Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

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Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

Post by Bart » Mon May 07, 2012 6:47 pm

Amazing how the media have silently retreated over the ALP's Bob Carr's accusation that James Ashby is at fault for being the alleged victim of a sexual assault from Peter Slipper.
"This Ashby seems more rehearsed than a kabuki actor''.

Yes blame the victim Bobby, alleged or not! :thumb
Imagine the outcry if the alleged victim were female! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Women...if they had brains they'd be men

Skull Cap

Re: Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

Post by Skull Cap » Mon May 07, 2012 7:33 pm

There is much more to this than meets the eye. See this link. ... jan-horse/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

It seems that the accomplished Mal Brough, a potential contender for the seat currently occupied by Slipper, has been involved, and has lied about his involvement. Why would he lie? It seems he has, and that might be politically expensive.

It is worth noting that Brough lost his South East Queensland seat of Longman to a well rehearsed young man who has his rhetoric down pat. It is also of interest that he was very outspoken in opposition to the merger of the Liberals and the Nationals in Queensland, a merger now proven to be a politically outstanding success.

He now seeks LNP endorsement for Slipper's seat in Fisher. He has every reason to be active. I also recall he was an acolyte of John Howard who endorsed the failed Brough 'intervention.'

Will the LNP endorse Brough in Fisher? It is arguable that if they do, they may be delivering up another Slipper.

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Re: Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

Post by mantra » Tue May 08, 2012 6:07 am

Last heard - Mal Brough was CEO of a massive mining conglomerate and exploiting the aborigines that he so magnanimously claimed he was protecting while he was a minister in the Howard government. Now he wants to return to politics. Add Clive Palmer to the mix, who allegedly wants a seat in the lower house and you have a dangerous mix. You would have to be crazy to vote for the Coalition next year.
It seems that the accomplished Mal Brough, a potential contender for the seat currently occupied by Slipper, has been involved, and has lied about his involvement. Why would he lie? It seems he has, and that might be politically expensive.
Mal Brough has never appeared to be the person he claims to be. His own personal interests have always come first. Although Slipper should be booted out because of his alleged dishonesty - I can't see what the fuss is about these text messages to James Ashby. These sort of sexual advances seem a very petty issue and it's obvious they've been blown way out of proportion. Ashby shouldn't be doing the job he is if he can't handle the rough and tumble rhetoric of drunk politicians.

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Re: Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

Post by skippy » Tue May 08, 2012 8:46 am

I can't see what the fuss is about these text messages to James Ashby
Its a coalition set up, so far Brough and pyne have been outed as involved, phony tony will be next,and that will be the end of him.
I've read the texts, it just looks like a couple of lovers exchanging texts, Ashby even flirts with Slipper in them, this will end in tears, for ABBOTT,when he's exposed as the lying turd he is.

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Re: Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue May 08, 2012 9:24 am

Dream on skip, you fag loving lefty piece of shit.

Gillard is dead in the water and not one of the rest of the turds in the Liebor party is willing to step up and drink from the poisoned cup

Enjoy the decades of conservative rule
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Re: Bob Carr Blames Victim for Sexual Assult

Post by Mattus » Tue May 08, 2012 12:07 pm

This Slipper creep is an LNP MP. How the fuck did this end up being an ALP problem?

How on earth has the party of Evans, Keating and Richardson ever allowed itself to be played like a mug, like a fucking cripple by the party of Hewson, Peacock and Reid. Too busy watching their back for the daggers that they mortgaged the government to buy a toxic asset like slipper. They own it now. Where is the strategy? Bob Ellis must be choking on his whisky sour. Abbott must be the best used car salesman to walk the earth.
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