Possum discusses Newspoll "Issues" poll

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Jovial Monk

Possum discusses Newspoll "Issues" poll

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:37 am

http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollytics/20 ... mportance/

Every three weeks Newspoll polls people about what issues are important to them. The latest report has come out and Possum discusses and charts it.

Would you believe the economy is held to be important by 80+% or people? I wonder why! Oh dear, the mighty Lieberal party has fallen, now neck and neck with the ALP on who is best to manage the economy! And the trends will soon see "better economic manager" with the ALP way in the lead.

On the next three important issues the ALP is a mile in front and pulling away rapidly!

How long has Talcum Allbull got left as Leader? (or will Bishop be sacrificed & pushed out of Shadow Treasurer? That would cause even more strife in the Lieberal Party!)

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