Congratulations Julia Gillard.

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Re: Congratulations Julia Gillard.

Post by punk » Sun Jun 27, 2010 2:05 pm

Sappho wrote:I do hope she is good at her work and not merely good at attaining power.
why would she improve now ... 7560031175

From frying pan into a self-built quagmire

Prime Minister Julia Gillard built a bastion of Labor policies that secured Kevin Rudd's extraordinary downfall, now her greatest danger is falling on her own sword.

JULIA GILLARD is right to accept responsibility for some of the more politically damaging decisions of the Rudd government.

Fair enough, too.

New deputy prime minister Wayne Swan should also take his share of the blame.

Because the simple fact remains that Gillard and Swan, even more than the former prime minister himself, largely drove the two single most damaging initiatives of the Rudd government. They are the decisions to effectively jettison the emissions trading scheme and to implement, without genuine consultation and negotiation with the mining industry, the resources super profits tax.

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