Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by mellie » Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:11 pm



No wonder she wanted to re-intruduce compulsory student unionism along-side Bob Brown... :thumb

She and Bob Brown have more in common than we first thought it seems.

Carpet munchery asside.


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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by Mattus » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:02 pm

Gee, that doesn't look at all photoshopped.

Edit: Well that took all of 15 second of hard research :roll
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Big Bird

Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by Big Bird » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:40 pm

Welcome to your audience, Mattus.


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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by mellie » Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:57 am

Interesting parallels between her and Bob Brown though don't you think?

I wonder if she's been communicating with aliens also.


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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by mantra » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:18 am

Bob Brown forming a government with Labor had to do with his ideals - not Gillards. I doubt they have anything much in common. Brown answers to himself - Gilllard answers to a higher power - the world order. Brown might talk about being part of a world order or global democracy, but certainly not the one currently installed.

It has taken him many years to toughen up - but this is probably his last hurrah and he's taking advantage of it.
THERE are two Bob Browns. One is the horse trader politician. Yes, he's radical on certain issues and fires up with rhetorical passion at the merest mention of the Murdoch press.

But he cuts tough bargains with Julia Gillard and understands, when it suits his party, the very pragmatic concept of support in return for concessions. He can twist arms and use numbers with the best of them.

He'd be appalled by the comparison but in Brown there's a touch of Brian Harradine, that other great Tasmanian barterer who used regularly to extract pints of blood from John Howard. You can almost imagine Brown with a whiteboard in his kitchen marking down what the Greens have already won from this government they help prop up, and what they have their eyes on.

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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by mantra » Thu Apr 05, 2012 6:22 am

What a joke this Craig Thompson saga has turned out to be. After a 3 year investigation a report citing a total of 181 breaches has been sent to the DPP who now claims he hasn't the authority to investigate. What was Fairwork doing for the last few years? We all assumed their report would lead to charges being laid.

Unless some agency or organisation decides to press charges -Thompson could walk away without any penalty. The ACTU is making noises about a criminal investigation - but it is just talk. They've been in a position for a couple of years to do something about it.

These corruption proceedings have become a farce and will go nowhere. Thompson no doubt will recover quickly from his stomach ache and return to work.
Fair Work Australia had referred a report to the DPP this week containing 181 breaches of the Workplace Relations Act that it wanted the office to consider, including 76 potential criminal charges. But the CDPP turned FWA's three-year inquiry into a farce last night, saying it was not an investigation agency.

"It does not have investigative powers and is not able to conduct a criminal investigation," the CDPP said in a statement.

"In order for a matter to be assessed as to whether a prosecution should be commenced, a criminal investigation is conducted and a brief of evidence prepared and referred to the CDPP."

Mr Thomson has been accused of misusing $100,000 on his HSU credit card, including paying for prostitutes, which he has denied. ... 6319052498" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by Bart » Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:07 pm

Gillard has dictated to Fair Work not to release their findings to the public, and told Fair Work to delay and delay as much as possible.

End result will be that Thomson will be found to be a crook and will get evicted out of Parliament but most likely the voters will boot him out first.

The useless Governor General should step in and boot Thomson out, but she won't due to her own conflict of interests, being Bill Shorten's mother-in-law.

What it all boils down to is that the Gillard government is an illegitimate government being kept in power by the Governor General!
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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by mantra » Sat Apr 14, 2012 7:22 am

They've convinced Michael Williamson - another allegedly corrupt HSU leader to resign as a decoy. He was exposed just recently with a union credit card issued by a part-time employee - where he spent $30,000 a month consistently for years. This comes on top of a salary of $500,000. This bloke had family and friends working for the union - all on obscene salaries.

While the heat is on Williamson - it's taken off Craig Thompson and the government. If the unions believe this will appease the general population they're mistaken.

I doubt we'll hear much more about Thompson, whose tummy ache seems to be getting better.

I can quite understand Howard's attempts to emasculate them now. Some of the poorest people in the country pay $600 plus in union fees annually - yet where do the hundreds of millions go which are collected from them each year.
The union's national secretary, Kathy Jackson, agreed at a Melbourne news conference yesterday that her own salary of $270,000 a year was ''obscene''. She blamed Mr Williamson for setting ''vastly inflated'' wage figures for executives within the HSU and said she would be happy to take a substantial pay cut.

Nepotism and corruption within the union is being investigated by Ian Temby, QC, who was appointed by the union last year to carry out inquiries in the wake of allegations of wrongdoing raised by the Herald last September.

Mr Temby's report is unlikely to be handed down before June as he will be overseas throughout next month.

Apart from Ms Irvine, Mr Williamson's brother Darren is the union's recruitment and marketing manager, and his son Chris receives a union salary as well as the use of a union-owned warehouse in which to run his private business.

His close friend Cheryl McMillan is the procurement manager, and her daughter and niece also work at the union.

Mr Williamson's refusal to co-operate with Mr Temby's investigations, along with allegations that Mr Williamson has been putting $30,000 a month on a secret credit card attached to Ms McMillan's personal account, has led to Ms Jackson calling for Mr Williamson to be charged with gross misconduct at the union's forthcoming council meeting, due to be held on April 30.

The Herald revealed this week that Mr Williamson had been using a black Centurion American Express card, a titanium invitation-only card for customers who put more than $250,000 a year on their American Express cards.

Ms Jackson is also demanding that Mr Williamson face internal charges over the $400,000 for ''secretarial services'' the union has paid to Canme Services, which is registered in the name of Ms Irvine's sister, Julieanne, who is married to Mr Williamson. Ms Jackson said Mr Williamson had never disclosed his family's interest in the company.

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Skull Cap

Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by Skull Cap » Mon May 14, 2012 5:58 pm

This is an exemplar on the point. Please view how Windsor explains the position so well. ... ideoindex5" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Craig has a sore tummy and cant attend school this week

Post by Neferti » Mon May 14, 2012 7:16 pm

Skull Cap wrote:This is an exemplar on the point. Please view how Windsor explains the position so well. ... ideoindex5" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Don't use big words when you have no idea what they mean. Windsor also has absolutely No Idea either. What a bumbling idiot he turned out to be.

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