U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

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U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

Post by IQS.RLOW » Wed Apr 20, 2011 9:14 pm

...and nothing but a socialist soapbox

These are the same useless fucks that are responsible for the IPCC and insist that carbon dioxide is now a 'pollutant'

http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/04/18 ... z1JtoWIWwA
U.N. Prepares to Debate Whether 'Mother Earth' Deserves Human Rights Status

United Nations diplomats on Wednesday will set aside pressing issues of international peace and security to devote an entire day debating the rights of “Mother Earth.”

A bloc of mostly socialist governments lead by Bolivia have put the issue on the General Assembly agenda to discuss the creation of a U.N. treaty that would grant the same rights found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to Mother Nature.

Treaty supporters want the establishment of legal systems to maintain balance between human rights and what they perceive as the inalienable rights of other members of the Earth community -- plants, animals, and terrain.

Communities and environmental activists would be given more legal power to monitor and control industries and development to ensure harmony between humans and nature. Though the United States and other Western governments are supportive of sustainable development, some see the upcoming event, “Harmony with Nature,” as political grandstanding -- an attempt to blame environmental degradation and climate change on capitalism.
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Re: U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

Post by lisa jones » Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:13 pm

At some stage we're going to have to come to terms with the fact that if we don't collectively give a damn about our environment .. then we're permitting and inviting global genocide.
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Re: U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:11 am

lisa jones wrote:At some stage we're going to have to come to terms with the fact that if we don't collectively give a damn about our environment .. then we're permitting and inviting global genocide.
Oh for fuck sake... what has this hedonist self gratifying feel-good bullshit got to do with saving planet earth?

I suppose we will have to fund another feel-good day in it's place to satisfy the UN insatiable appetite for tokenist pointless UN point-scoring penny pinching... surely they must be running out of coloured ribbons by now.... what color ribbon with they flog for Mother Earth day I wonder?

Isn't the whole notion of "Mother Earth" a tad yesterday (and sexist) for an empowered fallopian new world order?

I'm surprised they haven't screamed reverse discrimination against themselves and preceded to remove the concept of "mother" from the planet earth.
United Nations diplomats on Wednesday will set aside pressing issues of international peace and security to devote an entire day debating the rights of “Mother Earth.”
A bloc of mostly socialist governments lead by Bolivia have put the issue on the General Assembly agenda to discuss the creation of a U.N. treaty that would grant the same rights found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to Mother Nature.

Treaty supporters want the establishment of legal systems to maintain balance between human rights and what they perceive as the inalienable rights of other members of the Earth community -- plants, animals, and terrain.
We fund these imbeciles to talk about pseudo politics for idiots who cant actually make important decisions... I mean ...never mind the fact that the ass has fallen out of the global economy, and we a gearing up for WWIII... I hope they all get crushed by the white elephant in the room.

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with these people, have they gone mad?

Smoking too much weed?

Fruitopian basket cases... back to the 60's we go... what next, burn a bra for cancer week?
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Re: U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

Post by mellie » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:33 am

A new addition to the DSMIV criteria, 'envirocentricity' ...because this is exactly what it is.



Ok, nurture the environment, but really, is this socialist penny-pinching political opportunism really necessary?

Why are these environmentalist movements/groups (fast becoming a church in their own right) almost always linked to organisations with commercial interests in continuing to exploit our planet's resources?

Take the UNs Carbon-tax ... and how mining corporations themselves stand to advantage from expanding in mineral exploration, and mining even more environmentally toxic than carbon?

Why have the Greens not spoken up about the deal Gillard negotiated with BHP's CEO in exchange for their corporate backing of a fascist UN hatched Carbon-tax designed to 'shape' (skim) our economy to their autocratic socialist globalist agenda?

ecotourism, is there nothing they haven't sucked the life out of industry wise, this and advantaged from inconspicuously themselves?

http://destinet.eu/tools/fol703514/fol4 ... el-tourism
~A climate change denier is what an idiot calls a realist~https://g.co/kgs/6F5wtU

Jovial Monk

Re: U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:25 am

Hear hear Lisa, heartening to see there are Libs with an awareness we are all travelling in Spaceship Earth!

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Re: U.N confirms they are irrelevant...

Post by Super Nova » Sun Apr 24, 2011 7:55 am

A bloc of mostly socialist governments lead by Bolivia have put the issue on the General Assembly agenda to discuss the creation of a U.N. treaty that would grant the same rights found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to Mother Nature.
This is one the silliest things I have heard of. The Earth is not even close to a human being so why have the debate. I think we need to start doing something to protect the planet from humanity except that we are part of the planet. We evolved here (at least after the alien arrival of DNA) and are a part of the planet.

We need to discuss how we ensure we have a viable environment for us to survive. If we gave the planet human rights we would have to kill ourselve to fulfil it. Human rights must include rules against being force to carry paracites that bread out of control, consuming you completely leaving nothing but shit behind so you to become a lifeless shell. Shit the only way to prevent that is to legislate the termination of humanity.

Fu.ken clowns. You would think the wars going on would have priority.

The UN will go the same way as the League of Nations.

We should form something worthwhile like DAISNWID League containing only the most powerful nations and the biggest despots. (Do A I Say Not What I Do League)

Then we cpould get on with the business of running the world from a single dictatorship.
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