Labor overlooks Oz company for solar project

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Labor overlooks Oz company for solar project

Post by IQSRLOW » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:11 pm

Where's skippy? He is one of the tards constantly saying that if we move towards the shitful greeny based things and carbon taxes etc that "Australia would be a world leader" and can "export technologies to the world" :roll:

This show that he, along with all you other teary eyed greeny fuckheads have no clue and carbon taxes or an ETS while the rest of the world does nothing will kill the Australian economy.

Read it and weep tards, and this is the Labor govt shafting the Aussie company. Well done fuckwits ... ion=justin
The Federal Government has come under attack for failing to include Australia's only domestic producer of solar panels in a Commonwealth tender.

The $1.5 billion Solar Flagship program is committed to building up to four large-scale solar power plants in Australia.

But Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) spokesman Tim Ayres says Australian company Silex was overlooked and the Federal Government has chosen overseas competitors instead.

"This company is going to be a successful company into the future but this is an important opportunity to use a Government program to deliver for Australian manufacturing," he said.

"The great risk is climate change policy won't lead to leading edge manufacturing jobs - if we're going to be a country that makes things these sorts of opportunities shouldn't be missed."

Mr Ayres says Silex was overlooked because it could not compete with overseas competitors on cost.

The AMWU estimates the contract would have delivered 250 direct solar manufacturing jobs and that the Commonwealth needs to kick-start domestic providers, instead of looking to competitors like China and the United States.


Re: Labor overlooks Oz company for solar project

Post by Ethnic » Fri Jul 23, 2010 1:09 am

Moving forward, working families, blah fucking blah. Liebor hates Australia and always has.

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Re: Labor overlooks Oz company for solar project

Post by mantra » Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:14 am

Silex might be branching out into solar panels, but their focus is nuclear. There has been controversy surrounding this corporation for years and they come under many different disguises - including uranium enrichment. There have also been problems with their careless disposal of nuclear waste.

There is a big question mark beside them. They recently brought the assets of a liquidated company Solar Systems for a measly $2 million, yet can't meet the same standards SS gave. They want the government handouts but haven't proven themselves successful in this area of technology.
Promises of $75 million from the previous federal administration under its Low Emissions Technology Demonstration Fund have been tied to the achievement of project milestones, “none of which have been met,” says the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism.

The Victorian Government has promised $50 million but nothing has been released.

Expect further negotiations with federal and state governments. The federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism says that money for the 145MW Mildura plant is contingent on the successful completion of a 2MW pilot project.
Silex says
“We’ve had preliminary discussions with the Victorian Government and the Federal Government on the Mildura project funding and feedback is quite positive,” says Dr Goldsworthy.
“We understand from those discussions that, subject to us submitting ourselves to the same terms and conditions and key milestones for progressive funding, that that funding would still be available to the project.”

But to reach this goal, Silex must finish commissioning the Melbourne production facility.

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