.
"There's lots of outrage. Some of the crazy lefties at the ABC and on The Guardian, Huffington Post, express concern and draw mean cartoons about me and all the rest of it."

"They don't realise how completely dead they are to me. So we just get on with making the decisions that we need to."

Mr Dutton rejected accusations of racism in his determination to prioritise white South African farmers in Australia's humanitarian migration program, or in his previous remarks about African gang activity in Melbourne.

"I'm completely blind as to somebody's skin colour, it makes no difference to me," Mr Dutton said. "It concerns me that people are being persecuted at the moment - the number of people dying or being savagely attacked in South Africa is a reality."

Mr Dutton said his department had been inundated " with messages of support" and referrals to potential refugee cases in South Africa, which he was determined to act on.

"We'll start to work through those and if people meet the criteria under the program then they'll settle under the program here, that's the reality," he said.

"If people think that I'm going to cower or take a backwards step because of their nonsense fabricated fake news criticism, they've got another thing coming." ... 4z5m6.html

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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Gordon » Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:30 pm

Dutton in spot on. I got sucked in by the Greens, and that was at the end of the Bob Brown era when they were still kind of an environmental party, but I spotted the undercurrents of the cultural marxisim they've now totally embraced.

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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:46 pm

Yes me too. They are a totally crazy unruly rabble now and that's sad because we really do need a party like the Greens of old to balance the other two.

BUT ... Imagine the economy in their hands? OMG :shock: :shock:

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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Rorschach » Thu Mar 22, 2018 3:54 pm

Gordon wrote:Dutton in spot on. I got sucked in by the Greens, and that was at the end of the Bob Brown era when they were still kind of an environmental party, but I spotted the undercurrents of the cultural marxisim they've now totally embraced.
They became watermelons long before Brown left them.
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Re: Greens in Turmoil

Post by Rorschach » Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:05 pm

Just Another Retarded Greenie.....
Nick McKim’s hateful bile against Peter Dutton shouldn’t be tolerated
The Australian
11:18AM March 23, 2018
Chris Kenny
Associate Editor (National Affairs)

Not so long ago we were a country where politicians were expected to be exemplars in public debate and where that debate was conducted in a public square that upheld community standards. Human imperfections abounded but there was an expectation — not a legal obligation but a social expectation — that debates would be rational and reasonable. We have been a robust society, egalitarian and eager to tilt at authority but we have always tended to conduct our affairs in a fair-minded way.

No longer. The national political debate has become toxic, even putrid. The descent is being driven by the frenzied feeding ground of social media and it is the green Left activists and their political representatives who are at the forefront.

Nick McKim, who is a Greens Senator from Tasmania, yesterday called Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton a “racist” and a “fascist.” He did this live on television where my former Sky News colleague Samantha Maiden gave him the opportunity to double down on his insult but did not demand evidence for this slight, tell him how offensive it was or suggest that he might retract and apologise.

Along with accusing someone of a heinous crime, racism is the ugliest slur that can be made against another person. It is a horrendous slight that is every bit as toxic as a racial barb if it is applied against anyone other than someone about whom it is demonstrably true. And fascism? McKim even invoked Nazism, so the link to atrocities and repression was undeniable. It is as ludicrous as it is odious.

McKim’s case against Dutton is disingenuous and rooted in partisan politics. He attacks Dutton because of the government’s successful border protection regime that has saved thousands of lives and allowed for the nation’s highest ever refugee intake — as opposed to the policies McKim endorsed that saw hundreds die, tens of thousands pushed through detention and legitimate refugee applications delayed and obstructed.

Dutton has knowingly provoked the Greens Senator, to be sure. He has done this by pointing to the plight of persecuted white farmers in South Africa and suggesting they might qualify as refugees in this country. It is a fair observation and a timely one, designed to point out the grave injustices occurring in South Africa and pressure its government to intervene. No doubt Dutton also hoped to expose the hypocrisy of virtue-signallers like McKim. It worked.

But the toxic response from McKim should not be tolerated in a decent democracy. Mainstream media should not air such views unless those uttering them are pressed for evidence, censured or at least told that their interventions are beyond the bounds of common decency. This is how we uphold standards of debate – not by laws and edicts – but by sensible marshalling of public debate within the bounds of fairness and good sense.

When I decried McKim’s hateful bile on social media yesterday the response was predictable enough. In the sewer of Twitter, apparently it was me and my views that warranted attack. We expect this from the lunatic fringes and anonymous posters of the Right and Left but the difference with the Left is that it is their thought leaders who are happy to lead the plunge into uncivil debate.

Senators, activists and even Anglican priests are happy to denounce their fellow citizens as amoral or immoral over essentially political differences. Their sanctimony often becomes ugly.

ABC broadcaster Adam Spencer responded to me on Twitter by pointing out I was “entitled” to my opinion. Gee thanks, what a generous gift from the politically correct gods. But he dared not criticise McKim; such admonishments of their side seem too fraught for the Left.

Instead Spencer wondered if I had publicly decried unspecified hate speech from Pauline Hanson, George Christensen and Cory Bernardi. He did not identify their alleged transgressions nor specify where I had supported, endorsed or failed to criticise these unidentified views. It was just the social media trick of linking me to the targets of the Left and inviting the usual pile on from hateful tweeps.

For the record I have never interviewed Christensen or Hanson and have never seen a political intervention from either of them that I have admired. I have railed against Hanson’s proposed ban on Muslim immigration since the day she announced it. I know Cory Bernardi well and respect him but have disagreed with many of his policy positions including on Muslim immigration, same sex marriage and the monarchy. I refuse to denounce or dehumanise people like Bernardi — or Christensen and Hanson for that matter — just to placate the hateful partisans of the Left.

Welcome to public debate in 2018. Where the ABC’s thought leaders cannot bring themselves to condemn a Greens politician for publicly shaming a minister as racist and fascist. Instead, they orchestrate anger against the Right or anyone they choose to identify on the Right.

McKim might be at the vanguard of an ugly decline in political debate but there are plenty of others helping out. It will not be easy to improve the situation but I think we should start by ensuring mainstream media upholds far higher standards in the public square than apply on social media. Mainstream media must not join a race to the bottom, its usefulness and its success must lie in hosting more reasonable but nonetheless robust debates.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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