Ambit claim yadda yadda yadda. Talk tough yadda yadda yadda. Introduce class warfare yadda yadda yadda. Give some ground yadda yadda yadda.
Big oops for Kruddy, it hasn't worked out quite how he planned. Polls weren't supposed to dive so quickly and with his political capital all but spent, this will see him claw back a few points but he is already poison for Australia and the economy. ... 5878145058
THE Rudd Government will announce major changes to its proposed resources super profits tax today or tomorrow.
The changes will go some way to meeting the general objections of the mining industry.
They are specifically aimed at helping coal seam gas projects in the key battlefield state of Queensland, where the coming federal election will be won or lost.
The changes might be aimed at splitting the industry, so the Government gets sufficient support to enable it to go to an early election in August.