I don't support GetUp (in spirit) and was unaware they attract govt funding, but I have been sent emails containing some of their campaign issues in the past, making it perfectly clear they are a lobby group.IQS.RLOW wrote:You should be scathing of just about all NGO environmental orgs as they are nothing but lobbyists ..the difference is that they also bolster their coffers from leftwing govts
You only have to look at Getup as a labor govt funded propaganda machine
That is truly disgusting in a democratic society
IPA on the other hand refers to itself as an 'institute' and while their method of persuasion is completely different to email campaigning, they are not open an honest about their motives.
I don't care if one org or the other is left right or purple, I am only concerned with whether any of them present/portray themselves accurately. Being innately cynical, I tend to trust no one.