2016 - Federal Election

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lisa jones
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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by lisa jones » Mon May 09, 2016 5:48 pm

mantra wrote:This government is not sorting out the economy. The debt has doubled in two and a half years. Both Labor and the Coalition policies are shocking and lacking foresight. Turnbull is so full of crap that he makes Shorten look honest. The government has lost its way and not doing a good job at hiding it. What is the point of chipping away at our desperately needed services while giving corporations a generous tax cut. How is that going to benefit the economy? Only the shareholders will be the winners. We know from experience that corporations do not share their profits with the plebs.
You're not seriously thinking of voting Shorten?
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Mon May 09, 2016 5:53 pm

Rorschach wrote:Well here we go... Mal is still waffling and suddenly we have Beaconsfield Bill as ALP Leader.
I'd forgotten all about Beaconsfield and Shorten's so-called involvement. I do recall watching it on TV (probably ABC back in 2006) but wouldn't have known who Bill Shorten was!

Actually, in February 2012 when I had a rellie up from Victoria, we had a personal "guided tour" around Parliament House, my rellie's friends son lives here and arranged it. Wandering along the corridors, seeing the PM Gillard's Office and so forth we happened upon a couple of blokes coming towards us ... my rellie said after they had passed .... "that was Bill Shorten" ... I said "who?". My rellie (and his friends) are all rusted on Liberals. To me those blokes were just a couple of blokes walking towards us down a corridor in Parlie House. Definitely nobody I "knew" or wanted to know.

I have met several "famous" people in my life. I do not consider politicians or TV "celebs" as famous.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Mon May 09, 2016 6:02 pm

Rorschach wrote:Scott Morrison's delivery is wanting especially since he seems to be taking everything personally and has developed an overly defensive petulant stance.

Labor's would be Treasurer, Bowen, the overconfident rabid ratbag that he is needs to tone it down a bit and people may listen instead of turning their TVs off. But then again he is soooooo OTT they may not.
I had never heard of Scott Morrison until Jovial Monk called him "morriscum" and said he would be the next Liberal leader ... or something else bizarre.

I don't think he will become anything much. I think he has done his dash. He certainly does NOT strike me as anything other than a "follower" and definitely not a LEADER. The Liberals need a LEADER.

Bowen is a sleazebag. Narrow eyes. :mrgreen:

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by mantra » Mon May 09, 2016 8:23 pm

lisa jones wrote:
mantra wrote:This government is not sorting out the economy. The debt has doubled in two and a half years. Both Labor and the Coalition policies are shocking and lacking foresight. Turnbull is so full of crap that he makes Shorten look honest. The government has lost its way and not doing a good job at hiding it. What is the point of chipping away at our desperately needed services while giving corporations a generous tax cut. How is that going to benefit the economy? Only the shareholders will be the winners. We know from experience that corporations do not share their profits with the plebs.
You're not seriously thinking of voting Shorten?
For the first time in my voting life - I'm tempted to close my eyes and play pin the tail on the donkey at the ballot box. Usually one party is worse than the other - currently we don't even have that choice.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Rorschach » Tue May 10, 2016 9:56 am

mantra wrote:This government is not sorting out the economy. The debt has doubled in two and a half years. Both Labor and the Coalition policies are shocking and lacking foresight. Turnbull is so full of crap that he makes Shorten look honest. The government has lost its way and not doing a good job at hiding it. What is the point of chipping away at our desperately needed services while giving corporations a generous tax cut. How is that going to benefit the economy? Only the shareholders will be the winners. We know from experience that corporations do not share their profits with the plebs.
Did you watch lateline last night mantra... Emma did a good job of pointing out facts you seem ignorant of, perhaps you should re watch it online.
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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by skippy » Tue May 10, 2016 10:24 am

mantra wrote:
lisa jones wrote:
mantra wrote:This government is not sorting out the economy. The debt has doubled in two and a half years. Both Labor and the Coalition policies are shocking and lacking foresight. Turnbull is so full of crap that he makes Shorten look honest. The government has lost its way and not doing a good job at hiding it. What is the point of chipping away at our desperately needed services while giving corporations a generous tax cut. How is that going to benefit the economy? Only the shareholders will be the winners. We know from experience that corporations do not share their profits with the plebs.
You're not seriously thinking of voting Shorten?
For the first time in my voting life - I'm tempted to close my eyes and play pin the tail on the donkey at the ballot box. Usually one party is worse than the other - currently we don't even have that choice.
If you closed your eyes you would be guaranteed of hitting a donkey.
No body with an ounce of sense could honestly advocate for the election of either major party.
For the first time in my life I will be casting an invalid vote just to get my name crossed off the list.
I don't care who wins both will be failures for this countries future. There is so little difference that it's akin to drinking Mebourne bitter or Victoria bitter, both bitter and both weak as piss.
We would be better off with 150 independents.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Tue May 10, 2016 12:06 pm

skippy wrote:
For the first time in my life I will be casting an invalid vote just to get my name crossed off the list.
I don't care who wins both will be failures for this countries future. There is so little difference that it's akin to drinking Mebourne bitter or Victoria bitter, both bitter and both weak as piss.
We would be better off with 150 independents.
I think a LOT of people are planning to do the same. I know I am. Vote "informal" just to get your name crossed off. I have spoken to lots of rusted on Liberals and they won't vote for Turnbull and would never, ever vote Labor or Greens, so they plan to just get their names crossed off. I also spoke to a friend who is a rusted on Labor voter (we agreed to disagree eons ago) and he said that he knows lots of ALP voters who say they will be voting for Turnbull because they don't like Shorten.

I guess we will have to wait until after the Election to see just how many INFORMAL votes there were. There are usually quite a few but what happens this time should be interesting.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by skippy » Tue May 10, 2016 12:50 pm

I expect to see the most informal votes ever cast.

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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Rorschach » Tue May 10, 2016 4:32 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
skippy wrote:
For the first time in my life I will be casting an invalid vote just to get my name crossed off the list.
I don't care who wins both will be failures for this countries future. There is so little difference that it's akin to drinking Mebourne bitter or Victoria bitter, both bitter and both weak as piss.
We would be better off with 150 independents.
I think a LOT of people are planning to do the same. I know I am. Vote "informal" just to get your name crossed off. I have spoken to lots of rusted on Liberals and they won't vote for Turnbull and would never, ever vote Labor or Greens, so they plan to just get their names crossed off. I also spoke to a friend who is a rusted on Labor voter (we agreed to disagree eons ago) and he said that he knows lots of ALP voters who say they will be voting for Turnbull because they don't like Shorten.

I guess we will have to wait until after the Election to see just how many INFORMAL votes there were. There are usually quite a few but what happens this time should be interesting.
Actually considering we have mandatory voting the informal vote is usually quite small.
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Re: 2016 - Federal Election

Post by Neferti » Tue May 10, 2016 4:49 pm

Well in 2013 there were more INFORMAL votes in my Electorate (Fraser, now changed to Fenner) than what Palmer got. LOL

http://results.aec.gov.au/17496/Website ... 96-102.htm

I think that this time the INFORMAL vote will max out (Australia wide). People are very annoyed with the Liberal Party and nobody cares about the ALP/Greens other than those rusted on lot.

I doubt that it will have any affect in the ACT. We have a local election coming up in October and maybe, maybe we will get a Liberal ACT Government for a change.

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