Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:28 pm

Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:
Wayne wrote:Turnbull and the rest of his lackeys will do what America tells them to do. They buy stuff all from us. we mean stuff all to them, and if we don't lick their boots they can cripple our entire defence force by severely limiting access to technology, spares, knowledge and upgrades. A the very time we need a good diplomat for an Ambassador in the US, we are stuck with the useless Hockey and a insipid foreign minister.We deserve what we get - all bets are off with Trump

It's been like that since Federation.

So you can't just blame Turnbull et al.

No it hasn't.
This is the first time the US has had a President that is actually not afraid to ruffle feathers. I think it is great! Politicians like we have don't know how to handle him - they don't know what to do when a person like Trumps tells them to go have intercourse with themselves. The ONLY countries Trump has to be "nice" to are Japan and China - between them they hold around 2.5 Trillion dollars of US debt. Of course, if they themselves get out of hand, Trumpy will also tell them where to go. This is a complete new game in world politics - and we as a backwater swamp can do nothing about it.

We need the US a lot more than they need us.
^^^^^ Duh!

NB The previous paragraph doesn't support your earlier post.....sigh.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Fri Feb 03, 2017 9:52 pm

Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

I just read the above to my Lefty husband. (The one you reckon doesn't exist!)

He reckons Trump gives a shit but only to a degree.

He's a businessman. And he'll run the country just like a business. He won't cut off his bridges in any business he transacts.. The proviso is that America must always come 1st. <------that slogan essentially won him the election.

Re China.....that's a tricky one.

China is producing everything.... including weapons on a global scale.

It is therefore making a lot of money out of war as I type.

A trade war btwn these 2 countries? Yes.

Actual armed conflict? No.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:34 am

You will of course Lisa have been watching your large screen TV in your North Shore Mansion and been made aware of the following from the White House US Press Secretary. The US will take these Refugees under the most strictest security protocols. Those who do get resettled will be fully funded by - AUSTRALIA!

That's right my little Yam, these people will get a life in the US at little to zero cost to the US Taxpayer. We - the Aussie Taxpayer will fund their housing, healthcare, travel, benefits, schooling, and everything else FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. As yet, no one knows if that will also extend to their children
1000 people funded by australia for the rest of their lives - millions and millions of aussie taxpayer money. Remeber the 5 we sent to Cambodia? That cost $55 MILLION just for a short term solution

What a great deal! And all put together by this hopeless Coalition bunch of cretins. It would have been cheaper to bring them her - because as you know we are going to get a 1000 people to resettle here in their place, So now, we are going to pay DOUBLE.

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:38 am

lisa jones wrote:
Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

I just read the above to my Lefty husband. (The one you reckon doesn't exist!)

He reckons Trump gives a shit but only to a degree.

He's a businessman. And he'll run the country just like a business. He won't cut off his bridges in any business he transacts.. The proviso is that America must always come 1st. <------that slogan essentially won him the election.

Re China.....that's a tricky one.

China is producing everything.... including weapons on a global scale.

It is therefore making a lot of money out of war as I type.

A trade war btwn these 2 countries? Yes.

Actual armed conflict? No.

And that has exactly what to do with your stupid assertion that the US came knocking on our door for help in Vietnam and Afghanistan? Before the US even came up the garden path to get to the door, the Coalition Governments of the time were signing up as many of our troops as possible to GIVE to them as soon as the doorbell rang. There was no 'asking' involved. We involved ourselves in both those wars for nothing more than to lick US boots.

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Sat Feb 04, 2017 8:42 am

lisa jones wrote:Stuck on rewind eh?

It's're still living in 1975.

No one cares about Vietnam anymore.


That war is O V E R AND the world has changed.

Pity you haven't.

You're stuck like a broken record.

And it's getting boring.

Get over it.
LOL This is classic - YOU STARTED THE TOPIC YOU DUMB BINT! YOU bought up Vietnam in the first place! Honestly, you also have the intellect of a duffed flea - if you did have three children if would be IQRS, YOGI and ROSHC. A complete family garden plant!

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:02 am

Wayne wrote:You will of course Lisa have been watching your large screen TV in your North Shore Mansion and been made aware of the following from the White House US Press Secretary. The US will take these Refugees under the most strictest security protocols. Those who do get resettled will be fully funded by - AUSTRALIA!

That's right my little Yam, these people will get a life in the US at little to zero cost to the US Taxpayer. We - the Aussie Taxpayer will fund their housing, healthcare, travel, benefits, schooling, and everything else FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. As yet, no one knows if that will also extend to their children
1000 people funded by australia for the rest of their lives - millions and millions of aussie taxpayer money. Remeber the 5 we sent to Cambodia? That cost $55 MILLION just for a short term solution

What a great deal! And all put together by this hopeless Coalition bunch of cretins. It would have been cheaper to bring them her - because as you know we are going to get a 1000 people to resettle here in their place, So now, we are going to pay DOUBLE.
FYI we have 5 wall mounted large screens here. Only one was on as everyone else was asleep.

Hubby (the guy you reckon doesn't exist) and I were watching the History channel as per usual.

Summary :

Obama pulled the US out of Iraq in 2011.

This (bad) move created a political power vacuum in the country and region.

Al-Qaeda grabbed the opportunuty to rebrand itself .... AS ISIS.

So yeah.....strangely enough, unlike you, we weren't worried about the Vietnam War or anything like that. reckon I'm an old biddy....I was fucking born in 1970.

All I personally recall about Vietnam back then is that my mum was crying/worried my 21 yr old dad might have to leave us and go far away to fight in a jungle.

Re refugees and US/Aus deal.

Turnball is co operating with Trump.

So fucking what? What do you think he should do? Tell Trump to fuck off?

Don't just sit there and pretend Labor could have done a better job!
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:16 am

Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:
Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:One other thing....when the U.S needed help in Vietnam and even more recently in Afghanistan.....who's door did they come knocking on?

Yep.....that's right. The U.S came to AUSTRALIA.


I'm pretty sure Turnbull et al would have reminded Trump of that!

Bottom line? We've got SOME leverage.

OMG! Now you are trying to rewrite history! Go and look up who said "All the way with LBJ" before licking his boots and sending our troops to a war we had NO need to be involved with. The US didn't knock on any doors - the lacky Australian Coalition Government were sitting on the doormat waiting to service their American Overlords!

I just read the above to my Lefty husband. (The one you reckon doesn't exist!)

He reckons Trump gives a shit but only to a degree.

He's a businessman. And he'll run the country just like a business. He won't cut off his bridges in any business he transacts.. The proviso is that America must always come 1st. <------that slogan essentially won him the election.

Re China.....that's a tricky one.

China is producing everything.... including weapons on a global scale.

It is therefore making a lot of money out of war as I type.

A trade war btwn these 2 countries? Yes.

Actual armed conflict? No.

And that has exactly what to do with your stupid assertion that the US came knocking on our door for help in Vietnam and Afghanistan? Before the US even came up the garden path to get to the door, the Coalition Governments of the time were signing up as many of our troops as possible to GIVE to them as soon as the doorbell rang. There was no 'asking' involved. We involved ourselves in both those wars for nothing more than to lick US boots.
I was merely conveying his lefty perspective.

And as regards my "assertion":



Are you sure you went to Vietnam?

If you were ever involved in the Vietnam would know that the US NEEDED AUSTRALIA. BIG TIME!

I'm beginning to suspect you've never seen real combat in your life other than from a TV/computer screen.

There are creepy frauds around.

Any money you did everything you could to get out of going there.

I studied Australian history at Uni. I found that helpful......more helpful than those who think they can sit around on many forums day/nigt and google their way towards real knowedge.
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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lisa jones
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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by lisa jones » Sat Feb 04, 2017 9:32 am

Wayne wrote:
lisa jones wrote:Stuck on rewind eh?

It's're still living in 1975.

No one cares about Vietnam anymore.


That war is O V E R AND the world has changed.

Pity you haven't.

You're stuck like a broken record.

And it's getting boring.

Get over it.
LOL This is classic - YOU STARTED THE TOPIC YOU DUMB BINT! YOU bought up Vietnam in the first place! Honestly, you also have the intellect of a duffed flea - if you did have three children if would be IQRS, YOGI and ROSHC. A complete family garden plant!
I have never posted anywhere that I have 3 children.

As I keep cannot read AND comprehend words posted at you.

Oh and that brings me to YOU being stuck on rewind.

As stated to you before on PA, you are soooo obsessed with can't SEE/UNDERSTAND anything.

Which reminds me.....haven't you got more racist Asian rants to post for us?

Or have you run out of breath?
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:06 am

lisa jones wrote:
Wayne wrote:You will of course Lisa have been watching your large screen TV in your North Shore Mansion and been made aware of the following from the White House US Press Secretary. The US will take these Refugees under the most strictest security protocols. Those who do get resettled will be fully funded by - AUSTRALIA!

That's right my little Yam, these people will get a life in the US at little to zero cost to the US Taxpayer. We - the Aussie Taxpayer will fund their housing, healthcare, travel, benefits, schooling, and everything else FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. As yet, no one knows if that will also extend to their children
1000 people funded by australia for the rest of their lives - millions and millions of aussie taxpayer money. Remeber the 5 we sent to Cambodia? That cost $55 MILLION just for a short term solution

What a great deal! And all put together by this hopeless Coalition bunch of cretins. It would have been cheaper to bring them her - because as you know we are going to get a 1000 people to resettle here in their place, So now, we are going to pay DOUBLE.
FYI we have 5 wall mounted large screens here. Only one was on as everyone else was asleep.

Hubby (the guy you reckon doesn't exist) and I were watching the History channel as per usual.

Summary :

Obama pulled the US out of Iraq in 2011.

This (bad) move created a political power vacuum in the country and region.

Al-Qaeda grabbed the opportunuty to rebrand itself .... AS ISIS.

So yeah.....strangely enough, unlike you, we weren't worried about the Vietnam War or anything like that. reckon I'm an old biddy....I was fucking born in 1970.

All I personally recall about Vietnam back then is that my mum was crying/worried my 21 yr old dad might have to leave us and go far away to fight in a jungle.

Re refugees and US/Aus deal.

Turnball is co operating with Trump.

So fucking what? What do you think he should do? Tell Trump to fuck off?

Don't just sit there and pretend Labor could have done a better job!

Every time I read one of your posts, I am sure you are missing a genome from your DNA sequencing. You can't even read posts and reply to the topic. All you tell us about is your five TVs and a non existent husband, The incompetence of the Coalition in handling this is going to cost Australia millions and millions of dollars in a deal that just moves people from manus to the US on an Australian funded holiday. The rest of your post is just Hurstville googled garbage. Who mentioned Al-Qaeda? Who mentioned Vietnam - oh, that was you..... Born in 1970 is a joke, those who have actually met you reckon around 1960, give or take a few years. You really are no more than a garden plant.

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Re: Refugee Deal btwn Oz and U.S

Post by Wayne » Sat Feb 04, 2017 10:07 am

lisa jones wrote:Ahhhhh.....All your filth is hidden away in Sparta.

Asian racist rants directed at anyone/everyone who posts on PA.

And misogynistic rants too....for added effect I suppose.

You're one fucking sick guy.

I don't think the Vietnam War is your issue at's the drugs/weed you've been abusing your lethargic and obese body with for decades.

It's turned you into a a rabid psycho.

And yet you run to read it - like the good little girl you are.

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