Australia - the cost of living...

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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:20 pm

Most people moving into a $1M+ home already have a a home with equity so $100K deposits would not be required.

There are plenty of cheaper properties in Syd but you have to commute if you work in and around the CBD- thus it has ever been. Nothing new to see here.
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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Nov 14, 2014 5:45 pm

The whole east coast is a dump, although some parts are marginally better than South Australia which is some kind of off-shoot inbred colony that escaped from Tasmania.
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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by Rorschach » Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:27 pm

Solonoid wrote:There are many better places to live than's an over priced dump.
So are Melbourne and Perth... gee could it be an Australian thing? :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 30, 2014 5:32 pm

For SN...

The Poverty Line…
In the OECD report: Poverty engulfing many Australians, it stated that14 per cent of Australians get by on less than half the nation's median income, well above the OECD average of 11 per cent. Since the GFC, income inequality in Australia remains above the OECD average. Changes to policy by both major parties is ensuring that many Australians will remain below the poverty line.
For several years now, different Australian Governments have been asked to increase the Newstart Allowance. Yet both major parties have refused. In 2012 the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) released the findings in its Poverty Australia Report, it was seen as the most comprehensive snapshot of the nation’s poor since 2006. It revealed more than 2.26 million Australians were living in poverty.
According to the figures in the report:
• NSW (835,000) the highest number of people “living” in poverty
• VIC (526,700)
• QLD (430,900)
• WA (211,300)
• SA (165,200)
• TAS (56,000

The report defines the ‘‘poverty line’’ as 50 per cent of the median average national household income.

Newstart rates, have not increased in real terms for 20 years or more. An increase would help to lift thousands, (tens of thousands), out of poverty. The figure currently being bandied about is another $50 per week.
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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:48 pm

...or you could just get a job instead of whining about how much the government is not giving you.
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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by mantra » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:47 am

IQS.RLOW wrote:...or you could just get a job instead of whining about how much the government is not giving you.
There are very few jobs around. We need more factories here - not that they're everyone's choice of work, but they provide jobs to those people who are no longer wanted because of their age or inexperience. The government used to provide a lot of positions for graduates and those who weren't suitable for anything in private enterprise, but has been gradually stopping this practice. Now it's who you know and that doesn't just apply to public service jobs.

Do you really think McDonalds is going to hire an adult when they can hire a child for so much less?

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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by Neferti » Mon Dec 01, 2014 7:57 am

I was chatting with the lady on the Woolies checkout the other week. She has a daughter who can't find a job. I suggested she might try getting a part time job with Woolies but I was told that even Woolies isn't hiring ANYBODY, less alone young people, they are putting people off. No idea about McDonalds but Woolies was one place that kids used to be able to put their name down for part time employment (after school or on weekends).

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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by mantra » Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:16 am

That's interesting. I've noticed that there are no young people at my local store. They employ mostly women in their 30's and 40's. My daughter got her first job at Woolworths when she was 14. It was only after school and weekends, but gave her the necessary work experience. Even a decade ago - there were plenty of casual jobs available for young people.

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Re: Australia - the cost of living...

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:43 pm

Traditionally it's been Lib/Nat coalition govts driving up the cost of living because the misnomered conservatives like high inflation rates to keep speculators happy.
Where as the ALP or the misnomered progressives institute ever more restictions and red tape, thus making life more complicated.
But in recent years the biggest contributing factor to ever increasingy property prices, rents, and living cost in general is immigration.
200,000 migrants per year equals 1 million people needing a place to eat, sleep and shit every five years.
And people wonder how or why other people get in punch ups at traffic lights.
Black Orchid wrote:Many lenders now want 20% for a home deposit and with rents being so high in Sydney it puts a strain on all young people trying to get ahead and start out.

Stupid people, I guess they should move away from family and work to places like Tinbuktu or Canberra? :roll
I could have bought 4 X 25 acre blocks like mine (or 4 house blocks at 1770 for the same money and tripled my money in 10 years) outright with cash in 1992. But I had a business and wanted to be a playboy, so borrowed from a bank, and put 20% deposit up front just the shut the doubting realestate agents/developers up. I'd already fronted the bank and they said they'd back me.

My father's done well out of speculating. He used to stick to industrial sites (saying "you can make it dirty, but can't wreck it - houses get trashed easily). But he changed tact and has all sorts of properties these days.

For example; google streetscape the mcmansion at 40 Samuel Dr Tallebudgera Qld.
It cost $1.7 million to build. He picked it up after the GFC for 800K, and sold it not so long ago for $1.4 million.
Solonoid wrote:There are many better places to live than's an over priced dump.
You got that right. And I came from one of the better/nicer parts of Sydney - Sutherland Shire.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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