Armidale here we come!!!!

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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by cods » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:51 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
Super Nova wrote:The UK decentralized government back office activity into the towns that had little economic activity. It helped some but not all of these towns. Another advantage is a cost reduction to the government, less welfare and lower wages due to lower cost of living. Cheaper rents.

Not a bad thing economically but the draw back was if they weren't before they became leftie towns and provided secure votes for labour in perpetuity. That was also the governments main game plan.
In case you have forgotten how HUGE and isolated country towns in Australia are, SN, in comparison to "little UK" ....

We are not talking about "decentralizing" Government and wiping Canberra out (as it would), we are talking about an area in NSW where Barnaby Joyce presides .... he has a IDEA ... I tend to approve and would expect an INFLUX of Sydneysiders applying for jobs up there.

Isn't that a bonus?

Not everybody has your talents, SN, or income .... but reinvigorating a place like Armidale might give pissed off Sydneysiders an incentive to move (housing and rents would be way cheaper) and create a business of their own and make some money, rather than be on welfare.

why do they only do this in times of unpopularity thats what bugs me.. its a knee jerk...we can ill afford....

Armidale is 5 hours away from Sydney I cant see many moving .. looks like Canberra would be closer... :roll: :roll:

I do hope you are right nef....I like Barnaby and think yes its a good idea to not centralise all govts...however its a shame its not brand new... just shuffling the deckchairs.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:55 pm

Well I severely doubt that Sydneysiders will be flocking to Armidale for work.

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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by Neferti » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:10 pm

Actually, I can't stand Barnaby.

However, he was TRYING to do something for the people who ELECTED him and following up on "promises".

What made YOU move to Canberra, Cods? When did you move here?

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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by lisa jones » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:14 pm

Black Orchid wrote:Well I severely doubt that Sydneysiders will be flocking to Armidale for work.
I doubt anyone will be flocking to Armidale for anything.

Read this : ... outh-wales
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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by lisa jones » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:16 pm

From that link :

"Terrible, I wouldn't move there!"

Not the best place to live. Highest crime rates ! Locals can be friendly, but the place is full of university students. Nothing to do at all! It's freezing cold 80% of the year, no jobs available and not many good restaurants. You might enjoy it, but honestly I think there is better places to live.
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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by lisa jones » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:18 pm

This is a gem.....again from the above link :rofl

"Don't even bother"

We're do I start! I've been living here for 10 years I went to school here I studied here and I've worked here, I've rented and I own a house here (big mistake)

the council is corrupt, broke and couldn't care less about the progress or growth of the town, they have knocked back several good opportunities for this town like factories to help job and town growth, for the 10 years I've been here one small shopping Center has opened, and there has been nothing else in terms of growth or job opportunities.

there are no fenced playgrounds and many are near water ways or roads (3yo drowned just the other day near the play ground) the public transport is crappy, the hospital and health facilities are seriously lacking! You'll be sent away if you need any serious health care.

Recreational activities-
unless you like bushwalking there is nothing else to do except break into people's cars and houses, that's what most of the disadvantage youth do here anyways.

there is a huge ice (drug) problem and the break-ins and crime in this town reflect that.

Jobs -
Unless your a well known family who's been here for generations or rich white educated professional who's already lined up a job, good luck finding a job, as I like to say "it's not what you know, it's who you know" here. There is a large portion of people on welfare and large sections of town are housing commission.

And to top it off the shops are terrible, every second shop is vacant and the ones that are there it's hard to get some customer service! It's like no one even wants to sell you anything, everything from clothes, jewellery to builders, contract workers. you'll wait weeks for a quote, you won't be contacted, you will have to chase people up for months. I believe it's partly because if you are not a known family your just not a priority. And when you do buy something here you'll pay the "Armidale tax" (aka ripped off) everything is so much more expensive then it should be, they are trying to pull off this botique, unique country town thing and failing, if you want a coffee your best bet is going to maccas at least they are actually open!

I've worked at some of the daycare centres in town casually, all but a small few are bellow standard, and you will really have to do your homework to find out which ones are which. The primary schools here are quite good, but again do your homework because some are not, the high schools are similar. The une (university) is shameful, there are so many problems I could make a whole seperate post!

National/liberal safe seat, don't expect it to change, let alone for the good. Something like 5,000 people here invalidly voted last election.

So there's ether snobby people or total bogans, and everyone in between will go nuts living here, we are moving at the end of the year and I couldn't be happier!
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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by Neferti » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:28 pm

STOP carrying on about SYDNEY then ....... no jobs, no accommodation ....
Leave people on the Dole .... import more refugees to make Sydney even MORE a hell hole.

Unemployed people want a JOB ... well, some of them ......

Armidale may be an answer to those who actually want to WORK!

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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 05, 2017 6:38 pm

Perhaps we should send ALL the riff raff Sydney has forced upon it straight to the ACT.

Perfect place for them seeing as the Government is making more Public Service positions for them. Dead end place for dead end people. Perfect!

Problem solved. We should start a state wide petition :lol:

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Re: Armidale here we come!!!!

Post by Redneck » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:14 pm

Sounds a bit of a Barnaby wank to me!

What is the word again...A Pork barrel after dopey Barnaby promised it to beat the independent opposing him at the last election

What will it cost and more importantly what will it achieve!


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