Today in Parliament

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Jovial Monk

Today in Parliament

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Nov 25, 2010 6:34 pm

I missed QT because I was out, but today the Fibs really plumbed the depths of childishness and hopelessness (as in, they are totally fucking hopeless) as this quote from PB shows:
On the car radio i heard that the nbn will fill the view with unsightly cables, ruin my nature strip and end life as we know it.

Crean sets Pyne up beautifully! Shows Pyne at opening of school hall funded by BER!

One idiotic Lib saying the nature strip will be dug up (“and ruined!”) while another equally idiotic Libs is saying the NBN will be unsightly cables hanging from power poles! And guess what! They just finished discussing a Bill for the separation of Telstra, one result of which is that NBN Co can use the pits, tunnels and conduits Telstra has dug. No digging up the nature strip, no cables overhead. Ah geez, it doesn’t get much sadder than this!

Joana gash was worried the NBN would ruin the lawn!

In the Senate the Libs were basically throwing tanties and dummy spits. No grace in defeat there! Their antics just mean they will be sitting tomorrow and maybe even Monday. I guess they hope and hope Mr X or Fielding might change their mind. Not much chance of that, especially after the Libs have spent a fair bit of time slagging off Mr X and the christian fool, way to go dickheads, NOT!

None of the Libs are even mentioning the structural separation of Telstra! Gee whizz, it is soemthing they should have done before privatising it!

So Tuesday Parliament is done for the year. Lib idiots go home, spend Christmass with the family, wake up in the New Year screaming “How the FUCK did we lose the election! Oh my gawd, Labor has achieved a major reform, the NBN will go ahead and as people start talking about the vast speed it offers and the cool things they can do with it everyone will want it and they will tell us to go get fucked!”

Then the niggling thought will come “Abbott hasn’t really achieved anything, he lost to a woman despite all the Murdoch press and ABC did for us, despite Labor’s woeful campaign. Next election they will slaughter us!”

So Abbott’s days as Leader are numbered, question is who to replace him.

Turnbull? Has a lot of history, Rainmaker scam and the Gretch conspiracy of the faked email. No judgement. If elected, will likely let the NBN go through. That will benefit him financially.

Hockey? Ummmmm nah, a lightweight buffoon!

Andrews? Nah

Robb? Hmmmm not exactly Mr Charisma

So who could they turn to? Get Howard back in Parliament? No, tho he might be up for it.


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