Election 2013

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Re: Election 2013

Post by Rorschach » Sun Aug 04, 2013 6:16 pm


Just saw the first of Labor's new ads... :roll:

What evs Kev has been rabbiting on about no more 3 word slogans :rofl :rofl :rofl

I think the Labor campaign is called THE NEW WAY or A NEW WAY

wait for it
wait for it...

Yep a 3 word slogan. What evs Kev should have consulted the advertising gurus.
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Re: Election 2013

Post by Mattus » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:04 pm

It's on. An intense month of fear, loathing and boat people. I'm looking forward to it. I'll actually be in Canberra in late August, though I suspect all the action will be elsewhere, I do wonder what the vibes will be that close to the demon's nest.

I suspect it will end with Kev in tears one way or another, but I think he will run a good campaign.

Can you imagine Joolz giving us the lowdown on the economy? Of course she wouldn't do it shed have given it up to swannie. it would come off like the local IGA bogan explaining the trade deficit. Professor Joolz she is not, Kevin pulls it off though. Very prime ministerial. If he can keep it positive and stay cool under pressure, it could end up being a close fight.

And if that doesn't float your boat, at least we have palmer in for the light entertainment. He is all over the tv in WA and I imagine QLD too. Do you get much of him in the rest of the country?
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Re: Election 2013

Post by Neferti » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:10 pm

Kevvie's giving us a New Way to do what?

According to the ReachTEL Poll taken today, Tony Abbott is now the Preferred Prime Minister ... :yahoo

http://www.reachtel.com.au/blog/7-news- ... -4august13

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Re: Election 2013

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:14 pm

Rorschach wrote:Ha-ha!

Just saw the first of Labor's new ads... :roll:

What evs Kev has been rabbiting on about no more 3 word slogans :rofl :rofl :rofl

I think the Labor campaign is called THE NEW WAY or A NEW WAY

wait for it
wait for it...

Yep a 3 word slogan. What evs Kev should have consulted the advertising gurus.
A New Way to spend twice as much of your money, then tax you for more.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Election 2013

Post by Aussie » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:19 pm

And if that doesn't float your boat, at least we have palmer in for the light entertainment. He is all over the tv in WA and I imagine QLD too. Do you get much of him in the rest of the country?
Yes, locally only at the moment.

I live right in his Electorate, (Fairfax) and tomorrow night, I'll be attending a function as his Guest.....well, that's not entirely true, because the tight arse would not shout the accommodation, even though I did get a pretty decent discount. But, I will be drinking his grog, eating his food, even at the same table as he, and I will also pick up a birthday gift for darko.

I'll report back on that.

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Re: Election 2013

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:37 pm

I hope he fucking eats you.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Election 2013

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:39 pm

Better make sure Clive doesn’t eat all the food on the table :roll :bgrin

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Re: Election 2013

Post by Rorschach » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:19 pm

Monk will be jumping up and down about this one... :lol:
Abbott ahead as Rudd calls Sept 7 election
* by: By Paul Osborne, AAP Senior Political Writer
* From: AAP
* August 04, 2013 8:12PM

LABOR is heading into the federal election as the underdog as Prime Minister Kevin Rudd tries to take the lead on the economy and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott focuses on stability.

Just over five weeks since returning as leader, Mr Rudd visited Governor-General Quentin Bryce on Sunday to seek a September 7 lower house and half-Senate election.

"It's on," he declared in a letter to ALP supporters. At least he didn't say game on :roll:

But Labor faces a tough battle to retain government after six years, two changes of prime minister and a federal budget forecast to be in deficit for at least three years. Typical labor

The first opinion poll of the campaign, conducted by ReachTEL for Seven Network, gives the coalition a 52-48 per cent two-party lead over Labor while Mr Abbott has a 1.8 percentage point lead as preferred prime minister with 50.9 per cent. Could it be the other polls were just WRONG...

Mr Rudd declared he was a "stronger person" since the June 2010 coup against him by Julia Gillard's backers and had a clear plan for the economy. yet still cannot do a chin up without help. :rofl

"Who do the Australian people trust to best lead them through the new economic challenges that lie ahead?" he said, echoing the 2004 election war cry of former Liberal prime minister John Howard. can't even come up with something original. :rofl

Mr Abbott asked whether voters wanted "three more years" of Labor internal division and economic mismanagement. No thanks Tony.

The real question was: "Who is more fair dinkum?" Oh dear What evs kev will have to use the sauce bottle to top that one. :rofl

"We will scrap the carbon tax, we will get the budget back under control, we build the infrastructure of the future, and we will stop the boats," he added.

Labor starts the election with 71 MPs, while the coalition has 72 in the 150-member lower house.

The ALP needs a net gain of five seats to govern in its own right, while the opposition needs four.

"You, the Australian people, know me pretty well - warts and all," Mr Rudd said. More like warts and selfies.

"I would be deeply honoured to serve you the Australian people and the country into the future." Ah but would we?

The government's latest economic update - which projected a $30 billion deficit for 2013/14, a rising jobless rate and falling revenues - was the stark proof of Labor's mismanagement, Mr Abbott said.

"This was a massive admission of failure," he added. Except What evs kev can't bring himself to admit it.

"If you can't manage the budget, you can't run the country."

The opposition leader promised also not to negotiate with crossbenchers or minor parties should the election end in a tie as it did in 2010.

Nationals leader Warren Truss, whose party holds 12 seats and is running 35 candidates in all mainland states and the Northern Territory, said regional Australia deserved better government. yep

"Voters will decide whether our country continues down the familiar dead-end road of debt, deficit and dysfunction or takes a new path to progress and prosperity," Mr Truss said.

Australian Greens leader Christine Milne, whose party is aiming to retain the balance of power in the Senate and hold on to its sole lower house seat of Melbourne, said voters should send a message to the "old parties". I'd like to send one to the Greens... GO AWAY!

"We have our eyes firmly fixed on the big issues ... protecting the environment, building a caring Australia and creating a new diversified, innovative and low-carbon economy," she said.

The September 7 election date means a planned referendum to recognise local government in the constitution won't go ahead - to the disappointment of local government groups.

But the timing also means Foreign Minister Bob Carr is likely to take Mr Rudd's place and attend the Group of 20 leaders' summit in St Petersburg, Russia, on September 5-6.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/na ... z2azubvjys" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Election 2013

Post by Jovial_Monk » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:20 pm


As a community service, I present to you the 10 rules of election sanity.

Rule No.1 : Consume all news you want, then file it under “curiosity”. Watch commercial nightly news & listen to drive time radio newsbreaks

Rule No.2: Newspapers aren’t nearly as important to shaping public views as newspapers and their owners like to think they are

Rule No.3: No one has ever discovered a person that has changed their political mind because of something they read in the Op-Ed pages

Rule No 4: TV Panels are only watched by rusted on tragics or people that decide their politics independently. When one is on, go for a walk

Rule No.5: When you hear or read commentary saying “voters are thinking….” – it’s almost certain to be complete and utter bullshit.

Rule 6: Internal or sophisticated campaign polling – Those that know don’t usually say, those that say don’t usually know.

Rule 7: If you’re reading this, most things that happen in a campaign that anger you won’t actually matter outside of the political bubble

Rule 8: Journos are people too. If they write or say something you don’t like, it doesn’t make them arseholes. That happens independently

Rule 9: Judge stuff not on the basis of whether you like it or want to believe it or not, but on the basis of its accuracy and intelligence

Rule 10. Important.Politics is filled with weirdos, media more so. Remember to laugh, if for no other reason than *because* it is so serious


Re: Election 2013

Post by kevin457 » Sun Aug 04, 2013 9:24 pm

Aussie wrote:Set for 7th September. (Would be great if at least this Thread stayed clean of abuse, please.)

Saturday September 14.

http://www.aec.gov.au/about_aec/media_r ... 01-30a.htm


:roll: ....

But who knows, Labor could have changed leadership several times by then.

:lol: Next batter up..... Showbag Shorten?

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