Turnbulls on the move.

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DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:57 pm

Abbott not to done has made a comeback to Turnbull, cant have Turnbull getting the media attention there's an election on.

TONY Abbott has signalled a cautious approach to media ownership reforms, saying he doesn’t want to pit rival broadcasters against each other."

How this fits in with upcoming leader Turnbull is not made known.

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:22 pm

Abbotts not letting Turnbull get away with look at me, here's another for himself.

Don't worry about Qantas and Abbott not being able to ensure safety, jump on a jet, you know you want to. Ok then don't I've got my face up and Malcolm's has not.

"Prime Minister Tony Abbott is encouraging Australians to keep travelling despite fears terrorists may have been behind the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane."

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:08 pm

LucasTheInnkeeper wrote:
DaS Energy wrote:Abbott not to done has made a comeback to Turnbull, cant have Turnbull getting the media attention there's an election on.

TONY Abbott has signalled a cautious approach to media ownership reforms, saying he doesn’t want to pit rival broadcasters against each other."

How this fits in with upcoming leader Turnbull is not made known.
Turnbull is not an up coming leader what drugs do you take ?
Somebody should tell Turnbull that!

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:12 pm

LucasTheInnkeeper wrote:
DaS Energy wrote:Abbotts not letting Turnbull get away with look at me, here's another for himself.

Don't worry about Qantas and Abbott not being able to ensure safety, jump on a jet, you know you want to. Ok then don't I've got my face up and Malcolm's has not.

"Prime Minister Tony Abbott is encouraging Australians to keep travelling despite fears terrorists may have been behind the disappearance of a Malaysia Airlines plane."
So a possible terrorist attack in Malaysia and we are to stop all travel :rofl get a grip old boy.
I reckon Abbotts under the beds will be next. :rofl
Tell Abbott he's the one doing all the talking. Say anything just don't let Malcolm get his face in the media more than oneself's. There is a leadership spill coming!

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 4:45 pm

Clean green electricity only if it has Coal back up! Get rid of the renewable energy fund Coal has to be bought by somebody. I can if the senators let me. Abbott Government onward for the people. Turnbull's making his move, Abbott not wanted anywhere near WA during elections! WA liberal Party is not party of Abbott nor wants to be! Abbott having Greg Hunt exercise his Sovereign power and steal for himself property that belongs to all, just so Coal don't suffer completion. Go go Abbott and his Coal-ition. Even they can see the writing on the wall.

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:39 pm

Tony's turn, not going to let Malcolm get in front in the look at me stakes.

TONY Abbott has signalled a cautious approach to media ownership reforms, saying he doesn’t want to pit rival broadcasters against each other"

Malcolm's back in the morning! Not going to let Tony have last look at me !

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 6:49 pm

Abbotts on a roll. Just cant stay away from the media our Tony. Look at me look at me look at me, any time Malcolm appears I will three times more! Kevin taught me how to be a leader!

"Abbott wants flight speculation to end.
Updated: 18:26, Monday March 10, 2014

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:16 pm

"Kevin never taught anyone how to be a leader as he has never been a leader himself.
Kevin Rudd was the poor excuse they came up with to try and be their leader as there was no one. Kevin Rudd is and always will be a simpleton idiot"

Our Tony has not come to realise that yet, hence he a Kevin clone right down to the six o'clock news slot!

DaS Energy

Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 10, 2014 7:27 pm

"Keep smoking your weed son Mr Abbott is nothing remotely like that little weasel."

Your absolutely right, besides death and taxes Kevin gave something's to the people, Our Tony and his Coal-ition are pure take giving nothing back in return except lye's and deception.

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Re: Turnbulls on the move.

Post by Neferti » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:57 pm

Why do the leftards like Malcolm Turnbull?

I think he has a head that looks like he was dropped from a height when he was a baby. Apart from being a "wet" he is pathetic to boot.

He could, perhaps, consider changing sides and becoming the ALP Leader for the next Federal Election. Then we would really know, wouldn't we? :yahoo

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