Mantra, it's a fact that when Work Choices legislation was before the High Court all the Labor states ran dead.
Rather it was Tony Abbott and Kevin Andrews who opposed the legislation right from the beginning.
Something about their believing it would interfere with family values, or some such other.
Yet, Labor die-hards continue flogging this dead and buried horse, all the way to the polls, election after election.
And why?
Because thats all they have on the coalition, 'fearmongering' oh, apart from spreading their other vicious lie about Abbott being misogynous.
Labor are desperate, and they know that the truth of the matter is they are what will be dead and buried come next election.
Perhaps we should start judging Gillard in accordance with Paul Keatings legislation?
Mantra, would you like to know what Australians thought of Paul Keating?
Read the following article then read the comments at the bottom. ... 6517704127